1. May-September. Part 1: Thunderstorm
  2. May-September. Part 2: Dark Horse

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“I'll fire you,” said the director, looking at the ceiling.

- Who will you fire: me or the chandelier?

- clowning? - Director complained to the ceiling. - Again? In the university clowning, then clowning ...

“Dare, pa-I-ya! ...” - started Koloskov.

- Stop !!! - Director shvarknul papers on the table and turned his pink face to Koloskov. - You're in the director's office! I'm your boss! Please call me by my patronymic and you!

“Yes, Mirzakarim Abdullayevich,” said Koloskov defiantly.

- So! If you think I'm kidding, then you jump! I didn’t take you here, clever man, so that you could be clever here! Today I went and voted for “Freedom of Choice,” understood? Will we still have to spoil the relationship with the sponsor! ... Understood or not?

Koloskov was silent.

- Understood or not ?!

Koloskov was still silent. Then he got up.

- Avdantil Dormidontovich. Your high esteem ... You can react to this in the way your abilities of a big man allow you. I can not deprive you of such pleasure. Don `t get bored without me.

He turned and walked out of the office, swooping behind the door on someone's shoulder.

- Oh, she, she! - shouted shoulder.

Cursing, Koloskov straightened his glasses.

- Lopakhin! What are you, a barricade here hired, or what?

- Alex Pa-Alych! I almost killed, damn ...

- Damn - this is what came out of me when I stumbled upon you. To eavesdrop is not good!

- I did not overhear! I ... Are you being fired?

- Here you go, Lopakhin, to our Zeus Perunovich, and influence him so that he does not put me in the backside with his knee. You have a liking for me ...

Lopakhina stared at him with black eyes. Koloskov gritted his teeth and darted up the stairs.

“Ten minutes to class. I will have time to smoke, weave the psychos out of my head ... Damn, and this is probably my last lesson in this school ... "


In class, he was sarcastic than ever. The people fell silent, feeling that the historian was not at ease. Lopakhina was not there, and Koloskov had already managed to sound a few witty assumptions about this when she finally entered the classroom, drooping like a deflated ball.

- What, Lopakhin, meeting of the secret box was delayed? The decision on the third world managed to take? Let's sit down already ...

She sat down silently, looking at the floor. Koloskov was surprised:

- Miracles. Lopakhin does not bite. Shos died in Lici, as they say in Poltava ... So. Okay, the orcs, ears on the tops, feathers in the hoof - and we write: "The main reasons for the industrial revolution in England ..."

Zhenka Lopakhina was an absolutely intolerable maiden. Koloskov called her “my Intolerance”. She always loomed in front of her nose, always yelled, uttered, got up, she was always too much, and Koloskov had to think about her more than about others. He would prefer it not to be. The intolerance was his headache, he was eating out his brain, like a small, handsome vampire, and Koloskov kept her on the eternal deuce in behavior. Surprisingly, while she managed to learn well.

She was beautiful, Koloskov could not help but admit it, but inwardly resisted her beauty, did not agree with her, because he could not allow the enemy serious virtues.

“This is not the beauty that will save the world,” he thought. “This is a sensual, bestial beauty, the beauty of a young and clever animal.” In Zhenya there really was something from a pretty beast — some black-faced fox, or a panther, or a horse with a sleek fur and shining eyes. Tall, large, black-eyed, black-browed, with an oval face, so cute that everyone looking at her smiled and winked (“grows, they say, such a miracle Yudo”), with a shock of fluffy hair, with desperate Ponta and kookon She frightened Koloskov. Sometimes it seemed to him that a young kicker mare with a pink bow in the mane was launched into the classroom.

She couldn’t spoil her cuteness even with tons of cosmetics and wild outfit. Once she appeared, having painted her bronze mane in a red color, and Koloskov could not stand it:

“You should have painted your face in light green, Lopakhina.” In the tone of your blush. Harmony is needed in everything, do you understand?

- And you, Alexey Palych, are you like the coolest stylist in the area, right?

- I am the type of the most evil in the area of ​​the teacher. Sit down, two by behavior.

- But I am young and beautiful, and you, damn, old and envious, la-la-la ...

The next day, however, Ryzhina disappeared without a trace. Koloskov did not know how it happened - whether the paint was unstable, or whether Eugene repainted back - and, of course, did not try to try.

Her manners were not distinguished by sophistication. “Morons”, “freaks”, “bitches” and “handanes” fell from her tongue into the topic and not into the topic; there was a materok - not under Koloskov, true, but when he imperceptibly declared somewhere near.

“Culture,” he thought, “is without which neither beauty nor knowledge. All down the drain - and eyes, and fives. All the same, inside the market ... "

But today she was completely silent.

Surprised, Koloskov even asked if she was feeling well, and then called to the blackboard, “to cheer up.”

Zhenka answered, as always, well, though sluggishly.

Having received her five, she sat at the desk and sat there as an invisible woman, for the first time in her life left without a deuce in behavior.


Two weeks passed, and no one dismissed Koloskov. He still went to work, still led lessons, signed on the card, met the director in the corridors, and he nodded majestically to him - “I welcome you!”

“Maybe someone sbrehal Ouda Gorilych that I went to vote? No, then he would not deny himself the pleasure to stroke me on the head, like an obedient little Bobby, ”thought Koloskov.

The stranger has changed since that day. She stopped bullying him, but suddenly became gloomy, like a cemetery angel. “Why am I surprised? - thought Koloskov. - Ninth grade, difficult age. Everything is okay".

Once on Saturday, he came to pick up the controls he had forgotten in the classroom.

Sunset was burning, and Koloskov turned to the gap between the trees that surrounded the school to look at the sun. Next was the director's window. Passing by, Koloskov heard a stifled moan, in which he recognized the voice of Goblin Trollevich.

He bent down the top of his head, sneaked under the window and stuck his glasses in a corner of dirty glass, free of curtains.

The office was lit by the sunset light, like a searchlight. In the center of the fiery rectangle stuck a hunched figure of the director. On his knees in front of him stood a naked girl and sucked his dick.

It was a stranger. She moved her head like a machine gun, without passion and without disgust. Her plump, fully grown breasts poked their noses at the director's feet, and he crushed them with thick fingers, looking at the ceiling. Zolotnye sun gleamed in the women's hair, making them almost the same red, as at that time, and the body, tinted sunset, turned gold, like an orange.

Koloskov rooted to the window, looking at her face, beautiful, not expressing anything, as if she was standing in a line or riding the subway. Her eyes were open and looked straight ahead into the thick directorial bushes.

Pulling, Koloskov ran to the entrance.

Having flown along the corridor, he stalled near the office of the Male Zherebtsovich and opened the door. Of course, locked up.

He wanted to jerk again, but suddenly changed his mind. Quickly, while no one saw, he rushed to his classroom, for some reason he locked the door behind him, sat down at the table - and cracked it so that pencils fell from there.

Ten minutes later, he watched through the window as Lopakhina left the school and went home, hunched, softened, as if she were carrying a heavy backpack.


Surprisingly, he was terribly hurt for her. “We need to save Durynda,” thought Koloskov, “but how?”

During the lessons, he treated Zhenya, as with the most malicious of the “orcs”: he reproved lack of culture, vulgar look and arrogance, although Zhenya had not been brazen for a long time. The more he baked her, the more she closed in on herself. She began to speak quietly, without addressing anyone, she became ...

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