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and began to torment her between the folds, vibrating with her finger in the sticky groove, so that Karina would cum at the same time as he, but he could not stand it and swelled with an unbearable stone, and grew, and burst, and poured out the fountains of bitter boiling water, and collapsed on Karina, and fell into her body, and burned from his warmth, from the sweet sweetness of her skin melted into his skin, and nuzzled into wet hair, dying from their smell ...


For two days, Victor Evgenich called Karina, probably fifty times, and as many, she told him. The reasons were very different, but neither he nor she said a word about what happened at his home.

Before dialing it, Viktor Evgenich thought every time - “what if she is busy? all of a sudden I call her too often? ... no, I will wait for a pause and call back later "- and every time either there was not enough patience, and he grabbed any occasion sewn with white thread, or Karina herself called him and said -" Victor Evgenich, excuse me, I probably already completely got you ... "" No, no, well, what are you saying "- he answered, and they talked about something for five or seven minutes. Then everything repeated from the beginning, and Victor Evgenich thought - “how long he doesn’t call! offended? tired? and why should I call her all the time? let her call! I can’t be stubborn! ... “- and again, again, dialed her again, or ran to the phone, rejoicing like a child if it was she, and cursing if someone else called. “But you were not enough,” he was angry when some innocent friend, colleague or relative called him ...

He madly wanted to see her, but he did not dare to organize the shooter (dimly guessing that she did not decide the same way) and considered the hours until the next lesson.

The long-awaited classes were painfully and absurdly. Karina came in the same cherry dress, made up brighter than usual, but Viktor Yevgenich didn’t have enough strength to say something to her about it, and he developed the integrative tendencies in modern society, advised, persuaded and taught, and still could not work from this tone, and he bit his lips, feeling how the distance between him and this busty beauty grows, with which he tumbled in bed two days ago, and now she, dazzling and inaccessible, looks at him with bewilderment, and all because his damn helplessness.

When the lesson was over and she left the audience, head down, he closed his eyes and casually threw:

- Yes, you're coming tomorrow? Pose?

The joy that flashed on her face gave him no rest for the rest of the day, and he gnawed himself for the cheerful "bye-bye" and for this whole foolish lesson.

In the morning, when he opened the door for her, she looked at him with such hope that he did not understand how he leaned forward and held her close to her, clasping her shoulders.

“Good morning, my model,” he said to her in the same joking tone, and she sniffed around his shoulder.

Deciding, he kissed her head. Then - in the forehead, in the temple, in the wet cheek, in the wings of the nose ...

After a minute, Karina kissed her naked, kissed from head to toe, rubbing her eyes, trying to save her makeup, while Victor Evgenich blew her petals of her pussy and crumpled her buttocks like rubber balls.

- Maybe ... close the door? She asked in a trembling voice.

“Let's go,” he hugged her and led her into the room. - Come on, my model. I have a surprise for you.

He had never been so terrible - even on the defense of his candidate - but he firmly decided to go to the end.

“Yesterday you were a little shy, and today we will see ... an inspirational film,” he said, looking at her carefully.

Karina played so that Stanislavsky himself would say "believe."

- Film? Which one

- And now we will see. Only we will look at him like this ... come here ... - he drew her to him and sat her on his knees.Karina sat awkwardly, with her back and legs clamped (“here's the actress, as if she had never sat like that”), Victor Evgenich hugged her chest - and clicked a button.

- Learn? He asked hoarsely.

- Lord! - Karina gasped, leaning forward.

“Aha! Aha! ”- Victor Evgenich smiled bitterly. He was desperately sorry for Karina, and he was waiting for a confession of repentance - but Karina jumped up from his knees, ran up close to the screen, as if it was better seen, stretched her neck, peering at her twin, sucking two hefty dicks - and repeated: - Lord. .. Lord ...

- Learn? - repeated Victor Evgenich.

- Yes. - Karina turned her face to him, all in tears. - Where did you get this?

- Bought on the layout.

- What, is this ... sold everywhere, huh?

- Of course. What did you want?

- I? ... I do not know. I knew ... I talked to her ...

- With whom?

- With Marinka. I knew that she was in all this ... but could not even think that she ... And where, by the way ... oh, what are you ...

Karina's eyes widened to half his face, and Victor Evgenich felt his heart sinking right into his stomach.

- Wait. What is Marinka? He deafly asked, even though he understood everything.

- Sister ... And you thought that ...

- What I thought, I thought. Sister? What kind of sister? Are you twins?

- Yes ... that is, no, that is ... we are just very similar. She is older than me by a year. We were confused, we even ... she went to school instead of me ... For money. And the voice is like mine ... Only the eyes are different: I have brown, she has gray-blue ones ... We were called like that ... And you ... as you might have thought that I ... though. .. I understand everything, of course ...

Her sobs mingled with the moaning moans of the speakers. Viktor Yevgenich stared at the monitor, trying to determine the color of Karina-Marina's eyes — she was taken off in a golden crimson light, and it was not easy — then she turned her gaze to the unfortunate Karina:

- So, not you?

It sounded like an idiot, - but paradise music played in it, louder and louder, and his heart soared from the stomach straight to heaven ... - Not you? Not you? NOT YOU? ... Lord, Karinka ...

He suddenly jumped up from the chair, clapped his mouse, knocked out the moaning birds, ran up to Karina, hugged her - and began to repently kiss and stroke her in all places at the same time:

“What happiness ... Karin ... Lord ... Forgive me, forgive me ..." he muttered, licking her like a watchdog. - How could I be so mistaken in you, my pure, bright girl, my joy, my miracle ...

Affection swelled in her throat, infecting Karina, and she responded to Viktor Evgenich, for the first time hotly kissing him - with force, from the heart, butting her chest and shoulders - not excitingly, but impulsively grateful, with sobbing and hugging.

Every minute they became more and more inflamed, smearing each other with saliva and tears, feverishly wrapped themselves around each other, as if they wanted to grow together with their breasts and stomachs, and violently licked furiously, not knowing who was licking whom and where; clothes seemed blasphemous, and with Viktor Yevgenich rags flew like leaves from an autumn tree — and he, naked, wrapped Karina with his hands and feet, enveloped her in her body, and she wrapped herself around him in the same way, waving a sticky pussy into his thigh, and licked him frantically, with a sweep, looking into his eyes and laughing with tenderness.

Very soon, their bodies were themselves blinded in the necessary configuration, and somehow it just happened that Victor Evgenich was already deep inside her and passionately fucked her, without stopping licking and hugging; (Especially for - Karina snorted under him, choking him with kisses, wrapped her arms and legs around like a monkey, and hung on him, pressing her chest into his chest, and they both laughed and mumbled some nonsense and sucked each other's lips like fish and scrubbed each other with nails and rolled on the floor ... A lump of tenderness swelling, bursting at both bodies, swelling and bursting, and bitter tenderness was pouring out of them with licks and tears, streaming out between the legs, melting tickling geyser, bitter-sweet, like a tongue licking tears ...

“I ... forgot ... a condom ...,” croaked Viktor Evgenich, when I could speak.

- In my? - mischievously smiled Karina.

- No ... outside ...

They laughed, and Karina, pink and happy, climbed onto his chest.

- Fight! - She said, butting him.

- Hello!

- In my opinion, I ... in my opinion, it was an orgasm.

- In my opinion, too.

They laughed again.

- Karin! Are you ... not sorry?

- What do you mean! I ... can I be honest?

- Well?

- I really wanted to. Long.

- Eeeeeee ...

- When you got carried away with me, I ... I didn’t know what to do.

(“Aaaaaaaa! ... so she guessed? ...")

—... I consulted with my dad, and he said: “Do not take the first step. Be what will, just do not go on the rampage. He is apparently a good man, just be careful, okay? ”I obeyed and suffered. But very soon it became unbearable. I imagined this! ..

("And she, too?! ...")

“... I tolerated it, and I could not bear it. And so she seduced you, her beloved teacher ...

- Wait. How is it "seduced"? Did I not you ...

- Well, I asked for a pose? So she was seduced, ”said Karina, with a look of a child who is aware of the brunt of the theft of jam.

Victor Evgenich blinked. Then he pushed her onto himself and squeezed to the crunch, saying, “You are my wonderful miracle ...”

Karina gratefully snuffled and kissed his eyes.

- Lizuha you! And admit: long lost your virginity?

- Oh ... Well, you ask this ... For a long time. In a school camp on the sea. Was there such a boy Zhenya ...

- Boy Zhenya? So boy Zhenya? - Victor Evgenich menacingly repeated about the boy Zhenya, kissing Karina on the nose, on the lips and on the eyes.

Little by little they began to caress again; Karina slid off him, and he kissed the back of her head, burying her nose in the roots of her hair, then went down below, on the velvet back, which she bent like a kitty ...

Suddenly he backed away.

- What? - turned Karina, back feeling the tension.

But he was already smiling:

- Nothing. Nothing. Just dizzy.

“Are you ... all right?” - Karina took his hand.

- Yes, yes, do not worry ... And you know, Karin ...

- Yes?

He paused.

“But posing is not just a trick for ... for ... I really really want to draw you.”

- Yes? - She smiled to the ears.

- Of course. Therefore, my model, let's work out a pleasant morning ... For work!

- For work! - naked Karina jumped up, shaking her breasts, and gave him honor. - Let's do carinocartine together!

... This time it was arguing, so much so that Victor Evgenich grinned with excitement and thought - “but it’s a pity that the new carino pattern is no longer lit up like that. There will be more subtleties in it, and the color is more pleasant, and not just the bare libido ... ”

“Sorry, I'm not seeing you,” he told her at the door. - Coursework like shit. I will sit until the morning ... Although - I lie. I spend. I spend to the subway. Is going?

“Ideas,” she fooled. - It goes in person! and not somewhere, but to the very metroooooo ...

Returning, Victor Evgenich stood for a long time in the corridor, looking into the darkness.

Then he went into the room, turned on the light, turned on the computer, splashed into a chair with a swing ...

When the computer was loaded, he opened the ill-fated video and began to clap arrows, looking for the right frame.

Finding it, he climbed into the menu and increased the scale. "Achdi-quality" was bad, and a mosaic of cubes-pixels appeared on the screen.

He stared at her for a while, then leaned back in his chair.

- Karinka-Marinka-Marinka is mine. In the garden, the Marinka berry ... - he started, then he fell silent.

“Marina ... Of course, she really is. It may be that she behaves that way. But...

Or Karinka is the greatest actress of all times and peoples, or I am an suspicious maniac ... or her sister has birthmarks on the left shoulder blades, the same as a copy-paste ... "- he thought, looking at the ceiling.

  • September 1, 2013 13:12

    You are just a master :) For all the points - “yes”, so I voted. Thank!


    • Rating: -2
  • September 1, 2013 13:20
    Show hidden comment

    And it turned out a quarter;) I joke.The main thing is not this :)


    • Rating: -13
  • September 1, 2013 13:23

    From one person + on all points - this is aerobatics :)) There will be more pluses, I'm sure.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2013 13:47

    I am fascinated again by your story! Thank you - for the plot, intrigue and for the fact that everything is so tasty and juicy written.


    • Rating: 1
  • September 1, 2013 15:35
    Show hidden comment

    Autumn is a juicy time :) Thank you.


    • Rating: -15
  • September 1, 2013 14:23

    Gorgeous !!! beautiful!!! Continue in the same spirit


    • Rating: 2
  • September 1, 2013 15:08

    Do not throw stones, but I so wanted a bad ending in this context: (Even to the point of trembling! But the author didn’t change himself and made quite a good happy ending. Thank you: D


    • Rating: 1
  • September 1, 2013 15:34

    Hello! It is here that the ending and awry. Fuck knows - whether Evgenich has flies in his head, or Karina plays his favorite teacher, like a dog :)


    • Rating: -1
  • September 1, 2013 16:04

    As always liked. Thank you, read and love all your creations. I look forward to new works. 10 points. :)


    • Rating: 2
  • chelavekus (a guest)
    September 1, 2013 16:36

    it seems that all komenty from one man ... and the story ... normal, but no more)))))))))).


    • Rating: 3
  • September 1, 2013 17:11

    But not less? ;)


    • Rating: 0
  • chelavekus (a guest)
    September 1, 2013 17:36

    no less, but no more ... but it is necessary to think over the comments, refine)


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2013 17:48

    Who needs? :)


    • Rating: 0
  • chelavekus (a guest)
    September 1, 2013 18:18

    Who writes)


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2013 17:18

    Not who is this imaginary little man, but ... I guess who is hiding under the nickname chelavekus.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2013 17:54

    In fact, the word "chilavecus" is written in "and".
    (Not to be confused with humans: they are completely different species, like land and guinea pigs)


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2013 17:57

    * pigs, certainly.
    Something seczitesles got into the habit of swallowing nipadetski letters.


    • Rating: -1
  • Cherkasy (a guest)
    September 1, 2013 17:31

    And this is like on litportals :)))) A good author, recognized, stands out among the general shit thoroughly :)))) And so that he doesn’t make it — ingenious, good or mediocre - everyone carries bouquets and sings “hallelujah”. Alas! - and ST - no exception, it seems. And the tales are really so-so. Man has a stopitsot times better.


    • Rating: 1
  • September 1, 2013 17:49

    By the end of the holiday, you can afford a small degradation;)


    • Rating: -1
  • Cherkasy (a guest)
    September 2, 2013 20:17

    Oh, bohi, minus already :) :))) Similarly, litportal. In the worst sense of the word. Only squats and no criticism :)) One thing pleases: the author seems to be adequate :))
    PyS Do not forget to comment this comment :))))))


    • Rating: 4
  • September 4, 2013 17:29

    Restore justice maaly little plus.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 1, 2013 17:23

    I will say one more interesting stories and not that I apologize drochevo that write youngsters


    • Rating: 3
  • September 1, 2013 23:43

    The youngsters are not what they do not write, they don't even read it. They only watch it. The story is great, but lacks a pinch of debauchery, even a little. I read excitedly, but did not even stand up. I understand if the author is not interested, well, and so MASTERPIECES.


    • Rating: 1
  • September 1, 2013 23:59

    What about porn? Not a pinch? :)


    • Rating: -1
  • September 2, 2013 0:33

    I mean, the topic of sex is not disclosed with all its details. And the plot (with porn) no complaints at all.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 2, 2013 0:54

    No, really, for some reason I did not get up ... Although from the previous ones - like a bayonet !!! Not enough energy has been invested, apparently. However, it is interesting and so. Thank!


    • Rating: -2
  • September 2, 2013 0:56

    No, really, for some reason I did not get up ... Although from the previous ones - like a bayonet !!! Not enough energy has been invested, apparently. However, it is interesting and so. Thank!


    • Rating: 0
  • September 2, 2013 1:33

    I knew that the girl's story turned out :)


    • Rating: -1
  • September 2, 2013 1:36



    • Rating: 0
  • Mayr (a guest)
    September 3, 2013 14:49

    Well I do not know. I never seem to be a girl, but I cast a story. Although I will probably give my wife a read, she will probably like it))


    • Rating: 0
  • Upsarin (a guest)
    September 1, 2013 17:41

    For some reason, from the very beginning I was sure that the girl herself was not on the disk.
    good story.


    • Rating: 3
  • September 1, 2013 17:53

    To be honest, I really want to see something in the style of "Night". Or whatever the exact name is, I hardly remember.


    • Rating: 0
  • Chupacabra (a guest)
    September 2, 2013 7:11

    Chic story! The hand of a professional))


    • Rating: 2
  • chelavekus (a guest)
    September 2, 2013 8:11

    professional hand?) professional drochera?) you can pry on komenty, especially upsarin) he was once an aspirin)


    • Rating: -1
  • September 2, 2013 8:54

    And the opposite tendency can be traced in the comments of chilavecus: soon there will be a garilus :) No?


    • Rating: 0
  • September 2, 2013 8:14

    “Karina’s smiles piled up in his eggs” - just shine!


    • Rating: 4
  • Eugene (a guest)
    September 2, 2013 11:57

    H. P. romantic, who did you expose there? Share, do not torment! And then the revived shadow of the author wanders around the site - some kind of horror ... By the way, thanks for the recommendation. I read “Nochka” on your tip - a very vivid story, it was worth it.
    Mr. Cherkasy, and what story do you tell, better than “Nude” in “stopitsot” times? I would like to read and compare.
    I also wanted to say to the disgruntled critics: you reminded me of the multi-purpose housekeeper Kuzyu with this statement: “I want something ...”. And the cat reasonably answers: "Belt-y ...".
    I think the author of those who are far below their slats will never write. And “Nude” is no exception.


    • Rating: 1
  • September 2, 2013 14:41

    My observations are always with me.


    • Rating: 0
  • Cherkasy (a guest)
    September 2, 2013 20:20

    Twelve Moments from the Life of Lera K.
    PyS Ms.


    • Rating: 0
  • September 2, 2013 21:32

    Wonderfully written!


    • Rating: 2
  • Eugene (a guest)
    September 3, 2013 13:23

    I reread Leroux with pleasure. Yes, you guys, just gourmets: eq on lyrics you fall in! However, it is worth it ... And yet, can not be "Nude" is 100 times worse. Why rush to extremes?


    • Rating: 0
  • September 3, 2013 13:29

    "Lera" is really better. But "Nude" fits more conveniently into the format of the site. I was very surprised by the success of "Lera".


    • Rating: 0
  • Michel (a guest)
    September 6, 2013 10:57

    Delivered 10, but rather by inertia. Past stories (2013) were much stronger, or just want your complete creations from your creations ... the ending is interesting, for this special thank you ...


    • Rating: 1
  • September 6, 2013 12:54

    So, the data convincingly show that Human is clearly degrading in terms of imperishability, but just as clearly progressing in terms of the market ... :)


    • Rating: -1
  • Liebe (a guest)
    September 10, 2013 23:47

    The data are inconclusive, because everything is very subjective and relative. Let us wait for 10-20 years, and there it will be possible to talk about incorruption by the fireplace :)
    The story is great.


    • Rating: 0
  • Chimera (a guest)
    September 26, 2013 18:49

    Maybe these stories for someone are not intact, but I have a page with the author’s stories in bookmarks and separate stories in a separate file copied ... well, so, to read it cleanly for the mood)))


    • Rating: 0
  • Fairy (a guest)
    September 30, 2013 22:14

    Yes, a story for girls. And we like it!


    • Rating: 0
  • October 8, 2013 12:09

    Congratulations to the author with 1 place! Your "Nude" listened to a lot of criticism and now deservedly bathes in the rays ...


    • Rating: 1
  • October 9, 2013 23:56

    Thank! Let him bathe in peace - laundering criticism :)


    • Rating: -1
  • October 8, 2013 17:50

    Scorching ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Michel (a guest)
    October 10, 2013 11:47

    Congratulations! I hope the new story will take first place in November :)


    • Rating: 0
  • yavin (a guest)
    November 3, 2013 19:03

    Read with pleasure! ten.


    • Rating: 0
  • Krokss (a guest)
    November 21, 2013 17:07

    Thank you very much for the beautiful texts, for the good language, for the meaningfulness, for the purity of the genre! ... Your works - the best that was on this site for all time! (personally my opinion and perception)


    • Rating: 0
  • December 3, 2013 13:09

    Great story))) In my opinion, everything is very normal. And what is there who is not clear that the film is also Karina. Yes, and the professor is not a fool))))))))))))))) For me, everything is so super. Perfectly tied and the ending is gorgeous. And he is not so girly)))), just guys have brains at least work, and then all the blood will run off in a different direction))))))))))))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • December 3, 2013 14:27

    Not sure that everything is so elementary, and in the film simply brehlivaya Karina. I think there were some muddy machinations. Well, for example, Marina specially drew herself this mole (she will become from it). Or ... or both of them there :)


    • Rating: -1
  • December 3, 2013 14:36

    You are the author, you know better))));) How many endings are already)))))))) you can finish yourself, as you like)))) And most importantly, there is no Marina there)))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))) Anyway, Karina is there)))))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • Ellie (a guest)
    July 9, 2014 10:17

    I am a girl, but “I did not get up”))) But, I read it with pleasure. I knew at the beginning that there would be a speech about my sister) Thanks to the author, I read the fourth story. Opt for each other, but the turn comes to everyone)


    • Rating: 0
  • Ellie (a guest)
    July 9, 2014 10:22

    I am a girl, but “I did not get up”))) But, I read it with pleasure. I knew at the beginning that there would be a speech about my sister) Thanks to the author, I read the fourth story. Opt for each other, but the turn comes to everyone)


    • Rating: 0
  • Beast (a guest)
    September 10, 2014 0:18

    And people seriously with this drags? XD How scary to live ... Well this is ... some kind of banter))) No, I do not want to offend the author. I generally understand the authors in everything, but ... Well, okay)) By the way, I climb here for inspiration for my story, but I realized that very few people can surprise here)


    • Rating: 0
  • April 5, 2015 0:20

    Author, you did not think to try yourself in something more than writing small stories? For example: a novel or a novel?
    P. S: really like your writing style.


    • Rating: 0
  • Vladd (a guest)
    April 8, 2015 19:31

    Thank you for a rather peculiar storyline and even though such relationships are not unusual, but the writing technique and rich vocabulary noticeably distinguishes you, dear author, from many! I would like to read more of your creations!


    • Rating: 0

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