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the pope. A hot stream of whitish liquid hit the satin white skin. But I continued to slide a member between her round buttocks, now covered with my sperm and her juice, enjoying the last moments of unearthly pleasure.


We were lying on the bed. The sheets were crumpled, our bodies covered with each other's juices, and our hearts beat in a frantic rhythm, still not moving away from insane passion. Svetlana was looking at me, and I felt that she wanted to ask something. And even guessed what it was. And really wanted her to ask. To ask why I wanted to please her? To ask why I went out without finishing it? I wanted to answer that I do not give a damn about the consequences of this random sex and that ... But what the difference!

When we lay for about fifteen minutes and finally came to our senses, the girl only asked dryly:

- Do you have a shower here?

I just nodded at the door, next to the one that led to the office. Svetlana got up and went to wash. It was probably worth it to go along with her and continue to caress in the shower. It was worth gently stroking her white skin, breathing in the smell of fragrant soap, but that would be completely ridiculous.

I waited for her to come out and only then took a shower himself.

- Now can I go? - without emotion asked the girl. She sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to wash. She did not dress, apparently assuming that I would demand a continuation. Or...

I looked at her clothes, piled up by the bed. The blouse is torn, the straps are cut off at the bra, the tights (Brrr ... what the hell did she wear them?) Broke when I pulled them off. “It seems that even the“ lightning ”did not survive communication with my hands,” I thought, looking at the somehow incorrectly unbuttoned skirt.

“My guys should have already taken the disk out of the storage room,” I began thoughtfully. - If everything is ok, call your brother, let him grab new clothes for you and pick you up.

“I don’t want him to come here,” Sveta quickly replied.

“Don't worry,” I grinned. “Boys don't interest me.”

She pursed her lips irritably and defiantly wrapped herself in a sheet. Apparently, she did not like my joke.

I went to the office. One of my guys was waiting for me there.

- Chef, we opened the cell, that's what it was.

He handed me a small bundle.

- What's inside? - I asked.

“I don’t know, we didn’t open it,” my assistant answered, a little surprised.

Is logical. You never know what's inside. Well, how do you know something extra? And they need it?

I ripped the wrapping paper. To my surprise, there was no disk inside. Inside was a telephone.

- What does this submission begin again? - I asked irritably.

The guy just shrugged. Like, his business is small, he does not climb into my views. Well done. Goes far.

Not understanding what was happening, I returned to the bedroom, eager to find out from Sveta the essence of her brother's humor. Imagine my surprise when I did not find Sveta. But I discovered an open balcony door.

“Damn it, how I was bored with these undeveloped spies!” Indeed, jumping from the balcony turning into a sheet and reaching the people in tears to ask for help - is this not in the spirit of the genre? ”I thought. The fact that the house is surrounded by a two-meter concrete fence with video surveillance on the perimeter, the girl did not seem to care. Or forgot in a fit of passion. It's good that it's not night in the yard - at midnight, the guards release the dogs. Could and nibble the girl.

Cheeeeert! I suddenly woke up. What time is it now?! After all, we've been tumbling for a long time! I ran back to the office and looked at the clock in the corner. Five minutes to twelve. Grabbing a walkie-talkie lying in a drawer, I contacted the guard:

“The entrance is the Chief. Do not release dogs. On the territory of a stranger. Take safe and sound! How did you understand? Welcome! ”

“You got it!” The radio responded. - “Do not let the dogs out, comb the garden, deliver the detainee to you.” Welcome! ”

“Well done, got it right. I am waiting. Hang up! ”

I put the radio back in the drawer and sat at the table. Some kind of crazy evening. What will happen next?

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang. Not mine, but the one that I got from the convolution. I automatically answered:

- Hello?

- Listen here and do not be silly! - answered me a male voice. - Your disk is with me, and you cannot reach Sveta anymore. Because you offended her, the rules of the game change. Now you will give us a million dollars in cash, and we will give the word that we will not disclose compromising information.

Yo-mae! Do they have this, family? Together in childhood did detectives watch? Why did he decide that I offended her? Of course, it happened ambiguously, but how did he know?

Stop! I suddenly realized. Here I go to the shower, bring myself up. The water is noisy, I can not hear anything. Light in the bedroom. And next to the office. And there is a handbag with her phone. The office was probably empty - the guys do not have the habit of sitting there idle. The guy who was waiting for me just came in for a minute and did not sit there all the time. So my friend called her brother? And she said that she was all right? Why did it happen? Oh yes, I forgot - honest girls, fleeing the villain's lair always get help. That is the law of the genre.

- Hey, are you silent? - Muttered the tube in my hand. - I do not understand what?

And what am I, really, silent? People want to play, so let's play! After all, it was not enough for me one sexy swindler, now her bydlovaty brother rolled up!

“Ok, I understand you,” I did not argue. - Let's quickly solve this issue. Tomorrow by morning, call me back, I will tell you where you can take the money. We will work the same way through the left-luggage office. I will tell the place, the cell number and the code. You will take the money from there and dump it with my sister from my life. OK?

- We need cash money! - he said.

Damn, what an idiot ?! What is he talking about? Is he growing in another country?

- What else is the money? - I asked.

- Well ... - Sergey hesitated. He did not expect such a question. - I do not know ... There are any checks or stocks.

Yes, blah! Right now, I’ll give you Gazprom shares especially for you and put them in a box!

Already with difficulty, suppressing laughter, I replied:

- Good. I understood you. One million dollars. Small used bills. So it will be better?

- Yes, thank you, so! - happily agreed Sergey. Apparently he forgot about this law of the genre and now sincerely rejoiced at my ingenuity.

- Ok, agreed. Call tomorrow at ten in the morning, ”I answered, and hung up.

I wonder what kind of world people are born in? They even do not get angry! That would be adequate blackmailers with real threats and human brains - they would have already fallen in the ditch with an excess of lead in the body. And even it is a pity to kill these! Well, what is the threat from them? But Svetlana! That's because bitch! But I tried my best, I thought, I would appreciate my step towards a truce! Well, it's my own fault, now hold on!


Svetlana was brought in about fifteen minutes. She was hiding behind some bushes. Trying to sneak unnoticed to the fence. Unfortunately, the sheet, in which she wrapped herself, caught on the thorns, Sveta cursed, the guard heard and rushed to check. Light spotted them and ran away. Naturally, without a sheet - she remained on the bush. I strongly suspect that they could have caught her much faster - a ten healthy men to catch up with a naked girl running through bushes and lawns are not a problem. But how could they deny themselves the pleasure of driving a naked beauty in my garden? I presented a picture of Sveta running through the trees, squishing her bare heels on the wet grass, her chest bouncing merrily in time with the run, and the butt sparkling Read more →

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