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.. - her voice was intermittent, she gasped slightly. - You are an idiot ... Anyway, in half an hour you will let me go ... The more you do now, the more I will demand from you ... You will not risk it, I know ... Let go of ...

She seems to be more convincing than me. I looked at the girl's chest. The left nipple, which I had just tormented, was severely swollen, turned red and looked three times larger than its right neighbor. Do not order! Nipples should be the same. ”

- Ahhhh! - squealing beauty, while I mocked her second breast.

Her face was flushed, her breathing trembled, and beads of sweat appeared on her skin. But she still hoped to hold out at the right time and make me pay for all the suffering. Interestingly, she now feels like a heroic spy? One that heroically transfers everything and comes out victorious? No, really dear! This alignment does not suit me at all!

I went to the table, took a cigarette and lit it.

“Why are you so mean?” - I asked. - After all, it is clear already that nothing good will end for you. Why mock yourself?

Svetlana was silent. “Damn, she's still beautiful!” - I thought, looking at the girl. A beautiful face, though spoiled now with a grimace of suffering. Luxurious body. How rare are women who combine chic forms and the absence of excess weight. And how short is the period of their beauty! Now I was even glad that everything happened. After all, if she had not got into this scam, she would not have sat in front of me, and I would not have admired this divine breast and long legs. And I would not think what and how I would do with this body in a few hours.

Yes, perhaps it's time to quickly finish things and go to the pleasures. I do not like to combine interrogation and sex. Rape as torture is somehow gone. And ineffective. I know for sure. Checked.

I threw the ashes in the ashtray, looked at the cigarette butt smoldering in my hand and went over to the girl. Taking her breast in my hand and lifting it up a bit, I began to burn Svetlana's nipple with a burning cigarette.

- Nooooo! She cried for a moment before the fiery sting of her cigarette touched her skin. - Do not! I beg! I will say everything! All of Sergei, my cousin!

- That would be so long ago! - I am heartily glad that I did not have to spoil her pretty skin. He shook the ash from the girl's chest and accidentally fell on it - because of him, she screamed so much or what? Or imagined that now will experience? In any case, I was pleased by the fact that there were no burn marks on her tender chest. I have never had a fetish for such things.

- Well? - I asked the girl when she came to a normal state of mind. - Will we call my brother, or have you changed your mind?

Sveta looked at her watch — I had about forty more minutes to “convince” her again, and decided not to risk it.

“We’ll call,” she agreed in a murdered voice.

I removed the handcuffs from the girl’s hands, took a cell phone from her handbag and handed it to her.

- Just come on without stupidity, okay? - I asked her frankly.

She nodded and began to call.

- Serge, hello! She began, trying to keep her voice calm. - Yes, everything is fine. Do not worry. I agreed on everything. Leave, please, the drive that I gave you in the storage room at the station. Let the code be 5896. Ok? OK, great! Thank! Until!

I took the phone from her and shook my head. All the same, she could not help herself from cheap cinema cunning.

- Glad we agreed. Now my guys will take the disk and everything will be fine.

- I can go? The young woman asked hopefully.

- go? - I was genuinely surprised. - Honey, you just tried to seriously throw me! Do you think that I do not deserve decent compensation?

Svetlana was silent. Apparently, she had long understood what all was going on, but she still hoped to get out.

- You...- she hesitated, obviously not wanting to say these words. “Are you going to rape me?”

I sighed. No, it is clear that in this situation it is not possible to call it another way, but for some reason I did not like that she said it that way.

- Let's call it moral harm compensation? - I suggested. - You understand that I can not leave such a trick with impunity. But I can offer a mutually pleasant option.

Judging by Svetlana’s face, she had her own opinion about “pleasantness”, but she didn’t say anything.

I took her hand and led her into the bedroom adjoining the study. The girl did not resist, but walked like a somnambulist. Having sat her on the bed, I finally pressed my lips to her bare chest. Mmmmm ... How I wanted to do it all this time! Licking and gently nibbling on her nipples, I began to pull off her skirt. Naughty lock on the back did not give it to do it, but I soon coped with it. Following the skirt, I pulled off her pantyhose with linen and the remnants of a torn blouse. I once again admired the woman in front of me.

She was devilishly beautiful! Perfect skin that slips like silk on hands, wide hips, heavy breasts. I could admire and admire it endlessly. Damn, how sad it all happened! How great it would be if she now did not lay a motionless doll, and she tried to give me pleasure! And she got it! Maybe require from her activity? I think she will try. That's just it will be completely different.

I stroked her breasts, slid my palms on her thighs, squeezed elastic buttocks. Suddenly, the piquancy of the moment captured me. I realized that I did not caress her for my own pleasure and excitement, which was so much more than enough. I really wanted to make her nice! I wanted to get her! I wanted it to be real sex, taking both partners to paradise, and not the cruel use of her gorgeous body!

When I started to go down with kisses down her stomach, Svetlana was clearly surprised. Such a game is not suitable for the abuser and his victim. But I did not care! I touched my lips to the velvet skin, slid down the smoothly shaved pubis and finally got to the place of interest to me. Carefully, trying to gradually increase the intensity, I began to caress her lips and kiss the clitoris. Being carried away, I didn’t even notice when I began to slide my tongue along it strongly and gently, occasionally dropping lower and shallowly penetrating the vagina. Then I put my finger in there and gently massaged it from the inside, while playing with the girl's clitoris. When I took it out, I noticed with pleasure that it was all richly covered with the juice of an excited beauty.

Rising up, I lay on it and entered with a strong push. Her pussy was hot and wet. I slid inside her, feeling the muscles in her vagina tighten and unclench. I tried to kiss her on the lips at the same time, but ... The girl turned away, not allowing me to. I saw that she was excited, saw that she also received pleasure, but this was exactly what she could not accept and could not forgive herself.

Then I turned her on its side, and hugged. Now my dick slid inside her, with one hand I gently squeezed and stroked her breasts, and the other, slipping between elastic thighs, caressed the clitoris. Such a posture made her even stronger, I felt how a small pea under my fingers was poured with blood, how her muscles squeezed, how excitement filled her pussy with lubricant. A few minutes later, Svetlana squeaked, not allowing herself to moan, and arched herself. I felt how her body was shaking the orgasm, how all her muscles were tense, I saw how my face reddened, half turned away from me. Her pussy squeezed tight, and I realized that I no longer hold back. Not wanting to create unnecessary problems for her, I abruptly left her and pressed a member to her ... Read more →

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