1. Nancy. Interrogation Violence
  2. Nancy. Welcome to the brothel

For questioning, Nancy was called at night. A man entered the camera, pushed her, put a black bag on his head and, without letting her recover, he dragged somewhere along long corridors.

When the bag was removed, Nancy found herself standing in a small room. In the center stood a metal table, behind which sat a strong man of about thirty in the form of a junior officer. A dim light bulb without a ceiling dangled under the ceiling and barely shone, because of which the corners of the room sank in the shadows. But despite this, Nancy saw the figure of another person. He was sitting in a far corner and the light barely reached him, so it was impossible even to understand whether this was a man or a woman.

They didn’t let her look around for a long time - the guard strongly pushed her toward the table, pointing to the iron chair in front of him.

- Sit down!

The girl obediently sat on the uncomfortable seat. The guard grabbed her hands, which she wanted to put on her knees, and stretched out toward the table. On its edge were two strong braces, with which the policeman firmly fastened her elbows to the tabletop.

Now the scout was in an even more uncomfortable position - arms outstretched forced her to lean forward very much and almost to slip her booty from the chair. Her legs and arms were very tense, and the girl understood that she couldn’t sit like that for a long time — she was about to fall.

- Name? - Hardly asked the officer sitting opposite her.

The interrogation began ...

Everything turned out approximately the way Jeanne spoke - she was pressured, provoked, accused of everything she could have been threatened when she refused to confess.

They took up the action almost an hour later, when Nancy was already dizzy from questions, and her legs and arms were numb from an uncomfortable posture so that she could barely feel them.

- Well, since you do not want to help us and you deny everything, you will have to make you more docile! - The officer said, getting up from the table.

With these words, the guard standing behind her all this time, with a sharp kick, knocked a chair out from under Nancy. The girl who did not expect this flopped down on the floor, almost turning her hands.

- Aaahuu! - screamed Nancy from pain in the joints.

- Stand up! - barked the investigator.

Realizing that to argue and actively resist will be harmful to health, the scout rose to her feet. It turned out that she did not immediately - her legs were weakened, and her strapped arms did not allow her to take a more or less comfortable position. As a result, she froze on straightened legs, strongly leaning forward and with her head up, trying to look at the investigator. Imagining herself from the outside, Nancy thought that the pose should look very funny, but for some reason did not want to laugh.

The officer walked around the table and put his hand on the girl's jerked up ass.

“So,” he began, stroking the thin fabric of her clothes, “you don’t want to admit.”

- I really am not to blame! - blinked Nancy, bending her legs and trying not to let the inquiry officer iron her. - It's some kind of mistake!

- Do not you dare! - The officer slapped her hard on the pope and pulled her skirt up the belt, putting her back to the “back to top” position. - You will move when I allow! Clear?

“I see,” Nancy agreed agreeably.

The man leaned over and, holding the edge of the long hem, threw it onto the girl’s back, exposing his steep thighs and tanned buttocks in little white panties.

- Please do not! Said Nancy excitedly, showing that she had only just guessed about his intentions.

- Shut up! The officer snapped off, slapping her bare thigh. - The next words I hear from you should be a confession! For everything else you will be punished!

He picked up the stack lying on the edge of the table and hurt the girl with it just below the edge of the priests.

- Awww! - screamed howl. The blow was much more painful than she would have expected. The rough leather-covered stack left a bright pink stripe on her thigh.

She did not have time to recover herself, when she heard the whistle of air again, and another hip exploded in pain.

- Ahhh! - the girl screamed madly and twitched, trying to escape from the shackles.

The skin was decorated with a symmetrical trail of impact.

“Hmm,” came a cough from a dark corner. The investigator looked in that direction, thought for a second, nodded and put the stack aside.

Grabbing the elastic of her panties, he pulled them down, exposing the most intimate parts of her body. Then he lifted a hand over his leg, gliding over smooth skin.

- Beautiful slut! He grumbled, stroking Nancy's thigh. - The skin is darkish, but his ass is strong and his legs are tucked up. Do you keep yourself in shape so that it is easier to run away from the police?

“I ...” began Nancy, but the officer cut her off again:

- Shut up! Did I not say that I did not want to hear anything except recognition?

He took a step back and, admiring the scout's bare ass, began to unbutton his pants.

- Do not! I confess! - quickly shouted Nancy, deciding that now is the time. - I worked as a prostitute! Served the rich gentlemen! I am guilty, I admit! Please do not need to do this!

The officer looked at her interestedly.

- So, I was right - you really slut! Well, the easier it will be for you!

He grabbed the girl by the buttocks and, with a sharp movement, entered her ...

Nancy raped a few hours. First, she, fastened to the table, was taken by the investigator. It was especially painful - there was no lubrication yet and he just “hammered it dry”. The vagina was burning with fire and by the time when the abuser had poured into her, the girl roared with a full voice. As he himself did not break his bridle and even enjoyed such a process, it will forever remain a mystery to Nancy.

Then she took possession of the guard. From the officer's sperm, his cock went easier, but the size turned out to be too large for the girl. The vagina stretched with each movement, and the head of the penis pressed against the uterus, painfully pressing on it with each sharp movement.

When he finished, the men left the room, leaving the exhausted scout recline-half-hung on the table. Nancy was glad that it was all over, but, as it turned out, too early. The police returned a few minutes later, bringing three more people with them. (Prepared specifically for eroticspace.info — specifically for eroticspace.info) She was put back into position, and fucked three more times. There was not even a word about any condoms or pulling out a member - all rapists ended up at the girl, and after each eruption, the sperm flowed heavily from the vagina and slowly slid down her legs.

When the last of the men was satisfied, Nancy was unfastened from the table and she fell to the floor. The investigator, dissatisfied with this, pulled her hair up and pulled her face towards his sperm-stained dick:

- Come on, slut, bring it in order! - He said, poking his head in her lips.

- Mmmm ... - the girl negatively screamed, without unclenching her teeth and turning her head.

In response, the officer angrily pushed her with her foot, forcing her to fall on her stomach, and reached for the stack.

- quit! - There was a sharp cry from the corner. The man who was sitting there all this time did not take any part in the action and did not even come to light at all. He only watched as five men brutally raped Nancy, not joining, but not disturbing them.

However, his order acted on the investigator as a cold shower — he put the stack down and calmly looked at the girl in front of him.

“I’ll make you do it anyway,” he said in a calm voice.

- Do not be a fool! - the investigator was stopped by one of the joined men. - See, she's crawling. Nibble yet! Do you have a member armored? Or do you carry a spare in your pocket?

The officer thought. I really didn’t want to put my dignity between the victim's teeth - it would be foolish to give her such a good chance to change the sex of the abuser.

“I know what to do,” the guard said. - Allow?

The interrogator nodded and he left the room. The policeman returned with a gag. It was a wide ring on a leather strap with clasps.This ring was put into Nancy's mouth, not allowing it to close its teeth, and was tightly fixed.

- Yes, this is a good solution! - With a smile, the officer said, thrusting his dirty cock into the now safe mouth of Nancy. - Come on, lick it properly!

The scout shook her head and tried to dodge. A couple of slack blows and slaps did not change the situation, and the investigator did not take up the stack. A recent shout of the unknown from a dark corner.

“Well, that’s it,” said the officer, grabbing Nancy by the hair and forcing him to look into his eyes. - Or are you now very carefully lick everything that you give, or our next approach, we will make to your ass! I hope you love anal sex?

Nancy shook her head in horror. She did not let anyone go to her ass and guessed what hellish pain she would get when she was gouging five members in a row.

“So you understand everything?” - asked the investigator.

The girl nodded.

- Then proceed.

After that, she spent about twenty minutes carefully licking the members of the rapists, suppressing bouts of nausea. The taste of blood Nancy realized that this adventure did not pass without a trace for her pussy and the pain that tormented her below would persist for at least another couple of days.

From the efforts of her tongue member of the investigator again stood up, and he was discharged directly into the girl's throat.

- Do not even think of spitting out! - the inquirer stopped her attempt to get rid of the vile liquid. - If even a drop on the floor falls - make the entire floor lick!

And the girl obediently began to swallow a mixture of saliva and sperm. After the investigator, the other men finished in her mouth, each time forcing to swallow the sperm and then carefully lick the penis.

Having finished with oral pleasures, they put a bag over her head and, not allowing her to dress, they took her somewhere else.

Nancy expected her to be returned to the camera, but it was not there. When they reached the destination, the bag was not removed from the head, but instead laid on a hard bed, tied by arms and legs to the corners so that it was crucified like a frog on a medical table.

A few minutes later the violence continued. Someone squeezed her breasts and pinched painfully at her nipples, someone lay down on top and rudely poured into the aching from the pain of the vagina, someone grabbed her ass and tried to put fingers into her anus. Fortunately, nothing more serious was introduced into her anus, and such games, compared to what was happening in her pussy, were not frightening.

After a while, Nancy lost her sense of reality. She did not know how many people had passed through her and how long it lasted. Because of the bag on her head, she did not even see the men who raped her. Only sensations from sharply entering members and roughly pressing hands. At some point, the scout realized that her mind was floating away somewhere and just turned off.

  • December 2, 2012 10:04

    Cool! Waiting for the next story)


    • Rating: 0
  • December 8, 2012 16:25

    mediocre, waiting for the continuation


    • Rating: 0

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