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straightens its shoulders in the global labor market, but already has a certain reputation. Say, what kind of owner of a large company will not give up a pedantically-executive and at the same time perfectly composed and beautiful secretary who can not only quickly and accurately prepare a report, print an order or convene a conference, but also please the eye of her boss? And, what's to confess, she certainly will not mind if he decides to slap her on an appetizing ass, or allows himself to more courageous actions. Neither you have an unwanted pregnancy, nor scandals with stains on clothes, or other problems of this kind.

Well, I got! We urgently need to get out of here, until the guards notice penetration into the building. Surely I will not be happy here. I didn’t even want to think what would happen to me for the broken tank and the clone that had fallen out of it. It costs clearly more than my apartment. In a panic, I turned off the computer, somehow returned all the things I touched to their former places, even wiped the keyboard from my fingerprints. But what to do with the main evidence, which still sat on the floor in a frank pose? ..

- Do you know anything about yourself?

- to yourself.

“Can you not repeat the words after me?” “I squeezed the glass fragments into a single pile with irritation and pushed them into the adjacent tank.”

- Can.

I flinch. The first informative answer of this person.

“Then why did you do this before?” - I frantically swallowed, relieving trembling in the body.

- I study.

- Not the words you learn. They you, apparently, know and understand.

- I study. You did not provide a training course, and I have to at least compensate for something with a lack of knowledge. - At these words she did not move. - Basic knowledge and elementary motor skills are introduced to me at the level of reflexes.

- And what kind of training course? Where to get it?

- Take.

I spat angrily on the floor and began to look around the room again. Soon, I came across a small room, enclosed by plastic film. Behind her was a chair, similar to what usually stands in the dental office, a table and a computer on it. At the head of the chair lay something that reminded me of video glasses from science fiction films. Looks like I found what I was looking for.

Returning to the "crime scene," I was not without difficulty picking up the clone from the floor and taking him or her to the chair. He put video glasses on the girl's head and turned on the computer. Right on the desktop were various folders with names that speak for themselves: “basic course”, “specifications”, “specialization”, “social adaptation”. After reviewing their contents, I found the directory "psycho-modeling and emotional course."

- Well, what do you need to press? - I asked myself.

Why do I need it? I did not understand, because I clicked on the "execute" button before I asked this question.

A long minute later, the girl took off her glasses, and, squinting at the light of my flashlight, covered her eyes with her hand. Previously, she did not.

- Could you not shine in my eyes? Better turn on the light, it's dark and uncomfortable ...

Naturally, I didn’t look for a switch, it could have attracted the attention of the guard. It was not clear to me why video cameras were not installed in such a laboratory. Otherwise, I would have been sitting in the police department for a long time.

I sat down next to her in a pushed chair.

- Did you find out something?

- I'm scared! ... Please take me away or turn on the light ...

So what do I do with it now? Leave here? Where is the guarantee that she will not run out of the building through the door and will not fall into the hands of guards while I climb the ventilation channel? At the exit, they scoop me. We'll have to take her with you, and then think about what to do next.

I regretted my decision when I already caught the girl jumping from the ventilation window, but it was too late.

Huddling in a pretty dirty white coat, prudently pulled out of the laboratory, the barefoot girl struggled to keep up with me. I didn’t go very fast, but the beauty, not yet accustomed to walking, barely went over with her legs. I had to take her hand, so as not to lag behind. She convulsively squeezed my hand, whether from fear, or from cold - still cool at night, even in summer. This betrayed confidence not only to her. Defender's instinct, waking up in me, somewhat reduced the level of adrenaline and added prudence.

Winding through the alleys, we finally came to my two-story house, bought by my father several years ago, when we moved to this city. Heck with a click closed the entrance gate, and we hurried to the porch.

The first thing I did was turn on the lights in the hallway so that my guest was not afraid, and let the water in my soul.

- You need to wash yourself, all smeared like a pig. At the same time and keep warm under hot water. - I gently grabbed her by the elbow and walked to the bathroom door.

- Pig! - The girl giggled and put her open palm under warm jets.

The dirty lab coat of the scientist was carefully folded and placed on the washing machine, while the girl herself, bending slightly, played with numerous streams of water pouring from the shower. God, how beautiful she is! In my sports pants, some processes began again, which soon threatened to become irreversible and very noticeable from the outside. I awkwardly pulled the towel off the dryer and put it on the shelf. Then he quietly opened the door and left. I wanted so much to embrace this girl from behind, while she was having fun with water, clasping her breasts with her palms, leaning against a hard tubercle against her ass and standing so until the end of the world ...

I had some experience in communicating with girls, since my group at the institute was for the most part one of them, but the matter did not reach serious relations, therefore the young and full of strength the body demanded its own.

The kettle gurgled, trembled and slammed the valve. I did not want to drink warm tea from a thermos which I took with me to the supposedly abandoned workshop. (Exclusively for— A little bit more and you can make a fresh and hot drink, but my guest still could not get out of the bathroom, although enough time had passed to take a shower several times without much haste. I knocked delicately on the door, but received no answer. Only the measured noise of flowing water came from her. I guess I blushed when I opened the door to call the girl for tea, but she was not particularly interested. The beauty was almost in the same position in which I left her, leaving the bathroom. She still smiled sweetly, dipping her palms in the shower jet. I swallowed, unable to tear my eyes away from the girl’s over-exciting pose.

- Why aren't you washing? Dirty after all. Look, look how dirty your feet are. And the face.

- This is water! - The girl did not attach importance to my comment. - So soft and warm!

Her eyes struck me like lightning in an open field. The sky-blue eyes did not look at me, no ... they shone and shone with sincere childish joy, as if I had a little girl, whom a kind uncle presented with a large talking doll, a bag of delicious chocolates, a box of ice cream, a pack of movie tickets and a teddy hare in addition.

- Yes, it is water. - It seemed that they injected me with a horse dose of the drug from the ampoule with the inscription “good”, and then added a few more cubes of “care” and “tenderness”.

I raised it and gestured that I had to rearrange my legs first, and then boot my ass on the warm enamel of the bath. Quite accidentally touched the bulging tubercle under the pants of her delightful thigh, but the girl did not notice this. I had to show her how to control the shower, tell you what gel and shampoo are for. Squeezing a slightly viscous greenish liquid from a tube onto a sponge, I ran it over the girl's shoulders and back. She grabbed everything on the fly and did not play pranks like the little ones usually do ... Read more →

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