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Friday morning, December 30, clearly did not work. I almost slept, and I had to run to work, and did not have breakfast, and then, until dinner, listen to a disgruntled rumbling in my stomach. The authorities raged about the failure of the plan for the supply of computer equipment to some company, and I only managed not to fall under the hot hand by a miracle. He ran into his wardrobe and began to intensely depict active work. I am engaged in repairing office equipment and servicing private clients with frequent home visits to especially lazy ones who have no time to transport their broken computers or printers to our office.

About an hour after lunch, the office telephone rang, but no one was going to answer - everyone was busy licking the firm itself, about which our superiors had been distressed since the morning. Cursing for myself about this, I picked up the radiotelephone and, pressing it to my ear with my shoulder, continued to poke around with a screwdriver in the next broken printer.

- Good day. Company "Soft". How can I help? - I welcomed the caller with a memorized phrase.

There was a shy female voice on the phone:

- Hello, I need your help ...

- What can be useful?

I really hoped that my interlocutor would not notice the bored intonation of my voice. People like her call dozens every day.

- I have a virus on the computer, you know ... - It seemed to me, or the girl really is about to cry? - Tomorrow I have the last day of the course, and she is on the computer ... Help, please ...

I already heard a lot of such requests, so with an imperturbable voice I already wanted to offer the girl to bring her system unit to us, but the treacherous feeling of sympathy grew in my chest, and I asked the caller about the address where she can be found. Still, it will take me much less time to come to her myself, than to pack my computer and haul it, perhaps, across the city to us, wait here until the glands from viruses heal for an hour, and maybe more, and then again shove a heavy box home. At the same time it will be possible to earn a little, taking extra money for the challenge.

I quickly threw the necessary programs on the working USB flash drive, grabbed the purse with boot disks and, warning the girls from the accounting department, went to the bus stop.

There was no morning frost, and quite a comfortable number “- 5” was shining on the scoreboard of a commercial bank standing across the road.

Had to go about half an hour. On the way, I listened to the player, made plans for the weekend, thinking that this New Year would have to be met with my parents, and from time to time I looked at the streets of the city, slowly sinking under the snow drifts.

Getting off the bus, I called from a mobile client and clarified the number of the house and apartment. They did not answer the call on the intercom, but the door was opened. The clean and well-maintained entrance of a pretty brick apartment building contrasted strongly with the crap and izrisovannye entrances of typical prefab houses in which I had often been in duty. Looking at my face in the elevator mirror, I went up to the ninth floor and, after a while, I rang the doorbell with the number I needed.

The lock clicked. The heavy steel door opened, and I entered the neat hallway. I was met by a sad girl with swollen eyes. Apparently, she cried for a long time before my arrival.

- Hi, I am Igor from the Soft company, - trying to somehow cheer up the landlady of the apartment, I smiled broadly and asked with optimism: - well, where is the patient? The girl smiled shyly and shyly introduced herself.

- Masha. Let's go to the room, he's there ...

I quickly took off my shoes, hung up my jacket on a hanger, and walked down the hall after the hostess.On the way, I shamelessly admired the slim figure of Masha, emphasized by a white turtleneck and skin-tight jeans.

The room was quite large and comfortable. In the corner stood an expensive computer desk with a large monitor, and on the floor, on a special shelf, there was an arrogant bright yellow system case. Apparently, the owner of the computer did not spare the money for this handsome man. Masha leaned to the floor and clicked the surge protector. The gorgeous ass of the girl, pulled into tight jeans, caused me some thoughts, but I hurried to get rid of them. I sat on a soft chair and, pressing the power button, asked the host of the computer about the circumstances of the infection. She mumbled something embarrassedly, beginning to blush, and when the operating system's welcome window flashed on the large widescreen monitor and completely blushed red. Turning to the screen, I understood why she was so embarrassed by me. On a black background, there was a frank picture, where a beautiful brunette with love and appetite, licked a hefty cock. I guess I blush myself from such a surprise. From the bottom of the photo there was a text with a fairly standard content for such cases: “you were there and there, watching pornography all night, for which your computer was locked, but for a certain amount of money transferred to a certain number, the system will be resumed ".

“I see,” I said calmly, laying out the disks on the table, “now we will try to get this pair out of your monitor.”

I smiled encouragingly at Masha, who, it seemed, didn’t know where to go from shame, and set about my usual work with enthusiasm.

While the computer was being scanned for viruses, I tried to talk Masha. She was a pretty girl and with every second of communication I liked more and more, so the conversation slowly flowed from conversations about viruses and gorgeous snowfall outside the windows, to questions about my personal life. Masha, surprisingly, did not have a boyfriend, and I had a pretty serious chance to finally get a girlfriend.

“Well, that's all,” I said solemnly, showing Masha a desk with documents. - Install a normal antivirus and everything will be fine.

We have already managed to switch to “you”, and the girl communicated with me more trustingly.

- Yes, I bought this morning, I thought it would help, but I could not ...

She pulled a cardboard box out of a small locker. I swallowed convulsively, admiring the girl reaching for the top shelf.

- Install, please, - Masha put the box on the table and headed towards the door, - and I will make coffee for us.

I nodded in agreement. While the program was being installed, and Masha was messing around in the kitchen, I ran through the browser's history log and saw that just before the infection, yesterday after midnight, they went to porn sites from this computer. And, judging by the number of records, viewing was delayed for several hours.

Quietly rustling socks on a soft carpet, Masha entered the room, holding a tray with cups and a basket of cookies.

Apparently, Masha at this very moment saw me opening the page of the site she visited at night. Installed antivirus immediately found a danger, but did not block the page, giving me the opportunity to run a video with a very interesting name. Behind his back there was a quiet "oh." I turned round, frantically wondering how to justify myself in front of the hostess.

Masha stood at the table with a tray and habitually blushed, looking to me, then to the monitor, where two cute blondes frolicked on a high-pitched guy.

- Yesterday accidentally opened ... - she mumbled.

“More than a hundred times?” - I asked ironically, then, having lost the remnants of embarrassment, added: - Judging by the magazine, you had fun half the night here. Like, yes?

- I have almost a year without a guy ...

The girl’s complexion changed dramatically from red to pale pink. She looked at me in confusion, not knowing what else to say. Gradually, her eyes ...

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