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A fantastic story, the idea of ​​which is based on teenage fantasies transferred to student life.


- In my opinion, this is nonsense! - Oleg was adamant. - You shouldn't even be thrust. There's a lot of security there!

- Two old grandfathers are not “many” at all! I assure you, there you can well go roundabout ways and climb inside through the ventilation channel. I checked yesterday.

Oleg was not convinced by my arguments, and he sadly brought the telephone conversation to an end:

- I do not know, Mishan, something risky. Ancestors will learn ... In short, I pass, you can assume that I was afraid. Good luck!

Click and beeps. Like this. A friend left me alone with my intentions. However, I was well acquainted with his parents, and approximately represented the punishment to which they would subject their useless son in the event that they became aware of what he was doing. Well, okay, break through!

For several weeks now I have been considering a plan for penetrating the abandoned technical base of the Era Scientific Center. For what? There are a few empty workshops that are of some value to me. The equipment inside seems not to be, but all sorts of building materials and other “attributes” of such places should be in abundance. The most it is for freerun - a form of parkour. Studying in the second year of the institute is too boring to completely occupy the mind of a guy like me, so I used to spend my leisure time on various hobbies. One of them, and, perhaps, the most important, was exactly a freran. Rush on abandoned protracted high-rises, various shops of the industrial zone on the edge of the city and in parks, elegantly overcoming obstacles. Adrenaline and excitement! The empty technical base is unknown what is engaged in the research institute "Era" has not yet been investigated by me on the subject of a good "route", so I wanted to get inside and check it very much. At first I was hoping for the company of my partner and friend Oleg, but he had just reversed. But the prospect of jumping and tumbling alone did not frighten me.

On the day of "H" everything went perfectly. My ancestors with my sister piled to my aunt in the south for almost a month, which gave me freedom and some independence. No one will be suspicious of asking me where I was, what I did so late, and what I am going to do tomorrow. Still, in the eyes of my parents, I was still small and addicted, even despite my nineteen years.

According to my plans, the night should have gone for reconnaissance, and the morning for the passage of the "highway." I took several cameras with me to record my feints and jumps. Then, not without pride, I will upload videos to the network. He also grabbed a small backpack with a thermos and sandwiches.

I overcame the mesh fence and the block of dilapidated concrete blocks playfully, like obstacles, after several years of active hobby for a freerun, did not seem to me at least somehow complicated. But with a concrete fence with scraps of rusty barbed wire upstairs I had to tinker a bit, but even then it took a little time. The ventilation duct, which went outside and covered with a grill, was low. It was enough to substitute an empty garbage container and knock down the grille with the mount, prudently stuck out of the house. The tin duct was spacious, so I walked along it quite freely, although I tried not to lean strongly against its dusty walls.

To my great surprise, the base was not at all abandoned, as one might have thought, looking around a large gray building outside. Along the wall on a clean tiled floor stood polished cylindrical containers of unknown purpose in the light of my flashlight. Some graphs and diagrams were pasted on their walls. Near the other wall there are tables with computers and some equipment. Everything looked like there were people here just recently, and they worked here ...

The feeling of anxiety, along with the desire to quickly get home, intensified more and more. But since I managed to get here unnoticed, it was a sin to leave just like that. Interest overcame fear, and I carefully, almost on tiptoe, walked along the wall. The beam of the flashlight gradually snatched out new details from the darkness — a whiteboard covered with multi-colored formulas, empty cells and aviaries, a water cooler, a table with cups and a microwave, various devices and devices of unknown purpose to me.

Suddenly, my foot stumbled over something heavy, and I noisily fell to the floor, face down, hitting with my hand either a clothes hanger or a tripod for a lantern. A second later there was a terrible roar! A heart with a second delay jumped in the chest, dispersing a decent dose of adrenaline through the body. Not understanding what was going on, I quickly turned over onto my back and began frantically fumbling with my hand in search of a flashlight. Some time later, my eyes appeared very strange, and even a fantastic picture. On the wet floor among the glass fragments sat a naked girl. She looked at me with attentive eyes and did not even try to hide behind herself, although her posture was more than immodest. The legs spread and bent at the knees paraded what every guy my age wants to see live!

I stood up sharply and averted my eyes so as not to embarrass the girl and finally turn into a red tomato myself.

- Sorry, I thought ... this is an abandoned building! I'll get out of here right now, please don't tell anyone ...

- No one.

The girl did not take her eyes off me and did not move. Looks like she was as shocked as I was. In the rays of the lantern, sparks of diamonds sparkled on her skin with drops of water flowing from her neck to the breathtaking chest with protruding nipples. In order not to go crazy and not to tear my pants, I reluctantly took my eyes off this angel and began to consider the place of my fall. It turned out that I tripped on a test tube rack, and she fell down, pleased with a heavy top on a cylindrical container of frosted glass, in which, apparently, was a girl. Fantasy threw shots from films and comics, where in secret laboratories they grew clones or any monsters in tanks filled with clear fluid. What nonsense!

- Sorry, I'll go, I guess. - The right words stubbornly did not climb into my head, and education did not allow to look at the girl, although I really wanted to stare at her.

- Maybe.

I still had to look at the "interlocutor". As before, she sat on the floor, and did not even try to get up, or hide behind. At first I thought that she had hit her head in the fall and did not understand anything, then an even more bad thought came to my mind that I had to get rid of.

- What's your name? - I squatted down next to the girl, while making almost inhuman efforts, so as not to make her hole.

My transition to “you” and unceremonious viewing of the body did not embarrass her at all.

- Name is.

- What are you, fool? - I finally grew bolder.

- Fool.

It seems that you will not achieve anything from it. You need to try to find out for yourself. I got up and carefully examined the instruments and tables on which they stood. I somehow didn’t want to shovel the stacks of printouts of some tables and graphs in search of information. Without thinking twice, I pressed the button of one of the system blocks and after a minute I was already picking up the directory of his hard disk. Here it is! From the content of a document with an incomprehensible name, I realized that in these tanks, the Era Research Institute was growing specialized clones. At the initial stage, they all represent something like a blank, which in the near future will be provided with the necessary information and the clone will become a good specialist in any one area. Moreover, we are not talking about complex knowledge of professors, engineers or doctors, but about simple specialties that do not require special intelligence and skills - a secretary, a janitor, a loader, and so on.This business is still only ...

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