1. Old friend
  2. Old friend. Part 2

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weaker than before. In the end, exhausted, panting, the poor thing fell silent.

How it turned him on! From the fussing, fighting, he immediately became fresh and vigorous. And already shivering with a pleasant anticipation.

Victor pressed Irina to himself, the young woman felt how a hot mound was applied to her thigh, a member who had got up, who was lumping out from under her jeans. The man’s free hand slid across her chest, through the fabric of her dress and her bra, touched suddenly hardened nipples, slid down her stomach, went down between her legs, climbed under her skirt. Irina’s mouth was dry from an unexpected discovery - someone else's paws her straight, in her apartment with her husband!

- No ... I do not want ... - Barely heard she whispered. - You are a sick maniac ... husband is coming now ... Leave me please ...

“Shut up,” Victor snarled. - You talk too much.

The man turned her head toward himself with a force and dug in a kiss. Ira resisted, but somehow, he managed to push his hot, moist tongue between her lips. She felt the abominable stench of teeth that had not been brushed for a long time, but at the same time she felt how suddenly she was infected with Victor's wild animal desire. The rush of desire seemed to wash over immediately. The proximity of a strong body, a primordial smell, a tongue deeply invading her mouth - completely confused, made it almost insane.

Running his hand under her skirt, Victor rose to the panty of a young woman, fingers stroked her pussy through the fabric, walked over sharply swollen labia, groped the clitoris and began to rub. Irina tried to squeeze her legs, but without noticing herself, her hips wagged in unison with the movements of his fingers, a treacherous languid burst from her mouth - there was no strength to hold back.

Closing her eyes, quite unexpectedly for herself, she wrapped her arm around the man’s neck and answered with all the fervor with which she could, twisting her tongue with a snake with the tongue of the abuser, slowly sinking into strong embraces, completely giving herself to ecstasy ... forgetting everything.

In some magical, secret way, he as before attracted her like a magnet. The impulse of someone else's strong will attracted her as before. With Victor, she just lost her head. With him, she was weaker than ever. Internal and external contrast, the nature of the relationship, as if further shaded, emphasized and lifted her beauty, tenderness, softness, grace. His presence made her more feminine and defenseless.

He stepped back, took a step back and hit the face hard with his palm, throwing her head to the side. Immediately Irina received again on the other cheek. His head went round, his face flushed with red fire, tears spilled from his eyes.

- Wearing pants again? I allowed ?!

“I ... I ... how many years have passed ..." She stuttered, stuttering. - Everything has changed...

- I see. You already have a whole river there! - The guest noticed sarcastically. - Are not you ashamed to lie, and rubbish?

Head down, the woman breathed heavily.

- And the behavior today? Is this gratitude for learning? For everything I did ?!

“Forgive me,” as if from Irina heard her own voice, which she hardly recognized. - Please forgive me ...

- As you ask.

- I beg you ... I understood ... I behaved like a fool ... I just ... confused. I lost the habit of all this ... I am very sorry, - muttered Irina, gasping for breath.

Their lips merged again in a greedy kiss. One hand of the man climbed back between her legs, the other grabbed, squeezed and twisted her chest tightly. The young woman, rushing into the pool with her head, painfully moaned into Victor's mouth and rubbed her foot on his penis. She wriggled and pressed against him, with undisguised pleasure melted into a kiss, feeling the man stroking her pussy, roughly pawing her full breasts. She gasped and did not hold back the moaning calls.As if circling in the dance, the couple continued to passionately hug, kiss and squeeze, until, fell out of each other's arms. The man shoved two fingers into Irina’s mouth, and she obediently began to suck.

- That the creature strayed from the hands?

Irina mumbled something inarticulate through her fingers in the mouth, sliding on them with her tender lips, as if delighting, a small not very clean penis.

Pulling out his wet fingers, he took a new slap in the face, grabbed Irina by the hair and set her on his knees. She was not indignant, even though her heart was breaking in half. She could not believe that she was again with Victor after all these years. I could not believe how weakly I resisted ...

The woman obediently unbuttoned his jeans, lowered her trouser legs down, feeling the familiar thrill, finally pulled off the bottoms, exposing a long member in full combat readiness and heavy tense eggs. As enchanted, she looked at manhood for a few seconds. Then her lips were there, wet and parted - pressed against his groin and short but frequent kisses moved from the eggs to the head.

“Open your mouth,” he said.

Ira opened his full lips, and he put a member there. Eyes gazing from above, flashed, lips parted in a smile more like an animal grin.

“Now listen carefully to the little fuck.” Now you will suck my dick, not like your husband - fucking, but as if I have the sweetest candy for you. Suck.

Irina looked into the man’s eyes for a second, nodded, and tightly wrapped her lips around the organ. Victor groaned. From the awareness of what she is doing now and what she looks like — humbly kneeling ready to suck, the woman became aroused — her nipples began to resemble two pebbles in hardness, her stomach grew heavier, and the gap was very moist.

Moving his hips, Victor held her head. Irina's head began to move back and forth over the entire length of his penis, which plunged into the very throat, then did not move, preferring to be caressed with lips and tongue. Irina did everything - sucked, licked and tasted. With frequent breathing, with moans and sighs. Sprayed more and more.

The man took the member wet from the saliva from his mouth and began to drive it across her face - forehead, nose, cheeks, lips.

- I watch you all like it as always. Like? Answer me!

- Yes, I like it...

“I have always said that your head works well,” he giggled. - Well done whore. And do not dare to build out of yourself who is not clear. Think of her husband, would he have caught the buzz? I tear his little wife in her mouth, and she's stupid ...

Her heart pounded, and she trembled, imagining how the door opened, her husband enters the hallway. And he sees ... them. Irina moaned loudly. It was incredibly embarrassing for myself, but in a treacherous manner, more and more, as if the nipples were tightening themselves, the chest was heavy, the abdomen ached harder. For a long time she did not feel so alive! Irina knew that Victor’s mighty, insatiable organ would soon frantically nag her tender womb, and perhaps not only ... he also liked to stick in the back. She stuck out her wet tongue and held it all over the trunk, seized Victor's cock with her lips and greedily covered with kisses.

- Suck your calling vocation. But it's time to do the rest of your holes. Get up and undress.

Irina froze. Through the dense fog in her mind alarm signals were punctured.

- Victor you will not punish me today? She asked indecisively and faintly on her knees. A member of Victor rested on the right cheek. - Please do not need ... And what if the husband sees?

Victor already grunted.

- I can do with you what I want, forgot? Will you cry when I want. Husband is your problem, I did not allow to run away. And you must otpizdit necessarily. I barely resist, not to give you a face right in the cafe!

She was too shocked to argue. Because only stupidly nodded. The young woman stood up and began to undress. Victor stood beside her, smiling rather ... Read more →

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