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Sergey was hoping to finally see his wife. At least officially, it was still listed as such. Of course, he was not going to forgive her. His vanity has not forgotten her deception and betrayal. He did not consider himself a vengeful man, just wanted to look into her eyes. A month ago, their meeting would have ended in a major scandal, now ... he was just wondering about her facial expressions when she saw him.

More than a month ago, she left him. No, more precisely, I quit and ran away. And until that fateful evening, nothing foreshadowed trouble. It all happened absolutely at lightning speed and without any reason. He came home from work, and her things were gone. This immediately caught my eye. On the coffee table lay the square of the note:

“Dear Sergey! Forgive me, please, if you can ... I am leaving, I met another person. Please don't try to find me. I changed the number. Kiss you.


P. S.

I assure you, it is not easy for me, but maybe all of this, for the better ... for your own good. I am very spoiled and do not deserve you. "

Sergey literally rooted to the place in utter bewilderment. He re-read the short message again unable to believe. Yes, no, this is definitely some kind of stupid joke. Only not in her habits of joking ... The man began to measure the apartment with his steps, pressing the phone with the dialed number of his wife to his ear. At the end of the connection, a robotic voice reported unavailability of the subscriber. The soil under my feet shook and began to go down. Until it began to reach. He seemed to be punched in the gut. He suddenly felt used and discarded as superfluous - and this had never happened to him! All their five years of life together passed before my eyes. Quite happy. Sergey loved Tatiana, and it seemed to him that her feelings for him were not less caliber. When he entered the apartment he was still a life-filled person ... and now he was completely overwhelmed. He was terribly keen to go back in time - to wind the tape of life back, to present everything as a bad dream, which, as always, will dissipate in the morning, but all that remained was to dream. In the kitchen, he poured himself a large glass of vodka and drank in one gulp. Then, with unsteady steps, he walked to the hall and, sinking into a chair, covered his face with his hand, unable to hold back the tears that had come from bitterness and resentment.

It was a strange party in an unusual place - an indoor club for initiates in the semi-basement. An inconspicuous dark main entrance without any signs, only a heavy metal door under the visor. Inside the wall without plaster - lacquered brick. On the sides stood a lot of pasted black and white pornographic photos. Lack of windows and dim lights. From the street there was not a single sound, creating an atmosphere outside of time and space. Everything around was permeated by heavy heavy gray waves of cigarette and hookah smoke. In the corner, on the table - booze for every taste. A disorderly bunch of people in outlandish clothes. Men in the skin. Several had whips in their belts. Girls and women are mostly dressed up as whores. Many neck collars. Normal looking people on the fingers count. A large group of men embraced and greeted each other like old friends. As Sergey noted, the age of those present varied from a bony pimply boy of 18-20 years old, it is unclear how he got into this obviously adult place - just passed by? To an elderly couple, dressed elegantly, expensively and tastefully, sitting on one of the sofas. The latter stealthily looked at a young, slim couple, whose ears, nostrils, lips were decorated in huge quantities with all sorts of metal rings, hairpins, dumbbells, open parts of the arms and necks tightly covered with fancy tattoos,and hair which had the same bright blue color. The crowd mumbled and buzzed. And she was busy drinking alcohol.

Sergei is not easy to navigate. He had, of course, read about this, see something on the Internet, but to observe firsthand ... Some sado-masochistic party - the man thought perplexedly. What does it mean? He looked around with surprise and even fear, looking at the public. With difficulty I restrained myself, trying to be calm. He felt like a stranger. How did he just get here? This whole idea seemed to him incredibly stupid and ridiculous. However, the story from the very beginning was strange. A week ago, when he had already firmly decided to start a new life, and stop poisoning his life with his past memories, (making a couple of vain attempts to start a new relationship), the past once again made itself felt. He suddenly received an e-mail, from a certain Nikolai, and the discouraging content of the letter was as follows:

“Dear Sergey, I think you had better listen to me. It's about your spouse. You probably want to know where Tatiana is? I will tell you everything. In fact, a bitch for a long time drove you by the nose, and simply cheated on you. She is a whore. Yes, yes, and this is not an insult, but a statement of facts. The latest fuck. Tell me, what is the name of a woman who gives a stranger ... spreads her legs in front of someone unknown? However, I hasten to add, she lives in a completely different world - in captivity of lust and obsession. And given to his passion with such enthusiasm, which I bet, you could not even dream. Of course, in the depths of your soul, you had the right to hope that it was stolen, and the note was written under pressure. But, alas, for you, it is not so! Her chains inside her ... Of course, as always, she had a choice. This time she had to give up everything, live the old life, or continue on a new radical level. Unfortunately, having come to face the need to choose, she did not hesitate for long and did not do it in your favor. I know how she acted with you and that is just disgusting. It turned out more expensive to her new emotions, her current pussy in anticipation of new adventures. My goal is to open your eyes to her essence, her sexual needs. You were too naive and did not know who you came across under the guise of a respectable woman. There is such an opportunity that you all would see for yourself. Stupid jealous and proprietor, and just a primitive savage, I would not dare to make such an offer, but as far as I know from the stories of your spouse, you are an intelligent, creative, thinking person, and think very soberly. It seems to me that you are able to perceive something new, quite unusual for you - quite correctly. I invite you to the next meeting of our club. What kind of club will see for yourself. This is absolutely no trap or trap. Just a friendly offer and male solidarity. You can become a member of our club and you will have the opportunity to recoup your little wife, for your humiliation as you wish. I warmly recommend you to do so. You will not regret. You have time to think. If you give your consent, I will inform you about the time and place in my next letter. Well, tell me Sergey? "

And here it is. Who swallowed the bait of a complete stranger, probably his wife's perverted lover, eager to find out what happened to them with Tatiana's life, why she turned into a complete collapse. Be that as it may, Sergey decided, again and again plunging into his dark thoughts. For the past month he has been confused and confused. About much changed his mind these days. Tormented by questions. First note Tanya. And as it turned out, it was only flowers. Nikolay's letter turned out to be real dynamite. It finally and irrevocably confused and confused. His content was intertwined and stuck in his head, with one big question mark, and all this was endlessly spinning in his brain, literally driving him crazy. As if drilling the brain. So there is a hole in the head. And here is a chance to find answers.This is torture - not to know.

Of course, even before the appearance of the virtual Nicholas, he tried to contact his wife, that would explain, but she caught a cold. Tannin number all the time indifferently mumbled muttered its own: “the subscriber’s device is turned off or

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