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a shadow of doubt ran through her face.

- Well, I do not know, well, you can somehow, without a face ...

I didn't even think about it. How she wants. She was all agitated.

All evening she walked excited. Although I have not yet agreed. I was also a little nervous.

I spent the night badly, or rather, terrible. At first I dreamed of my wife's photo session. Then came the footage from the camera. Now she was fucked by blacks, in turn, then at the same time. Then, from somewhere, new faces began to appear and they fucked her too. And there were so many people who wanted, that there was a long line ...

I woke up in a sweat, fell asleep again and everything was repeated anew.

In the morning I woke up in such a terrible condition, with a member standing like a stake. I needed a discharge and, without hesitation, I raised my wife's ass and drove my red-hot cock into her pussy.

She, apparently, also dreamed of something like that, her pussy was all wet. I rammed it with all my might. Almost immediately, she began to move towards my penis and soon began to howl a little. I took out a member and putting it to the anus, abruptly entered. She bent and pressed her head into the pillow. Hand she rested against the headboard. I was so terribly excited that I missed the moment when I began to cum into it.

I collapsed on the bed, there was a feeling that, along with the sperm, all my strength went away.

In the morning my wife was in a good mood. I, too, although I was embarrassed by a little sleep, and besides, I didn’t sleep much.

Had breakfast and went to the sea. The water brought me to my senses a little.

Soon came back, it was time to get ready.

Closer to dinner go.

All morning, and part of the road I was thinking all the time. In principle, I was not against it, it hurt me that I liked the pictures. But some kind of internal excitement and I could not understand its cause.

Oksana constantly chirped something, I hardly listened to her, I was in my thoughts.

When it was already close to Krasnodar, I called Viktor and said that I agree, although there are some questions.

We stopped at his house. He gave us a couple of hours to rest and we went to his studio.

The studio was located in the basement of a dilapidated building. I did not immediately like it. But once inside, I calmed down. There were several rooms with different interior, office and a few more doors. What was behind them I do not know, they were closed. We went to the office.

“So,” began Victor, “today we will take a few pictures.” I will have to see how it will turn out, although I am confident in the result, but still ... If everything is as it seems to me, tomorrow will be the main part. Now we will draw up a contract for today. And then, if everything goes well, tomorrow.

He mainly turned to Oksana, only occasionally casting a glance.

He turned on the computer, found something there and said:

- I need passport information.

I handed him my. He looked inside and said that my not needed yet. And I need Oksana's passport.

He took it, stuffed something in the computer, then checked it again and then several sheets came out of the printer.

- Here is a sample contract for the first part, so to speak, a sample of a pen. Well, and then we will talk about the second part.

And he handed the sheets to Oksana.

Then I said:

- We would like to face was not visible.

“Well, we'll talk about this later.” Now we will make ordinary photos in clothes.

I ran through the contract that my wife gave me. And I did not find anything criminal in my opinion.

He pressed a button and turned to someone:

“Margo, come in ..., - and then to us, - now Margo will come.” She will do makeup, help her choose clothes ... She will prepare Oksana for taking pictures. It remains only to sign in the contract.

- I would like to be present when shooting.

- Well, as you wish ...

My wife looked at me and signed ...

A girl came and he and his wife left.

I had an internal jitter. What it was due to, it is difficult to say, perhaps the upcoming photo session. My mouth was dry.

Victor, somehow understood my condition. He, from somewhere under the table, took out a couple of glasses, then a bottle of brandy and poured it. And he poured me half a cup, and splashed himself on the bottom:

- I still have to work ...

I nodded silently and drank in one gulp. After some time, the alcohol calmed me down a bit, but still something bothered me and I could not understand the reason.

How much time passed before Margot came, I do not know. Maybe 20, maybe more.

- All is ready.

Victor took the coffer and we went. We went into one of the rooms, it had a decoration of an ordinary brick wall, there were lighting devices. There was a table in the corner, next to him a couple of chairs. He put the case on the table and silently nodded toward me in the chair.

I settled in it. He pulled out a camera, then turned on the spotlights.

A few minutes later Oksana appeared, accompanied by Margot. She was wearing a long dress with a deep neckline and cuts on the sides. Moreover, the cuts ended so high that when walking a strip of panties flashed. The dress sat just gorgeous on her, emphasizing her figure.

Victor, explained something to Oksana and the shooting began. It was done with a dozen pictures at the brick wall in various poses.

Then Victor made a sign to Margot and she took away his wife to change clothes.

I really liked what was happening.

A few minutes later they returned. Oksana was quite frank, fitting her ass, shorts and a T-shirt in several places. And one of the holes was on the chest, and one breast jutted out almost all of it. From her view, I was a little excited.

Victor said something to her again. She nodded in response.

This time it turned out as smooth as a dress. Victor was not satisfied with something, after each photograph, he explained something to her.

Then he announced a break. Oksana left with Margo.

Victor was thinking about something, then he turned to me and asked:

- What does your wife usually drink?

- In what sense?

- From alcohol. It is a little clamped, it is necessary to release it.

- Wine. Sometimes vodka, brandy.

“Fine,” and he went out.

A couple of minutes later he returned with a bottle of brandy. And when Oksana returned, made her drink a decent portion. From drunk, I did not immediately make a blush on the cheeks, it was visible even through makeup.

Then the shooting started. Alcohol acted pretty quickly, Victor was pleased with the shooting.

Then again a change of clothes - now Oksana was wearing a dress again. Light, medium length, with a slit in front. But when she turned her back on me ... I was already thrown into the heat - from behind, on the back there was a neckline until the middle of the ass. She was not wearing underwear, as was her bra.

Makeup was pretty challenging.

I even moved a member in his pants.

Then she again changed clothes, now swimsuit. And again quite frank. Three stripes in front covered the pubis and nipples on the chest. Behind it was a thin strip of fabric, which immediately disappeared between the buttocks.

This part of the session was the longest.

When it was over, Oksana, accompanied by Margo, went to change clothes, and Victor and I went to the office.

Soon my wife appeared, Victor poured everything into glasses of brandy, and again he splashed himself on the bottom, and we were given a decent dose.

- I will leave you not for long. I'll go see? how come

After a pause, I asked:

- Well, how was it? Are you satisfied

- Class. At first I was a little nervous, and then ... everything worked out. I like it. I even got excited, especially when I was photographed in a bathing suit. How are you?

I did not want her to say that I liked it all too:

- Fine. You looked so wonderful.

Soon Victor came.

“Well, what,” he said, ... Read more →

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