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I recently read a story about an officer's wife on the site, and I remembered the story that occurred during military service.

After graduation, he immediately joined the army. It was the last spring call. Got into the school in one of the regional centers. Then distributed in parts. Got into this remote place - an urban-type settlement. A part was located on the outskirts of the village.

The bulk of the population was female, the men who were still in a drunk were working. So for the soldiers on the female line was expanse. And the discipline in the regiment was ... After a month of stay in the unit I also found myself, and at the first opportunity I dived to it.

But the story is not about that.

Only a company officer was a personnel officer in the company, platoon commanders, like me, graduates of civilian universities, only they had a military department in universities. I had a platoon commander, Yura, he was of the same age as me, and our specialties were close. So that we had a good relationship with him, you can even say a friend.

The only difference we had was that he was married and it was not the first year that the truth was not yet children.

He talked a lot about her, about his seed life. Showed a photo of his wife. To be honest, she did not make an impression on me then - dark-skinned, with slightly slanting eyes and a pronounced jaw.

She still lived at home, but soon was supposed to come.

Next to the part was the house of the officers - several five-story buildings and one one-storey house of barrack type. It was a bit of a hostel. Here in my platoon and gave the room. More precisely, it was a small apartment - a room, a tiny kitchenette and a hall with a bathroom combined with a toilet. As a family he was promised to be given normal housing ... If something is free. So, most likely, he would have to live in this hut for 2 years of his service.

Somewhere in a month his wife arrived, and after some time a container with their belongings. He asked me and a couple more people to help. There were few things, only the most necessary. Sofa, table, wardrobe, the rest of the little things. So we got along pretty fast.

That's when I saw his wife Anna for the first time. And I want to say that in life she was much better than in the photographs. Medium height, slim, with a gorgeous ass and chiseled long legs. Especially it stood out when she was wearing tight jeans. Slightly slanting eyes gave her face a special piquancy. Yes, she was not beautiful, but rather pretty. Its only drawback, if you can call a drawback, was a small chest. But ass ...

And while we were carrying things, she was cooking something in the kitchenette. And every time I went into the room with the next load, I could not take my eyes off the ass. It was beyond my strength. Yes, and others, I think, too.

Then she fed us, the platoon even put up a bottle.

I sometimes visited them. Yura sometimes invited me to visit and I even became, as it were, my own in their house. If at first Anya was always in civilian clothes, then she often went to robe. On such days I frankly stared at her. In the section of the floor of the robe, I saw her slender legs completely, sometimes even flashed her panties. I just burned with desire.

Sometimes it seemed to me that she specifically teased me. The bottom button of the dressing gown was often unbuttoned and at certain moments my eyes opened ...

On such days I just went crazy with desire. She was also excited by this situation, sometimes I clearly saw her excited nipples protruding through the thin fabric of her robe.

The story about which I want to tell began, at least for me, somewhere in February-March. Much time has passed.

That day we were on guard. Yura is his boss, I am an assistant. Since we did not go for the first time, everything has already been discussed in advance. I slept at night, and he went home in the morning and appeared almost to the changing of the guard. It suited me and him too.

That day everything went as usual, I had already gone to bed when the panic button worked. Yura woke me up, and with a waving and free shift, he rushed along the alarm to the storage clerks.

After about 20 minutes, everyone except Yura returned, the alarm turned out to be false, apparently, the wires went off somewhere.

The guys said that he decided not to go home for a long time.

That's all, I thought, the night was gone. Pripretsya not before morning.

But I was mistaken, he appeared in 40 minutes. His face was pale.

- Something happened?

- Not. It's okay Go to sleep.

His voice trembled slightly.

And already falling asleep, I thought - I suppose, with my sun (as he constantly called his wife) he quarreled!

For the next few days, he, too, was a little strange - he was thinking about something all the time, not answering at all, his face was pale with black circles under his eyes, and he was obviously not sleeping well.

It seems that they strongly quarreled with Anya.

I didn’t bother him, he will want to tell, no, he’s not.

A few more days passed and, one evening, he came to the barracks and said that he wanted to talk to me. I was a little surprised by his arrival, he was not a responsible officer and he was already there, and he smelled alcohol from him.

We settled down in the chancellery, he sat down at the table and took out the started bottle of moonshine (there is a lot of this good around the part), took out glasses from the drawer, poured out. I silently watched his actions, but when the glasses were filled, I said:

- Wait a bit, now find some snack.

I found a couple of cans of porridge with stewed bread, there was nothing else.

When I returned, he took the glass and, without waiting for me, drank it and said:

- My wife fucking!

I did not even have time to get my glass to my lips, and I stopped with a glass in my hand.

- What?

- I can repeat. My wife fucking!

I heard everything well the first time. Just from his words, I was shocked. After a pause, I asked:

- Who knows what about the chats in the unit ...

- I saw everything myself ...

I was just taken aback. I silently drank my portion. I did not know how to behave, what to say to him.

The silence dragged on, he drank again and burst out:

“Remember when we were on guard and the alarm went off,” I nodded silently, “then I went home.” Approaching the hut saw the light in our window. Even then I thought that Anya had forgotten to turn off the light and fell asleep. I quietly opened the door so as not to wake her up and immediately felt something strange. There was some strange snort in the room. I closed the door and took a step and was dumbfounded ...

He paused to drink another batch.

- My Anya was on all fours, and some guy raped her, firmly pressing her hands to the sofa. Her eyes darkened, her hand involuntarily reaching for her holster. And when the fingers touched the skin of the holster, a groan came from it - it was such a voluptuous moan, a moan of pleasure, a moan of desire, a moan of lust ... I froze in that position ... And then between her moans I heard - yes, yes , still, Vanechka ...

He took a breath and continued:

- And then I realized that no one was raping her. She wants it herself. The veil fell from my eyes and I saw that she was moving to meet his member in time with her, she herself would sit on his piston. Her back was arched, her chest and head lay on the sheet. With her hands she collected the sheets and clamped it in her palms. I was all wet, sweat was pouring down my body. The hand that touched the holster as the whip fell down. I stood like an idol and did not know what to do. My beloved wife, my little sun was given to a peasant older than her two times and at the same time received immense pleasure. There are a lot of thoughts in my head span. I stood and looked, and to my great shame, my cock stood. Yes! I was excited to the limit. Anger, hatred and ... mad excitement raged inside me.

He stopped for a moment, licked his dry lips. While he was talking, I looked at him. He had just crazy eyes ....

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