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This story happened about three months after the incident on the beach.

Zaur, after that incident, appeared here a couple of times, but there was nothing special about them. The usual meeting of three, which was before a lot, ending with the fuck of my wife.

As he called and said that he was leaving home for a while. There are some health problems with his father. I was even pleased with his departure, he had a great influence on Oksana - she fulfilled all his whims. I could not understand the reason for this influence and I did not like it.

At first, everything was going well, but after three or four weeks, Oksana became a little depressed. Every day it became more noticeable.

She came home from work and climbed either on the Internet and with someone there communicated, or lay down on the sofa and watched the whole evening on the telly.

And I could not understand if she misses Zaur or the situations he created by putting Oksana under his friends, relatives or just acquaintances. He just liked to make her a whore. And she liked her to be.

I did not like all this, but I could not change the situation.

I managed to shake it for a couple of days, then it again fell into despondency.

And then I got the idea to take her to the sea. She took her without that enthusiasm, which I assumed, but still her mood improved a little. I took leave at work at my own expense, she was also released without any problems.

She ran shopping in search of a new swimsuit. Then there were fees. She scored a bunch of all the rags, and on my persuasion to leave part, Ksenia did not agree in any way. I did not argue with her, let him take it, not on myself to drag.

I was glad that her last days were in a completely normal state.

And the next morning, sitting in the car, rushed to the south.

We arrived without incident. Found housing. The weather was great. There are few holidaymakers with children, it was September already.

The sun, the sea or the fresh sea wind, or maybe all together, but every day it was noticeable that Oksana’s mood improved.

We sunbathed, swam, wandered in the evenings along the embankment, visited cafes and bars - this was how our rest went.

This went on almost until the last day. What I want to write about happened three days before our departure.

That day was all, as always. In the morning we were on the beach, things were moving for dinner. I dozed off a little under the umbrella. Suddenly, Oksana pushed me in the side:

- Look, - and she showed somewhere by hand.

I turned my head. Two Negroes in loincloths walked along the beach, they carried a bamboo stick, and a boy was hanging on it, depicting a prey, about ten years old. At the same time, they all shouted loudly, and a photographer was walking alongside and taking pictures. A crowd immediately formed around them.

“I'll go and see,” said his wife, smiling.

The boy unhooked from the stick, the photographer began to offer others a photo. There were few people willing, one girl was photographed between blacks, then another. People gradually began to disperse.

Oksana came back, took a camera:

- I want to take a picture.

She said something to the photographer, he nodded his head, then became shown somewhere to the side. And all of them - Oksana, a photographer and two Negro - go somewhere. Tracing in their direction, I saw a little shield on the side, on which were painted palm trees, a chair (more like a throne) and something else, I could not see everything from here, although it was not so far away.

The photographer explained something to my wife, pointing at the objects, she nodded her head in agreement.

While they were talking, I shifted to see what would happen there.

The photographer said something to his assistants, and they picked up his wife in his arms. They were standing against a shield with palm trees, and she was lying in their arms.

Then she was photographed with them in an embrace, standing between them.

Then they put her on the throne, put on something like a crown, and the blacks stood at the side with fans.

One of the blacks picked up my wife in his arms and stood near the shield.Oksana pressed her head to his shoulder. The hands of the Negro looked contrast on the body of his wife, although she was rather tanned. When he lowered her to the ground, it seemed to me how his hand slipped, and for a moment lingered on the pope's wife. I do not know, maybe it seemed to me, but most likely not. My wife even glanced in my direction - I saw it or not.

I lay so that it was not clear whether I was looking or not.

What was happening took me.

The Negro sat on the throne and ... put Oksana in his lap. His hand went over his wife's thigh and stopped at the waist, she pressed against him. And then his hand made a movement and was on her chest, of course, not on the bare. The hand lay on the chest for only a few seconds, then returned to the waist.

I even had a slight movement in swimming trunks.

A picture even appeared in my head, how these black hands crumple my wife's white breast. From these thoughts in swimming trunks is not just stirred.

Looks like I overheated in the sun ... I should cool off, but as a member of the congregation to go along the beach ...

My wife returned, put down the camera, took the money and went back.

I took a camera and started watching the footage. It was evident it was bad, the sun was disturbing, and I put it off until dinner.

My wife gave the money to the photographer, then talked about something with a black man, who was sitting on her knees, and occasionally glanced in my direction.

Returned in a good mood.

- Let's go swim!

- Something you do not want. You go, I'll be back later.

I did not want her to see the mound in my swimming trunks.

After lying a bit, everything fell into place and I also decided to swim.

Oksana had already bathed in this time and we met near the water.

The water finally brought me back to normal. All seditious thoughts finally evaporated. Having swept enough, I headed to our place and ...

Near lying Oksana, sat negro. They talked about something with enthusiasm, Oksana even laughed.

I walked slowly, coming closer and closer to them, but they did not notice me. And when I was already a couple of meters away from them, Oksana only noticed me.

- Andrey, this is Austin.

He rose and extended his hand to me, I automatically extended my own.

I lay down, they continued to talk. But my presence clearly prevented them. And he soon left. I wondered why he came, but she did not answer. Oksana looked as if I had disturbed them.

Before lunch, she lay silently, her appearance was somehow detached. She thought about something, For so many years lived together, I could identify it by her face. But she was silent, and only mysteriously smiled at her thoughts.

During lunch, I looked at the pictures. All were made in duplicate, except when she was sitting on a negro's knees. These were three. On the first - the hand of a negro on the thigh of the wife, on the second - the hand on the waist and on the third - on the chest.

In the pants again there was a slight stirring, all sorts of nonsense got into my head again.

All dinner, Oksana was absent-minded - answered at random, her gaze was somehow detached. Her head was clearly busy with something else.

And only when we were at the beach again, did I find out what she was thinking.

- Andrei, I wanted to ask you how you would react to that ..., - she stopped for a moment and then blurted out, - I want to fuck with Austin!

- What?!

I could expect anything, but it was a complete surprise to me.

- You heard perfectly.

Oksana just stunned me with his question.

She was looking forward to my reply. And I was silent, in my head was a complete chaos. Oksana fucked with others (described in other stories). But with the Negro!

She sat and looked at me, she was waiting for my decision. And I was in some kind of confusion, not for or against, I was just taken aback by her words.

- If you are against it, say so ...

Everybody got into her head ...

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