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Spring ... Bright time of awakening and recovery. It is time when the smell of blooming flowers appears in the air, when after a long break the rain begins to wash the earth, when the bright sun shines brightly again to the plants waking up after a long hibernation.

It's time when you want to feel only the brightest, when you want to love and be loved, when you want to bloom like a spring flower.

- Natasha ... And let's go to the club today?

- What club, Alesya !? You have tomorrow offsets! Yes, and I also need to prepare for the conference. The summary is left unfinished ...

- But Nataaaash ... Spring Well ...! The first day of spring as nothing!

“Spring will be three more months,” Olesya’s girlfriend shrewdly remarked.

Natalia and Alesya. Two would seem so different girls. Lazyka Alesya and workaholic Natalia. Calm, vulnerable and sensual Alesya and purposeful, restless Natalia. But the two girlfriends had something in common: they are both incorrigible dreamers. Perhaps because of studying for a difficult profession, maybe because of a mountain of books that hides them from the real world, the care of caring parents.

- But Spring has begun! Imagine: the first day of spring, after the shackles of a harsh winter, difficult tests and a ruthless session - we come so squeezed and tired into the club ... And there is music, people dance, smile ... And a tall, slim brown-haired man comes to you .. .

- I like the blonde ones more generally ...

- Nata, do not interrupt! So here comes to you tall ... mmm ... blond blue-eyed. And he says, “You're so adorable! Let's Dance!". And you forget together in the endless magic dance. And to the sounds of electronic music, love is born! ... - Alesya finished her monologue with a contented, smiling face.

- Yes, well, uh ... - with a face devoid of any emotions Natalia stretched.

- Ay, here do not lie - do not lie, Natashka! I see everything in your eyes. They straight and jumped the sparks! - has exposed girlfriend Alesia.

- Well, Ales ... And where will we go for something though? I have a little money ...

“Oh, so much better already, my girl!” Everything will be great. And I'll lend you the money. And I also have two invitations to the Fashion Club - free admission and one free drink!

- Yes-ah, Aleska ... - Natalya wanted to be broken for sight, but it was meaningless, as the girls lived nearby for a long time to understand each other well. The desires of Alesya and Natalia usually coincided. Therefore, Natalya just asked Alesia:

- How much time do I have for fees?

The club "Fashion" was not in the list of favorite places of girlfriends, but the invitations with free drinks were stronger than the preferences of girls.

"Fashion" was a typical club without any specials. Spacious dance floor, two tiers, two bar counters, smoking areas. Soft comfortable sofas, clockwork music, twinkling lights piercing the twilight.

Club evening for girls began classically: bar and drink. Alesya, as always, for a long time could not decide which of the three free drinks to take, and Natalia, slowly drinking juice with vodka, considered the interior of the club and the people around. It is ridiculous to say, but a tall blond who was standing near Natalia immediately attracted attention. Beautifully and stylishly dressed, he sat at the bar and slowly sipped a cocktail.

- Oh-oh ... I see you have already looked after someone! - finally chose a cocktail Alesya. Natalia was ready for this remark, and therefore not a bit flushed. Still, the girls have long been friends.

- Well, why only for yourself. I found someone for you too. Look right there, the guy in the brown shirt on the dance floor. Quite a good boyfriend.

“Well, yes, a normal person like that ...” - Ales supported the humorous conversation, after which the girl took a good sip and with the words “so why give such a pretty boy to someone else?” Went to the side of the dancing guy in the brown shirt.

Natalia only had time to be surprised.Skromnyashka Alesya, who immediately rushed into battle. Probably fast alcohol hit in the head. Or the magical "First Day of Spring" had its effect.

But be that as it may, in a couple of minutes Alesya returned to the bar with the “booty”. And picked up the unpredictable Ales also a boyfriend in a brown shirt.

- Doom! Meet - this is my best friend Natalia! Natalia is Dima! - solemnly introduced Alesia new friends. - In the sense of one call Dima and the other, too, call Dima!

After that, Dima, who was wearing a brown shirt, whispered something in Ales’s ear, from which she laughed loudly. The second Dima (who fortunately wore a different color shirt - white) gallantly gave his hand to Natalia and smiled broadly, said:

- Nice to meet you, dazzling Natalia!

“The gentleman is definitely pleasant and knows how to arrange for himself. It’s a pity that I’m not blond ... “- Natalya thought casually, handing a pen to the gallant suitor.

And so the evening passed in the club "Fashion". It turned out that Dmitry "brown" is just an incredible storehouse of funny stories, literally everything. Smiling fervently, the guy could talk without stopping and at the same time alternately refer to all interlocutors so that they would not be bored.

- Here is another story ... I'm walking somehow completely nil after the celebration of the New Year. But I am going, fortunately, not one. Dima was walking nearby. And you know that when my friend gets pretty drunk, he starts waving his hands defiantly with his hands! - at these words Dima, the white man portrayed everything on himself, and drunken gait, and tugged at the hands of Dima the “white”, his friend, clearly demonstrating how he “waves his arms”. It all looked very comical, it was especially funny to watch at the moment when the white face shed of Dima’s sour face.

“Your friend must have angelic patience,” Natalya stood up for the offended. Still, Dmitry "white" was lost against the background of his friend and completely gloomy after each successful joke Dima "brown". - to endure all your jokes ...

- This is aaaa ... - Revealed Dmitri. - He is a man of rare patience.

With these words, Dima "brown" patted his friend on the back.

- And for that, I sincerely and humanly love him! - said Dmitry "brown" and relishly kissed his friend on the cheek. To which Dima the “white” just sighed resignedly and wiped the kissed cheek with the sleeve of his shirt in disgust.

But just as the knowledge of various life stories did not seem, Dima "Brown" suddenly became silent. What caused the puzzled looks of the entire company.

- Special pause, to exacerbate the situation! - Dima “brown” explained his behavior. - Ladies, I have a suggestion for you: why don't we transfer the fascinating conversations and the knowledge of each other to a more solitary and tranquil place?

- Why not! - defiantly supported the proposal of the guy Ales. Natalia was only more surprised by the girl’s initiative. - Only we need to go to the lavatory before going out! You wait for us, boys?

As enchanted, Natalya went to the toilet with her friend. And when the girls were alone Natasha exclaimed:

- Ales! What are you doing? You are not at all like yourself! And who said that her, they say, are not interested in fleeting intrigues on the side !?

- It was a completely different girl and I do not know her! - confidently said Alesya, looking in the mirror and at ease adjusting her bangs.

- Alesya, of course, excuse me, but I will not go with you.

- Well, okay ... it hurts! - Alesya blurted out and left the toilet.

When Natalya approached the company, Alesya enthusiastically chatted with Dmitry “brown” about something. ...

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