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Autumn. The rain generously poured the asphalt on which my bus rode, the gray houses with identical windows quickly replaced each other, and I could not solve one question for myself.

“She or not she ?!” - for five minutes I was tormented by doubts. The bus I drove abruptly stopped, the doors opened, some of the people got out, more arrived. Three steps away from me, an elderly woman of 50 years old, with her hair dyed in red, was hugging me with two large bags. She reminded me very much of my after-school teacher from the already so distant school past. Memories of a strict mentor, with an impressive bust and an angry voice, which has repeatedly reprimanded me for another offense, are well preserved in my memory. But many years have passed since then, I graduated from the university, moved to another country, received another education, got a job. But I never forgot my Homeland: from time to time I came to visit my parents and old acquaintances.

- Sorry, I can not understand everything: are you this or not you? Inna Sagareva, is not it? - the woman looked at me in surprise, obviously not recognizing me.
- It's me, Dmitry! Remember me? In the gymnasium, you were my after-school educator! - yes, I confidently hoped that a woman would remember all Dmitriev ...
- Dmitriy! Oh ... Dima. How long has it been !? - Inna Sagareva smiled broadly. - Hello, Dima! Well, tell me! How are you, where do you live? What is your profession?

We got to talking. I told about my work, where I live, that in the city for a short time, and now I just walk without a specific goal. I thought I would meet with my friends, but they canceled the meeting at the last moment. Inna still worked as a teacher, she lived alone, her son rented a separate apartment with his wife.

- And how are you, Inna, not lonely alone? - we quickly switched to "you."
- While there is work, I am not bored! The woman replied with a smile.

I volunteered to help my former teacher to bring the bags to the house, to which she willingly agreed and invited me to tea.

- I just have all the sweets for tea! - Inna showed one of her bags.
- Yes, you yourself like a sweet candy! - I joked a bitter one.
- Now, Dimka-seducer ...

We drove to the right stop and got off the bus. The rain stopped and the sun appeared in the sky. According to my former teacher, her home was nearby. And it was great, because I underestimated the weight of the bags. Bags were heavy. It is not surprising that Inna so willingly agreed to help.

“I don’t know what I would do without you.” All the way I thought, maybe I will ask someone ... But now it’s time that there’s no help waiting. You know yourself ... - I just dutifully assented and pulled heavy bags and looked at Inna Sagarev. The woman seemed much less than I remembered her (which is not surprising, I have not been a boy for a long time), but otherwise Inna was still the same teacher. The same voluminous, curvaceous red hair of a strange, cumbersome hairdo laid on the head, lips in bright red lipstick, heavily painted eyes, and a large chest, which was visible even behind a shapeless long cloak. Of course, I saw only the face, but in general there was a feeling that the teacher was very well preserved. Inna walked briskly and talked about any nonsense, then was filled with a ringing laugh from my stories. From the teacher emanated positive and good mood.

Inna's house turned out to be an old panel nine-story building. Dirty entrance, equal lift. Such an average Soviet house.

- Come on, dear guest! - I found myself inside a clean, small apartment. A small kitchen with a sofa, a living room and a bedroom.

While undressed, unloaded bags passed some time. Once again I noted to myself how well the teacher was kept. It was evident that Inna was not fond of sweets.In spite of her age, let Inna have a tummy - the waist was in place, and it was nice to watch a big round ass while the woman bent over spreading something on the kitchen stove. And of course the tight golfic emphasized the big chest. I think this is more the work of a correct and high-quality bra (after all, how many years Inna!), But the correct, round bulging “hills” willfully not attracted the gaze. I hoped to myself that my “viewing” was not noticeable ...

- Now I will put a kettle, but for now, help yourself! - with these words, Inna poured onto the table a solid pile of a wide variety of sweets. There was both roasted and classic waffles in chocolate and caramel. Inna Sagareva was very much attracted to sweets.
- Where do so many sweets come from?
- I don’t know, I really wanted something ... Maybe I had a premonition that I would meet you !?
- Then I want to hand over something! - I had with me a bottle of foreign liqueur. I thought to give friends at the meeting, but it was not my fault that the meeting did not take place - Here! Hold on!
- Oh, Dima, that you are not worth ...
- Take it! Tried, standing thing!

The woman timidly accepted the bottle, and then put it on the edge of the kitchen table.
For a while we silently crunched chocolates with sweets and sipped tea. I began to remember aloud the teachers and my classmates. Someone Inna remembered, someone not. It was interesting to listen to the teacher, as she described me and my classmates from a completely different angle, as we seemed to teachers. I learned a lot of new things. It turns out Inna has always respected and appreciated me. And therefore she scolded so that the bar did not fall.
The tea mugs were empty and Inna Sagareva gathered to boil the next teapot.

- Let me help!

Either it was clumsy, or it just happened that way. But I touched a full kettle with water, which Inna was going to put on the heat. Fortunately or unfortunately, the kettle did not turn upside down, inside there was water left, but "did not regret it". Pants and jacket were thoroughly soaked.

- Op-pa ... I apologize. I'm terribly awkward ...!?
- Nothing wrong! - Inna was not upset at all. The woman shoved herself and handed me a towel, which I quickly wiped off. This, however, did not dry my clothes ...
- Stupid how it happened ...
- Again, I repeat - nothing terrible - the resourceful Inna did not lose heart. - Go to the bathroom, I'll find something to change. And hang your clothes dry!

I obediently went to the bathroom, on the way Inna handed me a hastily found clothes. My shift turned out to be a pink women's bathrobe. Inna Sagarevna is a tall woman and I had no doubt that I got into my robe all over. But I wondered if everything had to be done with myself. I poured over thorough, to the very cowards.

- What is there to mess around? Let's get wet with yourself - Inna Sagarevna’s voice, which guessed the course of my thoughts, was heard outside the door. “Everything, everything, everything,” I thought, and undressed naked, and then put on Inna's robe.

When I left the bathroom, Inna had already changed into a flesh-colored dressing gown. Cutout robe opened a gorgeous view of Inna's chest. I must have looked at the neckline for more than a second, but the woman didn’t react to it. We settled in the kitchen again and continued our tea drinking. And then an idea came to me.

- Let's play the game! Guess the name of the candy to taste?
- but... ? - apparently, the question was a complete surprise for Inna. Lady solid in the game does not play or what?
- Come on, come on! You will begin! - I stubbornly bent his, - Open your mouth and close your eyes! - It seems after these words Inna blushed slightly, but obediently closed her eyes and slightly opened her mouth.
- Vooot ... we try - I unwrapped the first candy that I got, broke it into pieces in smaller pieces, and the smallest of them gently put Inna in the mouth. My fingers lightly touched the woman’s soft lips, which made her twitch slightly.
- Well ... what kind of candy is that ?!
- Grilyazh ...
- It was just ... Let me try again !?
- Come on ... - woman ...

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