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Three days have passed. In the beginning, Vladimir Viktorovich closed in himself. No one wanted to talk. About twins, Vladimir tried not to think. It was hoped that if he did not touch them, the students would leave the teacher alone. But then a bad thought visited Vladimir’s head: “if he’s already in the abyss, why twitch, maybe this bottom is not so terrible !? "Research of the bottom" the teacher decided to start with Eugene Dmitrievny.

In the dining room, during the break, Vladimir approached Eugenia while she was standing in line. Eugenia was charming as always: a tall woman wearing high heels and with her massive curly hairstyle in all directions seemed a giantess. Bright red lips, long, well-groomed nails in the same screaming red color, a handbag to match and of course a raised chest of impressive size. All the charms were hidden behind tight-fitting pants and adjacent golf - but wide hips, and at least they did not hide the third size, but rather emphasized.

- Dear, Evgenia Dmitrievna, will you have a moment of free time today? - Vladimir officially asked the woman.
- And on what issue, Vladimir Viktorovich !? - slyly looked at Eugene at the young teacher. “You think you yourself don’t know !?” - Vladimir was angry to himself.
- About the test records. I still have not filled them ... - it was true, Vladimir could not stand filling out the pieces of paper and put off this scraping to the last. However, this time, the teacher expected to meet not only a mountain of blank forms.
- You know, today I have a lot of work, I do not think that I will find time to help you. But you can try to go in the region of six ... - Evgenia Dmitrievna answered uncertainly. "That spun, that's where the actress is"
- Thank you and on that, goodbye - Vladimir Viktorovich quickly rattled, and then hurried to his classes.

"Here ... it seems agreed" - Vladimir thought thoughtfully to himself.

In the waiting room Vlad was exactly six.
- Nuuu ... Vova, and you were in no hurry! You know, I only work until half past five! - The woman looked at the teacher with reproach.
- In my defense, Evge ... mmm ... Zhenya, I want to present ... here. - "Vova" put on the table a small bottle of brandy and a pot of small cactus. A pink flower bloomed on the top of the cactus.
- Original of course you ... But the flower is cute! - Eugene pretended to be completely absorbed in the contemplation of the cactus. With a sort of sixth sense, Vladimir realized that a woman was waiting for something. "Do not stand a pillar ..."

- Um ... Marrying, I want to work out my debts here among other things!
- And I thought I can not wait! Vladimir, remember - do not make the lady wait! NEVER! - the woman by syllables and pronounced the last word. And then she quickly got up, took her purse, and at the same time threw a bottle of brandy there.
- I wish a high-quality development, - said Eugene. “Therefore, it would be nice for us to retire somewhere in a secluded place!”
- Something I can offer - the teacher Vova smiled and answered.

Vladimir Viktorovich conducted Evgenia Dmitrievna to the rather large size of a folding room. Vladimir not so long ago helped the caretaker to transfer outdated computers to this basement. Old dusty sports mats, broken furniture, broken computers. The caretaker was too lazy to go down once more from his upper floor, and since the computer audience was closest to the storeroom, Vladimir Viktorovich was given a key.

Vladimir entered first, missed Eugene and locked the door behind the woman. The door, it should be noted, was massive and did not miss the noise.

- O-oo, I did not know that we have such a secluded spot! - surprised Eugene. - And the door is not run away.Vova, you're not a maniac, you will not offend Zhenya?
- You are a funny girl, Zhenya - Vova answered with a smile. In response, Zhenya also smiled broadly.
- Come on can work out right away ?! - asked Marrying.
- Come on. Do you like it?
- Do-do ... - with these words, Zhenya pulled off golffic along with her bra, and then tight jeans together with panties, threw off her shoes, looked around, found the most sturdy and dust-free chair and sat on it with legs apart, showing her smoothly shaved pussy. With all her views, Yevgeny clearly hinted that Vladimir ought to have been done.
Vladimir Viktorovich to put it mildly struck by the behavior of a daring and depraved lady. The young teacher did not expect such straightness. However, the stupor quickly passed. Memories prompted Vladimir that the teacher was already at the bottom. Vladimir pulled off his bike, went to Eugene and knelt so that his face was opposite the woman's vagina. The man hesitantly put his hands on Eugene's hips, opened his mouth and began to lick Evgenia's pussy. The teacher had no experience in this matter, the man was guided by what he saw in porn movies and was inspired by imagination. But Eugenia, who wanted “quality” mining, was actively guiding the process.

- Deeper! Yet yes! No, stronger on the other hand ... That's it! Repeat! More more! - Eugene sometimes shouted, moaned and sighed. Some teams were said in a hot whisper, others were shouted almost screeching. Sometimes a woman would take a man’s head with two hands and strongly press Vladimir’s face into her vagina.

- Oh ... Oh ... Uh ... Everything ... Everything ... Enough - suddenly the woman pushed Vladimir away and jumped up sharply - Come on come here, shoot come on faster ... take everything off! ... Why Pants still on you!? Well, at least dick worth it!

The woman quickly sat Vladimir on a chair, then to saddle the "fighter" teacher. Well wetted Vova vagina surprisingly tightly took a member of a man. Eugene tried a couple of times planted on the "trunk" of Vladimir, but it went too slowly and painfully.

- Nothing - nothing ... Now ... Oh, I’ve become old. But I stocked up on this thing ... ”Zhenya began to fuss. The woman moved away and began fumbling in her purse, after a while Eugene squeezes the gel out of the tube directly onto Vladimir's member. The young teacher shivered - the gel was cold and strongly smelled of mint. By the way, the mint is not weakly so cold "trunk" Vova, I wanted to quickly wash off or wipe off this gel. But it did not take long to suffer. Hot vagina has already taken in a "chilled", but slippery member of a man.

Eugene with force planted on the "number" of the teacher. Mint gel, a member tearing a long-unused pussy, hardly brought a pleasant sensation. The woman even screamed, but stubbornly continued her “work”. Jump Eugene was getting faster. The woman clung strongly to Vladimir. Vova's face was “buried” in Zhenya’s big breasts, the man’s member penetrated into the woman more easily with each “jumping”. But it was evident how hard Eugenia is going at a fast pace. The woman was breathing heavily, her face was red and her forehead was dripping with sweat.

- Maybe we will change the position - said Vladimir. The woman reluctantly got up, letting out a member of the teacher.

Vladimir quickly found his bearings, and put Zhenya on the edge of a half-destroyed, but strong-looking table. The woman sneezed from the dust that had risen, but all this did not for a moment hold Vladimir back to join Evgenia Dmitrievna. However, Eugenia's pussy had difficulty in letting the male member into herself.

- Wait, I thought of something. - with these words, Eugene easily freed herself from the teacher's embrace, picked up a tube of cream and plentifully lubricated her crotch, and then settled herself on the edge of the table.

- Everything, you can start - Eugene's man beckoned to her. She still had a tube of grease in her hands. “Does it worry, is it?” - Vladimir thought for a second, and then joined in between the woman’s gorgeous tanned legs. Naughty "pussy" Eugenia has become much more pliable.

The cream definitely simplified the task: the member slid in a narrow hole ...

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