I do not know why I am writing about this? I just need to speak to someone. It is humiliating, disgusting and inhuman! I can not carry it in myself, but the paper can endure everything. And, if they read my story, let it be a lesson for everyone.

I live in a provincial town. I am 22 years old. Married 3 years ago for a loved one. A year later, a child was born. And after a year and a half, I returned to work. They didn’t live richly, so I couldn’t sit on maternity leave for a long time. The little son was given to the nursery. Everything was wonderful. My husband is happy, me too. A few months ago, they took a loan for a large amount ... if I knew what this loan would turn out to be ... I will not say that we took out a loan, or who I work for, and who my husband works. I don't want to be recognized. Let me just say that I work in the commercial sphere, and my husband is a narrow specialist. However, if we are recognized, so be it ... And now, like a bolt from the blue, the husband is left without work. We were shocked with a child in her arms, with debts on a loan and a bunch of other problems. It was difficult for my husband to find a job in a profession, it was almost impossible. Finding feasible, paid work was also impossible. Even the movers were not needed. While my husband was hard at work, I took on additional duties in my service, for which I paid extra. We also borrowed money. The first, after the dismissal of her husband, we were able to repay the loan, because we fed on old stocks. But for the second month I alone could not pull. I cried. Husband reassured. He said that he would definitely find a job. And he really was looking for her. But so far in vain. I did not get out of work. We could no longer borrow money, because they, too, should be given away in the future. Of course, the rumor about our position reached colleagues. Then one day my boss summoned me.

“I know about your financial situation,” he began at the door, “and I want to help you.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

- In my competence to increase your rank and, accordingly, your salary.

- Thanks a lot! I will be very grateful to you!

- You will. Especially when I pour my sperm down your throat.

- What!? - At first it seemed to me that I had misheard. But then these words echoed in my head: "... I will pour my sperm down your throat ..."

- I heard. For my help, you will suck me every day. Do not hurry with refusal, because, in case of your disagreement, I will dismiss you. And you just imagine how you will continue to live!

I was shocked, in a stupor. Thoughts mixed in my head. It seemed to me that I was sleeping. Before my eyes stood a husband with a crying baby in his hands. I was thrown in the heat, then in the cold. Meanwhile, this ghoul was finishing off ...

- The queue for unemployment benefits, problems with the bank, quarrels with her husband, poverty ... or, you just open your mouth and your salary rises sharply upwards. It is enough for you to pay the loan and for a living. At least you won't go on the porch ...

I listened to him, looking somewhere in the wall. His voice reached me from afar, but his every word was hammering into my brain.

- There is nothing wrong. You're not a little girl anymore, but a married woman. And, for sure, you take it in your husband's mouth. So you won't see anything wrong with my pants. Men all have this process. Really?

I was in prostration and did not know what to say to me.

- Well, agree, this is just anatomy. I help you, and you make me nice. That's all. Or you are fired.

His last words took my breath away, and I winced. This bastard really fires me ...

“I’m not a monster, but an ordinary man.” So come on, get on your knees and open your lips.

He put his hand on my shoulder and pressed down hard. I have not yet made any decision ... and what could I decide when my thoughts just flew off in different directions. Circles floated before my eyes. In a semi-conscious state, I knelt down. My eyes flashed before my eyes, unbuttoning my fly. I looked in nowhere. It smelled of sweaty eggs.

- Good girl! Open your mouth ...

I obeyed, like a bunny hypnotized by a boa. Immediately a member of my boss entered my mouth.

- Close your lips.

I wrapped my lips around my dick. The boss grabbed my head with his hands and started to fuck me in the mouth. Everything happened in a dream. Even kneeling with arms down and a member in my mouth, I could hardly believe in what was happening. It can not be! I am a faithful wife and mother of a wonderful child, like a limp doll on her knees and quietly allowing me to fuck my mouth. As a podzabornaya fucking! Silently Resignedly. I was used as a thing to satisfy my animal lust. I hated myself. But at the same time, it was clear to me that my mouth is the only salvation of our family. And I obediently stood with my mouth open, and a member was hosting in my mouth ...

The chief, meanwhile, strove to crawl into my throat. From this, I began to flow tears, drool and snot. The gag reflex also made itself felt. I began to recover a little and return to reality. At some point, the movements of the chief became sharper and stronger. Then he forcefully drove his penis into my throat and froze. I tried to pull away, but the boss held my head tightly. After a split second, the cock in my throat twitched. Sperm dripped down her throat. This caused nausea. I coughed, and I vomited sperm and the contents of my stomach. I swallowed the air like a fish.

- The toilet is wet wipes. Take and dry me a dick.

I silently got up and went to the chief’s private toilet. When he returned with napkins, he was already sitting in a chair with his pants down. I went over and silently wiped his dick. Only now I drew attention to the dignity of my boss. His penis was rather long, of medium thickness. The pubis is neatly trimmed and the eggs are shaved. I gently wiped his penis and shaved eggs.

- And you quickly grab! - the chief said, when I started to wipe his balls, - For how long did you get a loan?

- For two years.

- You and I have time to achieve professional skills in your new position.

- What is the position?

- Your new post is a nipple. I don't need regular sex from you. I need only your beautiful mouth. I have long wanted to print it. Yes, I have long dreamed of fucking you in your mouth. As soon as I saw your plump lips, he immediately wanted to spend on them a member. Okay. Take a rag and remove your vomit. For today I forgive you for her. In the future, I will be fined for vomiting. For awesome suction award. So you have something to strive for.

I went for a rag and washed the floor. Coming out of the office, I immediately went to the toilet. I was ready to fall through the floor with shame - I had the impression that all the staff were looking at me and knowing what I was doing in the office of my boss. In the toilet I, first of all, looked at myself in the mirror ... god !!! My lips, already plump, swollen even more. As if I had plastic surgery. Horrible! The staff really looked at me and, most likely, they guessed about the origin of the swelling ... I burst into tears. I was very sad and hurt. It's a shame that I could not refuse. And it hurts because I was used as a prostitute. I decided to quit tomorrow.

At home, I moved away a bit. The husband has not come from the search for work. I fed my son and thought how I would tell my husband about my dismissal, how would we live on ...?

The husband came late. He had no comforting news. He said that we should not lose heart, that everything would be fine, that we would stand ... Then he hugged me, started kissing me on the lips ... it would be better if he didn’t do that - I immediately remembered how I was raped today by the boss . Tears flowed from his eyes. Husband noticed. Began to calm. If he knew the real cause of these tears ... My husband kissed me, and before my eyes stood a member of my boss, his balls. I remembered the jolts of the penis in the throat and the taste of semen. I was disgusted. But at that very moment I realized that I had no choice and the member of the chief was a wand magic wand. I felt sorry for my husband, but I removed him from myself and silently went to bed. Tomorrow I had to get up early for work. And I must look sexy.

The chief kept his word.He promoted me and added a salary. I, almost every day, came to the chief and did my job. He loved me to suck him at the end of the day. Basically, my duties began with the fact that I licked his sweaty eggs at the beginning. He liked it very much. He said: “Well, what, papilla! Go, give me your tongue. ” After “washing away”, I proceeded to “sperm suction”. The chief often used similar expressions - pump out the sperm from me, suck my juice, let me down, pour it into the canister.

I always sucked in different ways. Basically fulfilled all his requests. He forced to suck without hands. Sometimes, however, asked to cheat. But it was rare. I mainly worked head. After two weeks of tight suction, the gag reflex disappeared. I took it deep and he poured the sperm into my throat. Sometimes, when the boss was very excited, he put me on his knees and said: “Now I will fill your tank to the brim!”, Made several movements with the penis and my mouth filled with sperm. I got used to the taste of his sperm and in general to sperm. And once "pierced" with her husband. The thing is, I never swallowed my husband's sperm. He asked for it, but I did not agree in any way. And once, making her husband a blowjob, I automatically shoved a member in the throat and poured all his sperm into myself. My husband was very surprised. I explained it with simple curiosity. He believed it.

Sometimes the boss put me on his desk on his back so that my head hung from the table. At such times he used my mouth as a vagina. He fucked me fiercely, and his balls slapped me on the nose. I only had to lie with my mouth open, he did the rest.

The boss never finished on the face, chest or anywhere else. He always poured his sperm into my mouth and made me swallow it. He said that the mouth of a woman is designed to swallow semen.

Most of the employees saw me as a whore. One even decided to unleash me for sex, but got a knee in the balls and no one else approached me.

We paid the loan in a year. And two months later my husband found a job. My salary suits me very much. I am still ashamed and bitter because of the fact that, by inertia, I continue to suck my boss. But I value my official position and, no matter how absurd it may sound, I am grateful to this member for his help.

I am looking for a sponsor or individual customers to help in the adaptation of my stories. Perhaps writing and shooting to order for private collections. Write in the LAN.

  • March 29, 2012 1:01

    just super)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 29, 2012 12:01



    • Rating: 0
  • May 12, 2012 10:01

    well described image of the boss


    • Rating: 0
  • March 30, 2012 15:29

    Yes, the Russian woman is holy. already because that is able to obscure a disaster. and forgive nursing on suffering!
    Lucky people who have such wives!


    • Rating: 1
  • March 31, 2012 1:28

    very vital!


    • Rating: 1
  • March 31, 2012 10:48

    Loans now, it is really vital)))


    • Rating: 1
  • March 31, 2012 12:35

    I am looking for a sponsor or individual customers to help in the adaptation of my stories. Perhaps writing and shooting to order for private collections. Write in the LAN.


    • Rating: 0
  • April 3, 2012 10:02

    vital :)


    • Rating: 1
  • April 7, 2012 5:46 pm

    but I don’t like it. ((((


    • Rating: 0
  • May 12, 2012 10:03

    probably she would like to be in her place


    • Rating: 1
  • May 22, 2012 22:20

    nice story. good storytelling ...
    Can you aim a blow at something bigger than a 1 page story?


    • Rating: 1
  • August 19, 2012 18:55

    Hmm ... And the story seemed implausible to me. More precisely some details. Even in the smallest provincial town you can find work. Janitors, movers, cleaners, etc.required always and everywhere. Show me the city where it is not. If only in a completely deserted village of five houses. But in the story about the town says. And just two months after the loan was paid, the husband once - and found a job! A year and a half has been looking for, poor thing! And then, how should one be a brainless dolt not to notice a change about the blowjob and swallowing sperm, believing in the kindergarten excuse about curiosity? He is either stupid in the region, or it was just convenient for him to “ignore” the changes, putting all the problems on his wife. There are such "men". And I don’t understand women who don’t like to swallow sperm! How did it happen??? In general, I did not like this “sacrificial” story, the wife, as usual, a “holy”, innocent lamb, which simply has no other choice. However, when the opportunity arose, she did not abandon the "position", so do not be hypocritical. He loves hui and money, that's all. It would be normal - would give up her husband-asshole, she would have solved all the problems and then changed her job. Then she would really be a heroine. And so ... Nonsense in vegetable oil.


    • Rating: 1
  • RedheadBoxless (a guest)
    October 12, 2012 15:33

    I can not decide - and liked and did not like)
    On the one hand anything happens of course ...
    I feel sorry for my husband. Yes, it is a pity. Vanilla flooded out of me, completely unnecessary on this kind of site)
    Well written


    • Rating: 0

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