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Finally I became a mom. I am 22 years old and I am happy! I love and adore my husband. These feelings are mutual and Andrew answers me the same. And so, our wonderful son Igorek was born. Gave birth without complications. True, the doctors had to incise the entrance to the vagina for better patency. Then, of course, they sewed it up and said, they say, my husband will be pleased with how we sewed you up and laughed together. At discharge from the maternity hospital, they warned that you can start having sex in a month and a half, two. I somehow didn’t care when it was possible and when it was impossible. I thought only about the little boy and everything else went into the background. Moreover, ten days after my discharge, my husband set sail for three months, we lived in a seaside shipping town. And all my concerns were placed only on our son. During the absence of her husband, it was decided that my mother would move in with us and help me.

The days went on as usual - taking care of my son, bathing, feeding, diaper, laundry ... Breastfeeding. I had a lot of my milk - Igor sucked all my nipples. In general, all the household was arguing. Thanks mom. If it were not for her, I would have fallen off my feet. And so, though I slept calmly and soundly. So hard that even dreams I did not dream.

A month has passed since her husband left. Igorek ate well. Grew strong. Probably affected by the fact that I was breastfeeding him. Children always grow stronger when their mother's milk is fed. That's true, nipples hurt. Igorek did not just suck, he bit them. Nipples have become so sensitive that any contact with them was unpleasant for me. This was probably the only unpleasant new feeling. At the same time, I noticed that when Igorek sucks his chest, I have a tickling feeling in the lower abdomen. And to be more precise, this feeling arises somewhere in the uterus. When I felt it for the first time, I reacted to it superficially. But the next time I have purposefully listened to myself. Yes, it was a new and unfamiliar feeling. At some point I even felt nice and warm in the lower abdomen.

That night I had a terrible dream. I woke up in the middle of the night, but even in the dark, you could probably notice how I blushed with shame! I dreamed that I was lying in the center of a huge empty hall on the table. I lay on my back with my legs apart. Totally naked. A man stands between my legs and fucks me. And I am all bursting with the inside and his cock gets me to the uterus. I felt how the head of his penis pressed on my uterus and I was very well. I did not resist. Gradually a hum began to arise, as with a large gathering of people. But there was no one around. I deviated a little and looked behind the man fucking me. Behind him stood a line of dozens, and maybe hundreds of men. The tail line went far beyond the hall. All men have thick, long limbs. And they are all in an erect state. Then I told the man fucking me: “Deeper!” He became sharper and deeper into me. Suddenly milk poured from my chest. The lower abdomen became very hot. I looked there. Milk flowed from my vagina too. Powerful member, without ceasing, went back and forth. With each push the stream of milk from the vagina grew stronger and stronger. The heat in a sharp wave spread throughout the body. A member seemed to have punched a hole in the womb. I have already been hit by a fountain of milk ...

I woke up sweating. Sat on the bed. My heart pounded. The lower abdomen throbbed. I clearly felt that in me was just a member! Turn on the light. Igorek peacefully snuffled in his crib. I stuck my hand between my legs. Everything was wet there. I was shocked. Turned off the light. Laid down I used to have erotic dreams. But they were harmless and beautiful. And then I dreamed of something that did not fit in my mind. I was scared and ashamed. But subconsciously, I understood that this terrible dream was very sweet.It became terrible and embarrassing for me precisely because I realized this sweetness. I tried to make my husband's face in my mind, his smile, kisses. But before the eyes stood only erect members of my sleep. My heart stopped beating furiously. And I, with all my shock, very quickly fell asleep. I didn’t dream anything more that night.

The next day I was in a kind of prostration. All my thoughts were returning to my dream. I have always been a shy girl. While my classmates ran over the boys, I wrote term papers, essays, taught English ... My husband was my first man. I'm not saying that I was a good boy. My husband and I tried many things in sex and nothing human is alien to me, but this dream was something new. It was wild and, oh my god, very exciting. In the dream I was, well, very good! Thinking, I suddenly realized that my thoughts aroused me. I flowed. My legs trembled. In one second, I wildly wanted sex. I had Igor in my arms. Mom cooked in the kitchen. I put Igor in the crib and went to the bathroom. Closed. I was wearing a dressing gown. I sat on the toilet lid. Spread her legs. All panties are wet. I took them off and threw them in the laundry. She lowered her hand to her pussy - her lips swelled and ... just a stream of excitement flowed out of me. Slowly penetrated inside with his finger ... An electrical discharge ran through the whole body. So glad! What am I doing! I behave like a dirty girl. Behind the wall is my little son ... But it seems that someone is in charge of me. The second finger is already climbing inside me. I can't stop myself. I begin to move my hand ... Here and there, here and there ... Everything squishes. How good to me! Mom is calling! Quickly jump up and put on clean panties. They immediately get wet. I look in the mirror - my cheeks are burning. I'm all red. I wash my face. I go out and immediately leave for my room. Like a delinquent girl, really. Time to walk with my son.

On the street, the excitement subsides. Summer. Breeze. I have a light, long skirt and the same blouse. I calm down a little. Walking down the street, pushing the stroller in front of me and starting to reason intelligently. I heard that after giving birth, sexuality can change for the worse and for the better. I knew for sure that these changes occurred to me. Only good or bad, I have not yet understood. One thing I can say for sure is that this has never happened to me before birth. The thing is, I'm easily excited with my husband. I like sex. I am pleased to. But. I have never in my life felt an orgasm. For my husband, I imitated him. Yes, I saw it once in a movie and did the same. Probably considered herself guilty and did not want to upset her husband. But I was really pleased by the closeness with my husband, even without an orgasm. And now something wild has awakened in me. Something uncontrollable. And before the return of her husband two more months. I suddenly realize that I want a member! I want to be filled! I want my uterus to tremble under the pressure of a long phallus ... I'm losing my mind. I love my husband. All of these sexual changes hit me like an avalanche. I was not ready for these changes.

At this point, the wheel falls off the pram. Heck! Confusion in thoughts, some dissatisfaction, and even this wheel! Stroller brand new! I am beside myself with anger. Only now I see that I am in the park. Pull the stroller to the nearest shop. I come back behind the wheel. I sit down on the bench and try to fit the wheel. It is not inserted - some kind of piece of iron interferes. With force I try to push through ... suddenly men's hands take the wheel. "Let me try." I look up. This is some nondescript middle-aged man. He begins to repair the wheel. He has black hair. Ugly face. Hard hands with thick fingers. But it blows from him a man. His head is next to mine. I smell the man. A pulsation begins in the lower abdomen. I am swimming. The already familiar tickling of the uterus ...

Squat down next to him. Like a half asleep, I lay my head on his shoulder. It's not me! Someone controls me again! He put the wheel down. Does not move. Tries to look at me. I close my eyes. The smell of a man intoxicates. I kiss him in ...

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