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Everyone is looking differently for their meaning in life. Some aspire to another world, another reality, in order to achieve there what is impossible to accomplish at home.

One blonde, almost blond and the other - brown-haired. It is evident that the girlfriend. Although it is always so difficult to determine ... What is a friend? Perhaps this word will remain a mystery to Eugene. Just as he does not understand the young guy of his name - Eugene, Zhenya, Zheka ... Why are there several names for one person? Why do many people have the same name? Incomprehensible world ... But all this does not matter ...

Eugene - a seemingly young guy, 25 years old, recently moved to a major city and settled in a dormitory. It was not a settlement in the literal sense ... The guy just found another young man who looked like him. Tracked him down, killed and took away the documents. His instinct did not let him down - the one who was killed just started studying at the technological university. It is unlikely that his roommates managed to remember each other. Eugene ... This is the name of the murdered, but now this name belongs to his killer.

New Eugene did not seek unnecessary sacrifices. He just used to achieve their goals. And the most important goal was two girls. They also lived in a dorm. Only one floor higher in the adjacent rooms. One is blonde and the other is brown. Eugene watched them for a long time. Female medical students go out in the morning, return late in the evening. They were not alike. The light name was Olga. Sensual lips, soft gait, loud sighing laughter. When the girl laughed - she narrowed her eyes and almost never smiled widely. There was always some modest flirtatious smile. Olga dressed attractively and knew how to attract attention. Loud laughter, constant light jokes. Sole of company. Brown-haired was different. Elena (that was the name of the second girl) was distinguished by an impetuous and swift pace. A direct look is always wide-open eyes, clear speech and short, but meaningful phrases. The smile is always wide and sincere. Well built. It seemed that Lena was purposeful and, unlike her friend, simply could not stay in one place for a long time. The two girls complemented each other well. It is not surprising that Zhenya turned his attention to the girlfriends. They fit well into the plan ...

Eugene has studied two friends well. Zhenya lived for six months in the same dorm as the girls. But he needed a case. It was necessary event that would allow to connect with them. Eugene all his life listened to his inner voice. His instinct. And it never failed. Zhenya knew in advance who he could easily cope with, and who should be wary of. When it was necessary to run and hide from police patrols, and when it was possible to go to a cafe in the open and quietly and eat ice cream.

Zhenya felt, and who should be chosen as his next victim. If there was a goal, then the instinct itself tells the right people. It was necessary only to lay low and wait.

And it seems that today, luck was on the side of Eugene. Peter - the guy who lives near the girls, who were followed by Zhenya, looked obviously not good. All agitated, disheveled. Something very concerned. On the eve of Eugene saw Peter talking about something with the men in expensive coats, who arrived in black jeeps. The men handed Pete some kind of envelope. Everything looked like a deal. And what was the subject of the transaction, Eugene guessed.

It was already evening. And her friends were soon to return to the hostel. Sitting on the windowsill, on the stairs to the third floor, Zhenya pretended to read a book. In this case, the guy did not lose sight of a single person who passed mime. Zhenya saw how Elena first returned, and with her fast energetic gait she ran up the stairs. Seen as unhurriedly, with a lazy and a little bit of grace, the mime Olga passed.

After some time, hurriedly getting dressed on the move, Elena, Olga and Peter came down the stairs in three. Peter, something without ceasing, said the girls.It was evident that the whole trio was in a hurry. Quickly running into his room, Zhenya grabbed his jacket and rushed after the girls. Fortunately, they have not gone far. Coming out of the hostel, Peter led her friends somewhere inside the courtyards. Campus technological university. In this late evening a lot of buildings were empty. But Yevgeny, who was pursuing a trio, noticed jeeps and men standing nearby in expensive coats. Zhenya decided to lie low and watch from the corner what will happen next.

Peter went to one of the buildings of the university, opened the door and let the girls inside. After some time, the guy left the building and ran towards the hostel. The men in expensive coats, slowly moved to the entrance to the building and froze nearby.

“Apparently, Peter executed his part of the deal. And the men at the entrance remained guard. It seems my time has come to intervene. “- Eugene thought.

Having waited until Peter was out of sight, Eugene moved to the entrance to the building, guarded by men. Eugene preferred dexterity and stealth brute force. Therefore, well-dressed men did not notice Zhenya who had come up to them and calmly spoke to each other:

- Yeah, gives Vovan. Whether you see him on the young ones ... I found another kid who had sold his girlfriends so badly ...

- Do not fuck, Beaver! Do you really refuse when your turn comes !?

- Ha! What else ... Young people - it’s good ... Just ... - I didn’t manage to finish the man named “Beaver”. The partner only noticed how the Beaver had fallen on his knees, clutching at the cut throat, and then a young guy with a short bloodied knife appeared in front of the man from nowhere. The man reached to his belt to get out a hidden pistol from there, but Zhenya quickly ran up and thrust the knife under his chin, deep into, so that the sharp blade reached right to the brain. The man shuddered and the donkey sacked dead into the cold ground. Having quickly examined the place of the fight, Eugene decided to drag the bodies inside the building.

Leaving the corpses in the corridor and closing the entrance doors, Zhenya headed inside the building, which turned out to be a sports complex. A large hall and a small ray of light emanating from a certain utility room. Eugene quietly and quietly went to the light. The light source was a slot in the doorway. Behind the door, there were female whimpers and male moans. Looking into the doorway, Eugene examined the girls who were supposed to be his victims. But an amazing fate made the girlfriends the victims of other people. Helen kept a healthy bald man. At the same time, a fat man fumbled with Olga, with a big, hanging belly. Both girls had their hands tied with scotch and their mouth sealed.

“A fat man - this should be Vovan,” - Eugene guessed, recalling the conversation of the guards he had killed.

The corpulent Vova has already managed to take off his coat and shirt, flaunted his plump belly and hanging female-like breasts, shoved and pawed Olga roughly, cut off clothes with a knife and admired her young snow-white body. After removing the last clothes, leaving only the boots, Vova rudely threw Olya onto the sports mats.

“Who treated you so rudely?” - Vova said in surprise, noticing two healthy bruises on Olga's body: one on the arm and the other on the leg. - But do not worry, I am - a gentle boy!

With these words, Vova opened his pants and, podrachivaya his considerable size member, lay down on the girl. Olya, shocked by everything that happened, was simply paralyzed by fear and could only sob softly. From the blue eyes of the blond girl flowed streams of tears. Lena, on the contrary, tried to break free and even tried to scream through the scotch. But the bald man just hit Lena with a weighty fist on the head, which made the impulsive girl go limp and hung on the hands of a rude peasant.

Vova continued to paw the tender young body. Fat man licked and sucked beautiful Olya's breasts, while at the same time fingering the girl's vagina with his thumb. Without spending a long time warming up, a very excited Vovan roughly turned Olya on the stomach. Then with one hand he lifted the girl by the waist, and with the other he sent ...

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