After the story described in the story “The Call”, I thought that Zaur did not appear with us for some time. I was just furious at the beginning, but by the end of the week I was almost gone. But Oksana was in a good mood.

But I was wrong, on Friday, without a prior call, Zaur showed up.

He appeared in the kitchen with a wide smile. In his hands he had a package. Going to the table at which we had just sat down to have dinner, he handed over to get vodka and a snack from the bag. Oksana and I silently looked at all this.

Taking out everything, he looked around, as if searching for something, and said:

- Oksanochka, get a glass.

She looked at me inquiringly and put 3 glasses on the table. He poured vodka into glasses.

It was like Magarych, what he wants to smooth out what happened ... with vodka?

He seemed to read my mind:

- Andrew, something confuses you?

I was silent, because of such arrogance, my thoughts were mixed up. I could not find the words to say all that boiling.

- Are you taking offense at me. Don't say anything yet. It happened. I did not plan anything, I just had to talk to Murat. I never imagined that Alan could persuade her to have sex ...

“Zaur, you yourself ...,” Oksana began.

- I just did not ...

“But you could have stopped,” I interrupted him.

- Yes, I could, but I did not. Oksana herself wanted it. I just sped up ... Yes, you, if you were there, would have done the same.

Perhaps he was right.

- Oksana, leave us for a few minutes together, - and after she left, he continued, - I acted like you. And just looked at it from the side. And I can say the spectacle was awesome.

I silently watched him.

- You yourself do not mind that she ... with others. What is the difference now? Only in the fact that you were not there? So, once it had to happen. You yourself, gave the go-ahead to her treason. You just put it under your friends, you looked at it yourself and even filmed it on camera! You wanted this. And I just ... helping you ... I could stop her and Alan too. But she wanted this ... If someone else was in his place, it would be the same. She doesn’t care with whom - with you, with me or with anyone else.

While this monologue was going on, I poured and drank.

What he said was unpleasant for me, but if not strange, he was right. I had nothing to answer.

- You made her a whore, I'm sorry, but this is so. Yes, she is a slut, and she likes to give herself, and she gets pleasure from it.

- I do not like your words. Let's stop this conversation, ”I suggested,“ I just hate listening to you. ”

- How do you say, - he smiled, - I hope you are not mad at me?

I silently poured myself another glass and knocked it over. While the conversation was going on, I had already drunk decently, but, if not strange, vodka did not take me.

Soon Oksana returned, put the third plate on the table. We continued, interrupted by the arrival of Zaur, dinner.

But I still had an unpleasant feeling in my heart.

When we finished dinner, went to the hall. But today there was some tension. The conversation did not go well.

“I would like to invite you,” Zaur paused for a minute, “bowling.”

“What is it,” my wife asked.

“Shoot the skittles with a ball,” I said.

“I agree,” she said instantly, “I have never been.”

Zaur looked at me.

“Me too,” I replied, after thinking a little.

I wanted to change the situation.

- What should I wear, - Oksana chirped.

- Something sporty.

She disappeared into another room, when she came back, I almost choked on vodka - she was in a beacon, pretty blatant shorts and pantyhose.

Zaur called someone and asked us to leave us a path.

After 20 minutes, we were there. At first we rolled the balls with zeal, then I got bored. I sat down at a table and began to look around. Soon, Zaur and Oksana joined me. Having a little rest, Oksana again went to throw the balls, it turned out not very good for her.

There we continued loading - Zaur and I drank vodka, Oksana cocktails.

I had a lot to drink at home, and the supplement did the trick here - I began to think poorly. Yes, and Oksana, too - at home she drank vodka with us, and here cocktails.

Then they rolled the balls again, Zaur spoke with someone for a long time on the phone. To throw balls tired. Oksana wanted to go home.

As soon as she crossed the threshold of the house, she said:

- Zaur, I want!

Zaur picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. While I was there, nothing was there. Zaur is almost undressed already. He lay down on the bed, she climbed on top of him and ... almost immediately groaned. I undressed, tilted her, and began to attach myself to her bottom.

When she entered she froze and arched her back. We began to fuck her in antiphase - when he left, I completely entered into it. The room could hear our wheezing and her moan.

Then, having changed the pace, Zaur caught up with me in the phase and we began to hammer at the same time. From her mouth began to publish howl. So we fucked her until he finished, and I was still hammering her accelerating. But soon it was my turn to stop.

She fell exhaustedly on Zaur and lay there until he pushed her aside.

I went to the toilet and ... I don't remember anything else.

Woke up on the couch. He barely got up, swaying and went into the bedroom.

Zaur, Oksana and someone else were lying on the bed. He turned on the nightlight - Zaur was lying on his back, leaning against him was lying Oksana, lying backward leaning against her ... His face seemed familiar to me - it was Ivan (he was mentioned in the story "And again the recreation center"). His hand hugged her and lay on her chest.

Where did he come from?

I did not remember anything. Looking at this picture, I went back to the sofa - there was no place for me on the bed.

I woke up again from the moans coming from the bedroom. There someone had my wife. Forces to stand up was not. The groans rang out for a long time, then Ivan left the bedroom and walked past me.

Then again, a space in the memory. And again I was awakened by the moans of my wife.

It was already light.

Entered the bedroom, Zaur and Ivan fucked Oksana together. from what I saw rose.

“Hubby appeared,” said Zaur’s voice, “join in!”

I attached to her mouth, but there was little confusion. She thought to suck my dick, her mouth was wide open and my dick came in and out freely. Her eyes were closed, her back arched. She let out a howl that never stopped. Orgasm was on the way.

I lay down on the bed and waited for my turn. She bit her palm so as not to scream. And now she was overwhelmed by an orgasm, the men continued to hammer her. She relaxed fell on the chest of Ivan, who was below and froze. Her body moved back and forth under the onslaught of Zaur and Ivan.

First finished Zaur and left her. Wiped his cock on her ass and left the room. Ivan also did not last long. He pushed her aside and also left the room. Oksana and I were lying on the bed, with a standing member. Without thinking twice, he lifted her ass and thrust his boy into it.

I pecked her insensible body in the ass. After some time, she began to show signs of activity - she began to pry me slightly. During this occupation, our guests found us returning to the bedroom.

They stood and watched, Ivan even commented. I didn’t like his lines, but ...

I finished it. Hosanna fell on the bed and fell silent. I went to the bathroom.

When I left, Zaur and Ivan were in the kitchen. Ivan was already dressed, he was about to leave. When I appeared on the threshold, Ivan poured vodka into glasses:

- Well, Andrei, for your little wife. The night was ..., - and he knocked over his glass, - it is a pity he did not know beforehand what he was giving. Still would know, then on the basis would tear off her.

And he, patting me on the shoulder, left.

Zaur poured some more into glasses:

- Come on.

- Zaur, where did he come from?

- You do not remember?

I shook my head.

- Well, do not remember, okay. What a difference now.

He was not going to leave.

Oksana got up, walked past us naked into the bathroom. She came out of the bath in 10 minutes, wearing a vest that did not even completely cover her ass. And in this form appeared in the kitchen.

- Ksyusha, get us something for breakfast.

Master's notes were heard in his voice. He was like at home.

- Now, I will.

She flashed her ass, moving through the kitchen. Sandwiches and coffee appeared on the table.

- I'll just get dressed.

But he didn't let her do it. He caught her hand and sat her on his lap.

- Did you like it?

Oksana looked at me and was silent.

With one hand he held her waist, the other hand was under the table. What she did there, I did not see, but the reaction of Oksana, I realized where she was. Oksana began to breathe excitedly, her eyes were slightly covered. She laid her head on his shoulder.

- Zaur, do not. Zaur, I ask ...

She covered her mouth with a kiss.

He did all this in order to demonstrate his power over her.

They got up and left. I was sitting in the kitchen, I could not understand what was going on. I lost it, I could not control it, as before. His influence on him was higher than mine ...

And that scared me ...

1 comment
  • O_o (a guest)
    April 11, 2014 6:22

    the most terrible moment of such a relationship, when at the beginning everything seems to be super, everyone is happy and even the wife sometimes leads her husband to her friends for a change so that the husband doesn’t have any money, but when he meets some horseradish to which, apart from sex, he begins a couple of times there is still something to be experienced, here you have to be VERY careful in your behavior, because the social unit at such moments becomes very fragile and you can easily lose your beloved.


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