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But then Slavik's voice sounded:

- It will not happen.

They began to make fun of him, whimper ... suddenly I was scared - for real: I suddenly saw in my classmates whom I knew from the cradle - wild beasts. Slavik repeated:

- It will not happen. - And he added: - Come on, sex maniacs, - home! Birthday is over! Carnival will not be!

And - became ONE to chase everyone away. The boys, of course, got into the bottle, and Romka first of all - but Slavik took him by the elbows and led him out into the corridor. From there I heard his voice: “After 2 minutes there should not be anyone here, or I go to the neighbors, and from them I call the police.”

All as the wind blew. I am left alone - naked, wildly excited, with a wet pussy. Of course, I could not leave with everyone ... I was amazed at the behavior of Slavik, some remnants of reason were enough for me to understand what he saved me and what he risked ...

I lay as not in myself. I didn’t have enough mind to dress while the room was empty - but I didn’T WANT to dress ... and I waited with horror what would happen when Slavik returned ... how and what about me to talk to him ...

Finally he came back. He was silent for a while, then he came up to me ... hooked ...

- What are you not dressing, Len?

I was silent, because I didn’t know what to say to him - that do not say, it would be terribly embarrassing, and only looked at him frowningly ...

- Forgive me that it happened. Please, - Slavik suddenly said. Something, and I did not expect it. - I did not know that it would be so. Fair.

I groaned in response. Slavik looked at me ... put his hand on my bare thigh and said:

- I understand what you want. Do you? ... and, without saying it, suddenly he bent over my pussy and kissed her. I was pierced by a sweet talk; I moaned louder and spread my legs as best I could, exposing my pussy to him. The idea that he would “lick me out” now, tore my soul to shreds, and I looked forward to bliss, closing my eyes with shame.

The extent of this bliss I even could not imagine close. When Slavin ran his tongue over my pussy - the wave, frozen at the very edge, suddenly began to creep over, enveloping me with a rainbow dope - and fell down into a sweet abyss without a bottom ... I screamed with a dread as if from terrible pain; Slava stuck into my pussy, and with his hands he held my nipples and twisted them. It seemed to me that he was a terrible monster who was devouring my pussy, devouring me all, and now he was completely devoured, and I would not be there anymore, I would dissolve all in monstrously sweet Nothing ...

I never even thought that there were such terrible orgasms. Some lines or circles glowed in my head, it was as if I ceased to be myself and turned into one continuous sweet mess ... Then, when everything was over, I lay looking at Slavik - he wiped his face smeared with my secrets with his sleeve, - and was silent ... There was not a single thought in my head, except for bottomless, monstrous satisfaction and emptiness. Slavik did not know what to say either; Suddenly he said “I'm sorry, I am now” - and went out. Half a minute later I heard muffled moans from the toilet, and then he came back to me - with a red face.

He sat down again with me ... he laid his hand on my head with a little hesitation, stroked ... "Well, is everything alright?" - and he smiled at me. I could not speak, but I clung to that smile, as for the last opportunity to return to the world from which I fell, taking off my underpants ... He began to stroke me on the back, all over my body and say:

- The main thing is that you should not think badly of yourself. The main thing is that you were very pleased, but forget about everything else! You enjoyed it, and don't think about anything like that: it's all normal ... You are no fucking memory, remember! You are a wonderful girl, beautiful, pure, the best in the world ...

As he only understood what was being done in me! I, dissolving from his caresses, purred - and pressed closer to him.All our life we ​​barely communicated - “hello”, “goodbye”, “you look great!”, “Learned algebra?” - but now he suddenly became so close to me that no one ever was. What, in fact, obstacles can be in front of a person who has just presented you with the greatest bliss in your life, and now she gently, soothingly strokes your naked body, and you lie before him - naked, defenseless? ... Everything the distances disappeared as if they were not there - and I finally pressed against him, put my head on his knees and buried myself in them ... I embraced him tightly ... I really needed human warmth - and Slavik became the closest for me...

So began our love. Slavik made a miracle: I left him without an unpleasant aftertaste, without contempt for myself, but on the contrary - with glee, with bliss in my soul! Every cell in me sang, and the soul sang too! ... He walked me all the way to the house - and when we were saying goodbye (I again did not know what to say, how to thank him), he suddenly took me by the shoulders, pulled to yourself, hugged ... and kissed. Into the nose. But it was so tender, with such love that I screamed with delight, threw my arms around his neck - and began to passionately kiss and lick him wherever I could. Kiss - and give thanks, give thanks ...

After that day in my life, heaven and hell began immediately. Paradise - with Slava: we saw each other every day, opened each other, caressed, communicated ... it seemed a blissful dream, a gift, a miracle ... And hell was at school. I became the enemy of all whom Glory drove out that day. About me absolutely everyone shouted "fuck" and "shaved cunt." I could not easily pass from class to class. Rumors about my debauchery reached such an extent that my mother led me to a gynecologist, and only when he confirmed that I was a girl, my mother began to believe me a little ... Glory was beaten several times. He is strong, but he was watched by four of us and five of us ... In general, it began such that we firmly decided to move to another school. Together.

And we did so ... but before that there was another story. Once, Slava and I were waited for by all the same guys - our former friends, and now a herd of brutalized morons - they caught, surrounded us with a ring, and Romka said:

- Well, sweet couple, fuck! Fuck her, Slava, you really want this!

Glory sent him away. In response, they began to beat him. I screamed, but it was late evening, and no one heard me. They began to undress me ... they tore clothes on me - and soon I was left naked. Glory, beaten, with bloodied face, continued to send everyone. Romka told him:

“If you don't do this, we will.” Look, what a sweet naked fuck! ..

Slava tried to shake everyone off himself, shouted to me - “run!” - but we were both held firmly. And then I suddenly realized what to do. I said:

- Well, guys, show me what you have under your underwear! ..

I was scary and disgusting as ever. But I did it to save Glory - and only prayed that he was smart enough.

“Guys” made a noise, whistled, surrounded me (there were 5 of them), began to paw, pinch, crush my chest. Again, I felt that terrible sweet cold that I experienced when I was shaved ... But I didn’t show it to me - and diligently played “real fucking”:

- Well? Who is first? I suppose all the hugs poked out of fear? And Romochka? And in the ass is weak? ..

Romochka was grinning and let down his pants. But a member of it really hung in a half asleep state, like a boiled sausage. I laughed and began to mock him. "Guys" also cheered. Romka frantically cursed and jerked his dick. The attention of all was riveted on him and me.

And then my prayers were heard: Glory, which was held in full force, having forgotten about him, suddenly contrived - he grabbed one boy, Dimka, like a bag of shit, unwound him by the feet - and brought down on everyone ... Read more →

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