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HISTORY THREE. Lena tells:

- It all started when Slavik invited me for his birthday. Besides me, there were 4 more guys and 3 girls. We were 18 years old.

At first it was a lot of fun. We, naturally, ate, then the older generation left, so as not to embarrass us, and we danced. At first, everything was pretty decent, but then the champagne drunk hit in the head, and the boys began to flirt with us girls.

It seems that only Slava did not flirt with us. He was strange at all: not swearing, not flirting with girls, always spoke with restraint and very correctly, as in a book, but at the same time he was not a “zauchka”: there was some kind of force in him, and he was afraid of him. As a matter of fact, he repeatedly gave change to all the bully. He was considered “crazy” and was not taken seriously for his eyes, although I suspect that the girls thus simply avenged him for the lack of attention on his part.

... Towards the end of our dances, in someone's drunken brains, the idea was to play cards to strip. Everyone agreed with a screech, and Slava did not object. Previously, we often played a bottle and so forth, and it seemed to us that this is the same thing.

But from the first minutes we realized that this was not at all the same. Actually, I understood this most clearly, since I immediately began to brutally lose. Very soon I was naked before the linen, and with horror waited for the next card. I was already ashamed: even though I was not averse to flirting with boys, that is, I was a normal girl without complexes — I had never undressed with anyone, moreover, I had never even kissed “for real”, speaking of sex, which was something frighteningly forbidden to me.

Of course, I lost again, and I had to undress. Slava said - “maybe we will forgive her?”, But they laughed at him: everybody wanted terribly to look at my naked body.

The worst thing that I felt like I want to undress. And - undressed. I first took off my bra and played without a bra, wondering to myself that I was sitting with my classmates, and I had naked boobs ... And then I had to take off my underpants too.

It was so. Of course, I lost again, but then Slava offered to give me the opportunity to recoup, and to fulfill desires not one by one, but several at once. Then the boys, for their part, demanded: if I lose again, I will have to not only take off my underwear, but also spread my legs and let me touch wherever they want. Glory began to argue ... but I took it and agreed! A desperate excitement awoke in me.

All this led to the fact that I had to take off my underpants, sit down in Turkish - with my legs spread apart - and give everyone to paw. When I was taking off my underwear, I wanted to cry with shame. It seemed to me very humiliating. But as soon as I was naked, everyone squealed loudly, clapped, began to admire, say how beautiful I am, etc., and I suddenly felt surprised to find myself in a pleasant, even sweet, feeling. I sat down the way they demanded, looking at my naked body with surprise - I could not believe that it was me, naked among my classmates!

And then the boys started to paw me. They themselves were a little shy and covered up the constraint with their swagger. At first they touched me from above — rather indecisively, I must say — and then they grew bolder, began to stroke my nipples, one even pressed against my chest with a blissful smile ... then they climbed below — and began to study my pussy. They demanded that I answer their questions - as they say, with obscenities; It was fun for everyone. To me, too, it began to seem very funny, and most importantly, the touch simply hit me with a current, I never thought it was so nice! Every touch of a naked body caused a shiver, I wanted to get it all, head to toe! Touching my chest made me moan. “What, sang, bird? - said Romka, my most cheeky boyfriend, - and what will you sing if that is the case? ”And began to paw my pussy.I wanted to shrink so that it did not penetrate there - but they spread my legs wider, I lost the ability to resist - and just watched how a few boyish hands were fumbling around my genitals.

It was so monstrously embarrassing and pleasant that I breathed as if after a run. Inside, my waves began to sound warm, very soon they became hot, began to envelop me in a sliding veil ... "People, it is wet! Look! "- and Romka began to touch everyone with a hand stained in my discharge ..." What a hairy pussy she has ... If you shave, you will be a real fucking ... "From this thought - that I can be forced to shave - it happened in me some kind of explosion: a hot wave suddenly boiled, spilled out somewhere ... and out of me suddenly screams and groans crept out of my desire, and from my pussy flowed.

“Look! Cumming! Comes over! "- Cried the boys. I rushed and toiled under their hands; it was as if a terrible sweetness erupted from me, which I wanted to die from ... It was impossible to be ashamed - the shame was so monstrous that it became pleasant ... My hands on my pussy pierced her with discharges of current - and sweet, blindingly blissful flowed from me a wave ... I began to choke, I wanted to be grabbed, crushed, humiliated, like a rag doll, to be torn to pieces by my pussy, began to bend and turn my hands around her pussy. I was grabbed by the chest, by the ass, in my pussy they began to squish with a wet mash that was pouring out of there - and I felt the second wave carry me — even sweeter, deadly, unbearably pleasant. Forgetting about everything in the world, I screamed with might and main ... All thoughts left me, I remained a naked female, consisting of one of the genitals ...

Everyone else laughed as if it was a cool joke. Then, when I finished - my mind returned to me, and I began to realize what had just happened ... The thought about it was so monstrous that I closed my eyes on her, not letting myself in. I was offered to play on; but if I lose, I’ll shave my pussy, "so that I would be a real fuck." I felt keen pleasure from risk; besides, there was some strange pleasure in being a “whore” - humiliated, dissolute and shameless; I felt it for the first time in my life. This pleasure was dark, cold and it looked like the joy of fussing in a puddle, in the mud, which I experienced once in my childhood.

... Of course, I lost again. They laid me down on the bed, brought shaving prisandaly, cream ... I lay naked and thought: now they will shave me THERE ... These thoughts tormented me sweetly, and the dazzling wave was ready to rush out of me for the third time. Finally, they spread my legs, began to lather my entire crotch, touching my pussy ... I again groaned loudly, and Romka, the boy who shaved me, put his hand on my pussy covered with a thick layer of soapy cream, smacked in it - why the wave in me crawled to the very very last edge and was ready to break into the abyss - and asked: "what do you like so much, right?" I groan and wagged my hips ... "Well, no, fuck, wait, shave you, then will you finish "- said Roma, grinned and began to shave me.

Shaving was a terrible sweet torture: I was on the verge of an orgasm, and touching the pussy kept pushing me towards him all the time ... And then the other boys also pawed my breasts, twisted my nipples ... Finally, they shaved me, wiped it off, and Romka said :

- If you win back - your happiness; lose again - fuck you. Such a fuck like you need to fuck!

I felt a chill in my chest. I understood how scary what he said - but I wanted to death to death !!! I realized that he was right, I turned out to be the most ordinary whore ... I was overpowered by a sweet, black self-hatred, I thought: since I am like this - that's what I need ... besides, I wanted to finish it terribly, just unbearable, but to caress for all I could not ... And I agreed!

... ...

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