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than the old stepfather. Mom's former boyfriend, Uncle Vitya, often molested her until she succumbed to him. Sticking to her, he immediately finished, which disappointed and disappointed Lily. Since he did not ask her, she no longer gave him. And mom didn't like him either, so she got rid of him once. But Uncle Serezha is another matter. He is such a nice and healthy man. Fucking mom has not less than an hour, and apparently she likes it very much, otherwise she would not moan now so loudly.

The creaking of the bed ceased, and naked mother suddenly jumped out of the bedroom. Without looking at Lily, she promptly rushed to the toilet. Following her, Uncle Sergei ran out of the bedroom. Seeing his huge, excitedly sticking long and thick cock, Lily almost gasped with delight. Its size seemed to her just awesome.

Seeing her, I smiled and, raising my penis with my hand, quickly took a step towards her. Lilka looked at my huge trunk intertwined with veins as if spellbound. So staring, I was not even surprised when, lifting her, pushing her legs apart with her knees, I put my cock in her wet genital slit. Lilka gasped and went limp, limply clinging to me with full hips.

“Are you okay, my girl now?” - I asked, quickly moving a member.

Looking at me, she nodded in agreement.

- Oh, Uncle Serezha! I am so pleased now!

- You have a little patience my love. Now we can not be long, - I whispered. “As soon as your mommy falls asleep, I will immediately come to you, and I will gently love you.” Will you be waiting for me

Breathing intermittently, Lily nodded in agreement. My cock smacking quickly slid into her quivering vagina. With regret, having pulled him out, I slapped her on her bare ass, and quickly left the hall.

- Oh, ear ring! Just not now! Oh, how greedy you are! - Laughing, exclaimed mom. Then something whispered hot, and Lily immediately heard the familiar smacking sounds.

Carefully looking out into the hallway, she saw her mother standing with her back wide-legged, which Uncle Sergei had fucked, tearing her big buttocks with her fingers to the side. When he saw Lily, he winked merrily at her over the shoulder of her mother.

The next hour, until my mother fell asleep, blazing with desire, Lily was looking forward to Uncle Sergei. She was a little scared, but she still kept in herself, the feeling of his cock filling her vagina tightly, his quick stimulating jolts and the elasticity of his tight flesh.

Hearing the quiet creak of the door being opened, she froze. On her stomach lay a warm male hand. Sliding along it, she lay down on a finely trembling thigh. Fingers parted her swollen lips, and passionately throwing up her hips, Lily trembled. His finger often vibrated on her excited clit.

- Uncle Serozha, my dear! Oh please! Take me - She whispered imploringly and incoherently, frantically clutching at her hands.

Spreading her legs, I powerfully drove the penis into a juice-rich gap. Lily gasped, and hugging me tightly, moaning with excitement, began to flutter me fervently. The hot sparkling wave caught her and, forcing her to arch out, threw her into oblivion.

- Oh, Lilka! Can you imagine what happened to me yesterday! - Hot flames from embarrassment face, Lena exclaimed. - Vadka Perfilyev climbed into my pants and, as I did not resist, felt me ​​there.

- So what's so unusual about that? - Lily asked with apparent indifference.

- How is that unusual ?! - sincerely indignant Lena. - He felt me ​​there! Do you understand? THERE!

- So what? Yesterday, they not only felt me, but even more than that, they long and passionately loved. I still can not come to my senses. This is so wonderful! - She smiled wistfully.

- Did you ... give someone yesterday ?! - Lena asked with delight and horror.

Gave it.

- Oh, Lilka! Crazy! Tell me! Otherwise, I will die of curiosity!

- Just do not chat in the classroom.

- I swear. Well, tell me.

- Yesterday I gave Uncle Seryozha, my new stepfather.He is such a handsome man!

- What do you mean! Oh, Lilka! Tell me how it was!

- He and mom fucked all night long. When mom jumped out to pee, he left the bedroom and immediately saw me. I sat wet and without panties.

- And he? How was your new stepfather? - With greedy interest asked Helen.

- He left the bedroom completely naked.

“Have you seen him ... this one?”

- His dick? Of course, I saw, - smiled indulgently, Lily answered. “He had such a huge thing sticking up. I, as I saw her, fainted with horror and admiration. Imagine what I saw. He stood like a stake. Sticking up.

- And what happened next?

- Seeing what condition I was in, he understood everything, approached me, quickly picked up from the chair, then, spreading my legs, immediately thrust it into me.

- Oh you! How interesting! And you, what did Lilechka feel? Did you hurt a lot? After all, you say that he has such a huge member.

- It does not hurt at all. I instantly forgot everything. Only felt in his dick. It was so great that I almost fainted. Vishu on his chest while mom was in the toilet, he quickly fucked me. It would be a little more, and I would have certainly finished, but, unfortunately, he almost immediately had to leave me and go after her. Then, he was standing fucking her in the hallway. I watched and died of desire. You have no idea what a man it is!

- And then what happened? Tell me! - With greedy curiosity asked her friend.

- I hardly waited for him in the evening. Well, then, we fucked with him indefinitely. Almost two hours. It was so great that I had finished several times and almost couldn’t be described in pleasure.

- And you did not hurt? After all, he has such a big dick!

- I was perfect, not hurt. I instantly forgot that he has a huge member. Although, when he especially deeply pounded him into me, and I even sometimes began to fart.

- Oh, Lilechka, you can not even imagine how I envy you! I wish I could try to fuck with a real adult man. And then, I'm afraid of giving boys. To the same Vadka, for example. He asked me so yesterday, and I was afraid to give him. Firstly, I am afraid that later he will show off to his friends, and secondly, he is not able to do anything and will hurt me.

Lily looked at her friend, and with a little smile, suggested: - “Do you want to fuck Uncle Seryozha? I can negotiate with him. It's easy. ”

- What are you, Lilka! - Helen scared looked at her friend and blushed. - He's a man.

- You yourself said that you dream to fuck with a real man. Did she speak?

- So what? Yes, of course, she did. What are you, Lilka. It's a shame because before him. He still thinks I'm some kind of whore.

- Nonsense you say. What are you a slut, if the girl, besides still untouched. And why do you think that about you, if you give him, should Uncle Seryozha think badly? Just think!

- I do not think anything ...

- So, nevertheless, do you want to fuck him? I can calmly negotiate with him. He will agree with pleasure.

- Yes, I would ... I am very ashamed, - Lenochka admitted, blushing.

Looking at the reddened girlfriend, Lily suddenly got up and quickly went into the bedroom. Taking her puzzled look, Lena lowered her head and covered her face with her hands in excitement. She was very excited by this exciting conversation with a friend. She really has long dreamed of trying sex with a man. Girlfriends have boasted many times that they fuck ... Read more →

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