In his soul was sadness. He, understood that further, how he lives now, it is impossible to live more. His once beautiful, lovely wife, over the years of his life with him, unnoticed by him, gradually turned into the disgusting bitch who steadily sent his life.

Two years ago, at the request of his wife, he reluctantly drove to an unfamiliar to him, younger sister of his wife Tatiana, and instantly got into their family fights, well known to him by their own lives. But, in her family, everything was just the opposite. Going along with the women Vadim, completely lost his conscience. That evening, they sat peacefully at the table, and at the request of Vadim, celebrated his arrival with glasses. Family quarrel between them, broke out because of some minor trifle, which he now can not remember.

Meanwhile, distraught by a huge dose of drunk alcohol, with fists raised ominously, Vadim furiously attacked his wife, Tanya, frozen in horror. As soon as he managed to wipe at her, he immediately collapsed with an insensible bag at the feet of Stepan, who had jumped to him from behind. With horror, looking at her unconscious husband, the woman looked at him imploringly.

- Tap dance. For God's sake, spare me from him. You see how unmanageable the beast has become. One day, I'm sure of it, one day he will kill me.

Pushing her husband snoring sleepily on the floor with his fists, breaking his nose, he lucidly explained that if Vadim does not disappear forever from Tanya’s life from today, he’s Stepan, without pity will break all his bones.

“I’ll never kill you, of course, but I’ll cripple you for the rest of my life so that you can’t raise your hands on it any more,” he said frankly, looking with hatred into his drunk face.

Although Vadim was dead drunk, but a sense of self-preservation, he nevertheless remained, therefore, knowing the terrible power of the fearsome Stepan in anger, silently rising from the floor, he quickly dressed, and then loudly slamming goodbye at the front door, really disappeared from her life forever. He probably didn’t care about his wife’s drinking. Sobbing loudly for joy, the young woman swayed weakly, but, having caught her, he tenderly pressed her to her chest. Raising her face, she kissed him gratefully on the lips. He embraced her, and their long kiss ended in bed.

A young woman, who yearned without affection, was passionately wrapped around him. For the first time, for several years, together with her sister of past years, he suddenly realized how frantic and incredibly passionate a woman could be in bed. She made love herself to the point of utter exhaustion.

Happily crying, she frantically kissed his dick. Waking up next to her in the morning, he threw her sleepy body on her back, then, spreading the sluggish legs of a sleepy woman, passionately seized her. Opening her eyes, she smiled happily, then, standing up under him, wrapped her arms around his neck and, putting her mouth to his lips, breathing hotly in his mouth, began to fervently pry. Oh, how he did not want to leave her, but his vacation was over, he needed to return to work, and he went to buy a ticket.

Their last night, she was crying incessantly. She calmed down only during their proximity. As soon as he fell from her hot body, prostrated on the bed, the tears instantly began to flow again from her sad eyes, swollen from them.

Remembering all this, he did not even notice that he turned the car in the direction of her city. And when he realized this, he realized that for him, this is a sign of fate, and he went on, suddenly deciding for himself that he would never return to his former life that was disgusting for him.

January 18, 2010

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