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Chapter 1. Meeting classmates

- Glory! Is it really you?! - A woman standing in front of him, surprisingly reminded him of someone. And suddenly he immediately remembered her. This is his former classmate, with whom he was in a distant youth, and he was also deeply in love.

- Is that you, Rita? Rita Merkulova? I'm not wrong?

- Recognized me, after all. How many years have we not seen each other, Slava? - Looking intently at his mature face, she asked sadly.

- Many years. A long time ago. Practically since then, as I then, left our eighth "A". Since then, we have not met.

- Yes! Yes! You're right! Good lord How long has it been! How fast time flies! It seemed like we had been sitting at school desks for a long time, and now, we were almost retired. Life is so transient. By the way, how do you live? How was your personal life? Are you probably married? Do you, of course, have children?

- Alas! I have neither family nor children. I live alone like a finger. And how do you live? Unlike me, are you happy in this life?

- I can only just repeat your sad answer, except for the fact that I have an adult daughter. She is a student, she studies at the university in the faculty of philology, but I, just like you are almost alone. Your daughter, as you know, has her own life. She is rarely at home, so I live completely alone.

- And yet, I congratulate you! Genuinely happy for you.

- With what to congratulate me, Slavochka. I, too, am not too happy in my personal life. I never had a husband. And all my life, I live alone.

- I sympathize with you, and I understand. Loneliness Ritochka, lousy thing.

- Slava! Now, I am very busy. If you want to chat with me, you can come home to me tonight. We with you, sit down, talk in detail about everything heart to heart. I hope you still remember my address?

- Is he the same, the same? Then, of course, I remember him. I remember that my mother once told me that you continued to live in our city, even gave me your former address. But, I did not believe it. Honestly, I thought you had left our city a long time ago. It turns out I was wrong.

- Where can I go from here, Slava? Who needs me? By the way, give me a big hello to my mother.

- Thank you, Ritochka, I will certainly convey her greetings to her.

- Will you come, Glory? I will certainly wait for you. I want to see you again. You are not indifferent to me.

- I'll definitely come. I am really glad for our unexpected pleasant meeting. At least one almost soulmate, was found in our city.

“I’ll look forward to hearing from you, Slava,” she repeated, and looked at him with a special feminine look from which excitement burst into his heart. Rita had long liked him, and so they finally met.

There was more to her words than the usual desire to meet him again. They sounded a warm feeling to him and a woman's promise. His heart also beat excitedly, as then, in a distant youth, in which he stared at the young, attractive beauty Ritochka Merkulov. He did not think she would be so alone. Someone who, and she more than others, had every chance to arrange his personal life. But it turns out she is just as lonely. It gave him hope.

With a new force, he suddenly felt that despite the long years of their separation, he still saved his tender feelings for her. Without a loss, he carried them through the difficult years of his life, carefully preserved, despite the numerous connections with various women who met on his way.

During this time, she, by the way, has become even more attractive, having gained with age the female completeness and seductive attractiveness of a full-bodied, extraordinarily beautiful figure.

Looking after her, he caressed with his eyes the heavily rotating buttocks of her big butt. With greed, he felt his eyes full, a little shortish, but because of that, her beautiful legs that seemed especially seductive.He recalled the exhilarating bulge of the hemispheres of her large breasts gently circling under the coat.

Probably feeling his disturbing gaze on herself, she walked especially seductively with big buttocks and he understood, she knows that he still likes him, moreover, she is pleased and she wants to be extremely attractive in his eyes.

No, he must meet with her and do what he did not do in her youth, win her heart, stir love in her soul, inflame her desire to yourself.

She opened right away and he realized that she, too, was eagerly awaiting his arrival.

- Come ?! How nice! She exclaimed joyfully.

Yes, of course, she waited for him. Joy shines brightly in her look. She waited for him and is very happy about his appearance.

Taking advantage of the right moment, he embraced her and with related familiarity, sensually and gently kissed her on the lips. Flushing like a shy girl, she pulled away from him, but kissed back, and began to unbutton her coat.

“While you are alone, bored a little, and in the meantime I will cook on the table.”

- Let's go to the kitchen. Do you have a stove? So I smoke next to her.

She smiled warmly.

- Fell yourself like at your own home. Smoke wherever you want. I have no ashtrays, here, take a saucer instead.

- No, Ritochka. I will smoke near the stove, at the same time I will admire you. You're so cute at home. I miss you, home, family comfort.

She was embarrassed.

- You have nothing to admire. I am a typical fat old woman. There is nothing attractive in me.

- Do not engage in self-deprecation, Ritochka. This role is absolutely no good for you. You know that for me you are still as good, and, as before, I really like you.

- I am pleased to hear this Slavochka. True, nice. I have not said such words for a long time.

- True, nice?

- Yes, Slavochka. Especially when you say it.

- Rita!

Stepping toward her, he hugged her tightly and, not paying attention to her embarrassed resistance, pressed his mouth to her lips for a long time. They gently blossomed under his lips and answered with kisses.

- Glory! Oh my God!

Rita's face burned excitedly. Big breasts excitedly swayed, threatening to escape from the close captivity of her tight-fitting robe. Putting her hands on his chest, she looked into his eyes with loving attention.

- Really, I still continue to like you?

- Rita! Is it really imperceptible? It seemed to me that you immediately, during our meeting, noticed this.

“It’s been so many years,” she replied guiltily, as if making excuses, stroking his chest with her palms.

Looking into her eyes, he replied: “Having met you, I realized that for me it means nothing. My attitude towards you is still as gentle as in my youth. ”

- I am very pleased to hear this Slavochka.

Gently hugging her, he bent over her face and without taking her eyes off him, she put her lips to him. Kissing her, he stroked her back and went down tightly, squeezing her full buttock.

- Glory, do not. After all, I'm still a living woman.

“I’m trying to achieve just that, so you want to show your feelings.”

- Are you seeking my favor?

- Is it not clear to you? Or am I not a man?

- Of course, you are a man. And more, what. Do you really really want intimacy between us?

- Unusually strongly want.

- Well Glory, you and I are adults and we don’t make sense to pretend to each other. Come to my bedroom in minutes ...

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