- Listen, something we are completely bored, maybe we will play hide and seek? - Asked the guests sitting in the hall Victor. - Whom we will find, that and ... not looking. We have not tried it yet.

The women pink from the wine they had drunk looked at each other and laughed embarrassedly, but their eyes glittered excitedly. There were three couples in the hall, since women needed to hide, men would look for them and ... This promised a lot of exciting moments.

- Go, babonki, hide, - not meeting objections, he suggested.

Coming out of the hall, Elena long and restlessly rushed through a small apartment in search of a reliable shelter, until she ran into the dark bedroom. Since the rules of their game, lighting was forbidden to be included, hoping that it would not be discovered immediately, she squeezed into the narrow gap between the wall and the cabinet.

But, contrary to expectation, she was found very quickly. Grasping her chest, the invisible man squeezed her tightly, then, not paying attention to Elena’s bashful resistance, quickly lifting the hem of her dress and confidently pulled off her panties. Startled from the exciting touch and exciting invasion of his penis, she began to rise on tiptoe

Oh my God! What is he there! He was a member of an unbearably gigantic size!

From the hack, she uncontrollably wanted to groan hard. But, in spite of the colossal magnitude, his fat cock slowly conquered her sex gap with small pushes. When she was wearing it, there was no longer any space left inside her and she could not breathe.

According to the stories of her observant friends, such a large member could only be one of the men present here, Igor. Her member Vitya was significantly smaller, but Alyona boasted that her husband had an incredibly large baton piercing her through and through. So it could only be him. And as soon as poor Alain tolerates him. Now she also tested him. Nevertheless, she experienced an unusually pleasant sensations.

- Terpi Lenochka, if you decide to play these stupid games, - whispered her sexual partner, Igor’s well-known voice. - I do not believe that it is unpleasant for you.

- Just do not, Igor, love me with such passion. Die your ardor, otherwise, I am afraid that you can pierce me through, - She asked me with measured hips.

- Lena, you feel good with me?

- Don't ask stupid questions. Don't you feel anything?

- Even as I feel sweet Helen. I love you here, and by the way, I'm wondering which of the men now loves my Alenushka?

- You guys, it probably doesn’t care who will love whom, if you organized this stupid game and gave your wives to others. That's really expensive, how come. Maybe my Oleg loves her now, and maybe Vadik.

“We did this to be able to take turns loving you.” Our game, veiled group sex. I confess to you, I have long dreamed of loving you.

- I just realized that. It feels great because of the passion that you put into your movements. But I will not pretend before you, I am pleased with you.

- And at the same time, you also agreed to this.

- Other women agreed too, Igorek.

“So they also want to have sex with other men.”

- Yours, dear little wife, Alain, also by the way, decided to play.

Elena silently sat next to her husband and thoughtfully looking at the lighted windows of houses running past, she felt completely satisfied. After Igor, she found her and, not paying attention to her resistance, loved Vadim with an unexpected passion, after which Igor again and now in her lower stomach ached slightly in pain, but she felt easy.

Oleg was vengeful and did not forgive her that she indulged in love with Igor with undisguised passion, and Alena did not forgive her husband, as a result, after divorcing her jealous husband, Elena accepted Igor to herself. She never failed to forget the exciting moments of that memorable game, she continued to recall him.

But Alain, unexpectedly for himself, was left alone. She was not needed either by Vadim, who remained with his wife, or by his ex-husband Oleg, who unexpectedly for everyone, married a girl she did not know.

Without any regrets, Elena began to live with Igor, and once having felt sick, she found out that she was in a position. In due time, she gave birth to a son. Her husband felt very happy man.

February 2, 2007

Author's e-mail: S

1 comment
  • April 9, 2017 1:20

    Something is hard to believe in a casual conversation, while Igor has pierced Lenochka with his huge member.


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