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the face bowed to Duna, the miller's. - Thanks to your slander against us, young master, we, tepericha, ride with our daughter, like cheese in butter.

- In vain, you rejoice Marfa Timofeevna. You are not the cheese in butter, but the bedding is a man’s barrel, for a seed to drain. With you and with your daughter, the young gentleman sleeps, for a change, as the sour will desire, and with me, every single evening and night, since all nights I sleep in the same bed with him, in his man's arms. Yes, and under his friends, he does not enclose me, but you and Grushka, dirty with it, like women taverns.

The young lord did not like Pear. Enjoys, but he never kissed himself all this time. And she wanted to love, the heat of the heart, adoration.

Being on the order of the gentleman to the estate, she often met a young, homely boy, Alyosha, who was handsome, like an angel. Seeing him, she involuntarily fell into emotion.

Correcting her skirt rumpled by his master, but the girl who did not get satisfaction with them, left the office and saw Alyosha standing in a niche. Looking around and not seeing other eyes, she approached him and steadfastly looked into his eyes that were begging for something.

He was so cute that the girl's heart shuddered sweetly and came up to him, she with a passionate longing, hotly kissed him on her freshly opened lips. His hands instantly lifted her long skirts and eagerly squeezed her swollen labia after merging with his master. Grushenka fluttered.

- Do you have a secluded place, mylenochek?

- Will you come with me? - With a resurrected hope, the boy asked, continuing to eagerly feel her sexy lips.

- I will go, but, only, not for long. Mama's waiting for me.

- Come, this is here, near. No dog can track us down.

He turned and looked around, pressed a monogram in the framing frame of the picture.

Much to the amazement of the girl, the frame moved away from the wall and in it, a narrow slot formed, quite sufficient to penetrate it into the secret room. They quickly entered and the boy closed the secret entrance.

Pear looked around. It was a secret room for love dates. Half of its area was occupied by a huge bed, covered with old, once luxurious bedspreads. At the head lay pillows. It was noticeable that it is inhabited.

“It was me, when I was rubbing wall tapestries, accidentally turned the shutter and discovered this room.” About her, even our master does not know, - turning to her, the boy proudly said. “We have little time,” he recalled, and quickly exposed himself, revealing Grushe a resiliently protruding white member, who terribly agitated her with his freshness.

Lifting up her skirts, she walked over to the bed and climbed onto it, lay on her back, invitingly spreading her full white legs, in the arch of which, the sex gap slid a little, darkened with hair. Flushing with a surge of excitement, the boy climbed between her legs and sent his penis into the gaping crevice of the girl, and began to quite skillfully humiliate her.

Pear realized that he has some experience in dealing with the female sex. His lively member, deeply penetrating inside, magnificently revived her already excited womb. Swinging at him, she closed her eyes blissfully.

Having thrust a hand into the deep neckline of her dress, the young man extracted a big breast and greedily stuck to the pink nipple. Smoothing her full thighs, he sharply popped a member into her slit. The Pear, crushed by these caresses, groaned and burst into an ecstasy that saved one from desire.

Chapter 5. Alyoshka

“It's good that the young gentleman does not know about this secret refuge,” thought Alyoshka, lying on the bed.

Bringing out the Pear, he quickly looked around and briefly kissed her on the rosy cheek, disappeared as if he was not there. Wanting to recall the place of secret dates, Pear returned to the picture and tried to find the drive for the secret door, but in vain.She was not even sure if that was the picture, because there are so many of them and they are so much alike.

Grushenka was right that Alyoshka already has experience in dealing with the female class. Before her, on this bed, has already been several girls.

Walking on a huge house with countless rooms, Polenka, hopelessly lost her way. Her curiosity let her down, for the first time she got into such a huge and beautifully furnished house. Taking advantage of her master's absence, her mother brought her along with her so that she could look at how gentlemen live.

Walking down a long corridor, she turned several times around the corner and decided to return to Mother, she found that she could not find the way back. Seeing a beautiful boy suddenly appeared in front of her, she was even delighted.

“Come on, I will take you to Mother,” he said quietly, and taking Polenka by the hand, with an elusive movement, he ran his hand over the huge frame that hung to his back, to the floor. To the amazement of the girl, the picture opened like a door and they entered the room. The door closed and the girl realized that the boy had deceived her, trapped her. But indoors, there was such an impenetrable darkness that she could not find a way out.

- I will let you out. Do not be afraid, but first, you owe me ...

The candle lit up and in its seeming after dark bright light, the girl saw a large bed.

- Come to me.

- Do not come, scream.

The boy smiled.

- Shout, even burst. No one will hear you. If you resist me, I will leave you here, and you will sit until you die of hunger. Be obedient and I will let you out.

Saying this, he approached her and, taking her hand, led her to the bed. Praying silently, Polenka followed him, realizing that this was her death.

- Lie down and lift your skirt.

- Not! Dont touch me! - Hoping for salvation, the girl screamed.

The boy pushed her and, throwing him back, pounced on top of her. Easily overcoming her resistance, he pulled up her little skirt, and saw under her two closely-knit slender legs, with a puffy triangle of her secret little town. Pushing his knee between them with force, he parted them and felt the firm touch of his penis below, Polina squealed with fear, and then, with pain, telling her that she had lost her innocence.

Below her belly, the boy’s firm flesh penetrated deep, and then he began to move her, to and fro, to and fro. Polina's mind clouded over, and quietly moaning, she wiggled, moved, lying under him with her legs apart. She was hardly aware of what he was doing with her, but she was very good. Moving in her close slit, a member caressed, excited her.

After long moments, her slim body bent convulsively and groaning languidly, she convulsively kicked her legs, throwing up her open thighs.

She woke up and, remembering everything, rushed to the walls, trying to find a way out of her prison, but all was in vain. Tired, she went to the bed and sat on it, looked around.

On a small table, a candle was burning dimly, next to it lay a few spare candles, a jug of water and a covered bowl of food. Approaching him, she saw bread covered with a clean napkin, and she ate with appetite, greedily drank from a jug of soaked water. It was terribly hot. Taking off her dress, she was left naked. Anyway, he fucked up her body, deprived her of chastity. Now, she no longer get married. However, she did not feel hatred for him.

He appeared unnoticed. Standing in the middle of the room, she suddenly felt her embrace. On her small breasts lay the palms of the boy.

“Let me go to Mama,” she asked pleadingly.

- Here you will sit with you, - touching and gently stroking her disgusting lips, he answered, - then I will let go home. You do not worry, I will not do anything bad to you.

She, involuntarily felt the desire. Now, he also took off his clothes and for the first time in her life, she saw a male body. In the place where she had her lips ... Read more →

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