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March 2, 2002

Chapter 1. Dunyasha

- Hey, who is there! Immediately send Dunyashka to me! Marfa Vasilyevna ordered imperiously when she saw the frightened faces of courtyards who came running to her loud call.

Having run into the room, Dunyasha prostrated herself before a formidable old woman, still near the threshold.

- Get up from your knees! - Marfa Vasilievna ordered. When looking at the girl prostrated in front of her, her eyes were kind. Dunyasha has been with her since she was twelve years old, so unwittingly to herself the old lady firmly attached herself to her.

Dunyasha was a quick, quick-witted girl. Marfa Vasilievna favored her and sometimes did not even punish her for minor offenses. What can not be said about other girls whom she did not give the descent.

- Get up now! - Already with a bit of mild irritation, she ordered.

Dunyasha stood up and timidly lowered her head in front of the menacing lady, quickly rubbed the tip of her handkerchief with her fingers.

- Are you healthy? Not sick, what are you? If you infect my grandson, I will pull the three skins off you! - Strongly promised a lady.

The girl turned pale.

- I am healthy, mother mistress. In our family, girls were always healthy.

- I have a case for you, Dunyasha. Now you will, like me before, serve in the bedroom a baric. Bed for him to warm. He also matured to maintain men's health, he needs a pleasant, healthy girl. For his bed. If he wants you, then you lie under him. Do you understand me? I fully entrust it to you. Head for him in front of me answer. Poke Barich in everything, do not stop talking about anything.

Realizing that the lady orders her to sleep with the young master, Dunyasha flushed bashfully, but nodded submissively. Her long, lowered eyelashes fluttered like black butterfly wings. She realized that she was paying for the kindness of the lady. She was prepared to play the role of a bed girl, who, at the whim of a young barich, should obediently take off her shirt and give him her innocence. She dutifully bowed her head and quietly replied: “How do you order mother-madam.” I will do everything as you tell me. ”

- And now, completely undress. Take off all your clothes. Let me see you. I want to look at you, whether you are healthy, whether your skin is clean, whether you have any female defects. Although I do not doubt that you are healthy. This is already visible. But, undress anyway, I'll look at you.

Poured with a shy blush, Dunyasha took off her clothes, and put her head down in front of the lady, chastely covering her beautiful tuft of dark hair under her belly.

- Hands off. What are you ashamed of? Are you a girl? Or has someone tasted you already?

- I am an innocent girl, mother, madam. The father said, I will lower the skin, if someone spoils it.

- Watch me. From now on, your soul and body belong only to our young master. From this day, God forbid, I find out that you have made love affairs with someone from our courtyard, I'll lock you both in the stable. I'll give the guy a soldier, and I'll send you to the barnyard.

She went to the girl and carefully examined her around.

- Good you! - Pretty she noticed, pinching, and stroking her round and elastic yagodichku. Then gently felt the tight chest. Gentle, resilient, and pleasant to the touch.

- You really girl? Look, do not hide anything from me, not that, then it will be worse.

- What are you, mother-lady, how can? - Almost without crying for shame, not daring to cover even poured, petty trembling breasts from the lady, from the lady, answered Dunyasha.

The lady raised lorgnette to her eyes and carefully examined their resilient milky-white roundness of her breasts with softly flattened pink nipples. Good girl! Ah, good!

- Well, look to me! Now go, and immediately take a fragrant herbal bath. I ordered Thekle to help you, rubbed with all sorts of drugs so that you could smell nice. He loves it. Go to her. She will do everything for you.

- As you say, mother-madam.

- Go. Yes, one more thing. Do not take in your cheeks, for color, rub with beets.They are as pink as the flowers on an apple tree, ”the old woman commanded, smiling kindly.

Bowing deeply to the old mistress, Dunyasha went out. She was not upset that she was to become the bed-maid of a young barich, to give him the honor of a girl, and a white body to delight.

Firstly, he was a good baric, and had never offended her, and secondly, he is very young, very good by himself, straightforwardly handsome, written. Like a prince from a children's fairy tale that grandmother told her as a child. No wonder the old mistress loves him so dearly. They say that he is like two peas in a pod like his grandfather, an old gentleman in his youth. The old gentleman was very eager for the girls, body-built, and the appearance was very fit.

The French killed him when, coming to the estate, began to break into the estate. He fired a dueling pistol and killed a French lieutenant. In response to this, the French launched a volley of rifles, and literally riddled the old gentleman. Dashing and fearless was a man.

In her heart, she was glad that she would serve the young baric. It is a shame, of course, to unmask with him and go to bed with him, but what to do, if such is the proportion of girls.

She only felt sorry for the maid Katya, who had long been in love with the baric.

Dunyasha knew all her love story as a young barich fell in love with her.

She somehow entered his bedroom when he slept, and ventured to kiss him. When she straightened, her eyes met with the barich’s open eyes. He grabbed Kate by the hand and did not let her run. His eyes shone so delightfully delight and love that she could not stand it and kissed him again. He hugged the girl, and then pulled her to his bed. A tall mound rose under his shirt.

Forgetting about the girlish shame, Katya lay down to him and already eagerly raised her long skirts in front of him. Seeing the girlish charms, the young barich ignited, vividly climbed on her and his bedroom was filled with their enthusiastic oohs and ardent moans.

Since then, every morning, she spent the whole month delighting him with her young elastic body. Learn about this self-will of the old lady, three skins would have let her down, but everything worked out.

What she did, further strengthened her in the thought that she was madly in love with the young master.

At the moment of the highest delight, he called her favorite.

And so, Dunyasha, her best friend, was to become their love mate.

Without being surprised at anything, Thekla took a long soap and rubbed Dunyasha, rubbed her body with odorous ointments. At first she was ashamed to lie in front of an old woman, but Thekla did everything with such an indifferent and imperturbable look that Dunyasha felt as if she did not see her at all. Only sometimes, her hand lingered on her breasts or buttocks, and she rubbed, as if caressing them.

Dunyasha knew that Thekla lived with her master without a crown for almost forty years. She herself was buried when the French killed him. The old lady also knew about this, but did not pursue her former rival for this criminal love. Moreover, when Thecla grew old, she even freed her from hard work, and then brought her closer to herself. Because they were united by a common tender love for one person dear to them. They are united by the memory of him.

- Are you a girl, honey? - Suddenly asked her, Thekla.

“Yes, Aunt Thekla, girl,” Dunyasha answered, blushing.

- That is good. Men love to deprive girls of chastity.

- Grandma, is it very painful? - Robea from waiting for her unknown, and shameful events, timidly asked her girl.

- I do not know if it hurts? I do not remember how it was with me. But, I know that sometimes it hurts. Especially for the first time. And only then, when everything starts, you will immediately forget about the pain.

From the memories, the wrinkled face of the woman brightened, and seemed to be lit up by the magic ...

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