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sculpture, afraid to move.

“Here we will make a waist,” either said a tailor.

- Y ... yes! - this time her hoarse voice betrayed alyonino excitement. Her heart seemed to be beating so that it could be heard at the other end of the city. It seemed to her that she smelled the smell of her juices in panties and she felt ashamed of the thought that the tailor smelled him too. "Take ... fuck ... fuck me" - where she screamed inside Alena.

“Could you spread your legs a little bit,” his imperious voice brought Alena back. “Now he will see and understand everything,” Alena was frightened. She raised one leg and pushed it to the side. Now her legs were spread wider than shoulder width. If someone half an hour ago had told Alena what state she would be in, she would have laughed that person in the face. But here she is, the wife of one of the most influential businessmen of the city, and maybe of the country, stands with her legs spread before a very ordinary tailor who tells her what to do. And she fulfills all his requirements, and she still likes it ...

Gene again put his hand on Alyona's leg, but this time from the inside and with his right hand he went up the leg. Reaching the end of his leg, he barely touched the inner seam of the trousers. Alyona and that was enough to feel the touch of wet panties to her lower lips. She terribly wanted to sit on his hand. Alena looked up and bit her lip, holding back a moan. However, this did not quite help, and an indistinct, barely noticeable moan burst from her chest.

The tailor, as if nothing had happened, asked in an ordinary voice, “Are you not comfortable, or do you think you need a little higher?”

- Uh ... higher, - Alena squeezed out of herself. She was so excited that she didn’t care. The tailor pressed the outer side of the fist just at the place where its sponges formed a fold and slightly parted them. This time Alyona was unable to control herself and moaned rather loudly.

- Did you say something? So enough? - The tailor seemed to mock her.

- Y ... yes, yes, yes! - almost yelled Alena.

- Wonderful. This is probably all. Here your torments also ended, - Gena smiled and right there departed to make the records.

What? How will he leave me like that? Just like that? ... - Alena's thoughts were confused in her head, she could not believe it.

“Come to the fitting room on Monday,” the tailor turned to Alena.

- On Monday? - asked Alena. What the hell is Monday, it's five days later, but I need it now. Well, let him at least take measurements again, but I did not finish !!! - shouted Alena to herself.

But nothing could be done. The tailor sounded too businesslike, smiling on duty, making it clear that the reception was over. She also did not want to be humiliated and ask him about something, besides, she is a married woman from high society and, by the way, is not good at herself.

Alena flew out of the studio like a bullet, got into the car and hit the gas. After only three traffic lights, she looked at the pants between her legs and saw a wet spot. Her face immediately turned red as a traffic light, - Surely he noticed how wet I was ...

Alena didn’t seem to be able to drive away the thoughts about this cute tailor, who so excited her, and then actually put her out of the door.

The first thing Alyona did upon returning home was undressing and jumping into the bathroom. She immediately began to torture herself with her fingers and literally after a couple of minutes, she ended violently.

That night, Alena fell asleep again and again experiencing what happened in the sewing studio. In the morning, while she was running from corner to corner, gathering for an important meeting, she did not even remember her adventure, but as soon as she came to the editor and sat in her office at the table, her memories of yesterday were immediately returned to her.All day she couldn’t get rid of the thoughts about the tailor and even once closed her office on the lock and wanted to somehow relieve the tension, but at that moment the phone rang. I had to pick up the phone. At night she was not so easy to sleep, and in the morning she woke up even more excited. Alena came to the conclusion that she had to visit the tailor as quickly as possible, see him and calm down, as often happens. But how? Just like that, for no reason, you cannot fuss, and wait three more days worse than torture in the Gestapo. As Alena did not try to come up with at least some good reason, she did not succeed. In the end, she went to the store, bought the material there and went to the studio with a new order.

She decided to wear something so that this stupid figure out how much he missed. Therefore, she wore a rather short skirt, and the top consisted of a little thing with a fully open back and a decent neckline in front. She held on two garters, one on the neck and the other on the back. Alena wore elegant high-heeled sandals on her feet. She decided not to wear her panties, so as to add pepper, so to speak ... In order not to surprise people on the street and not to hide from her acquaintances, Alena wore a summer raincoat up to her knees.

Having parked the car right in front of the atelier, she quickly ran into the atelier. When she entered the atelier, she could say with confidence that her heart was beating at a speed of ten thousand beats per minute.

- Hello, - Alena heard the calm voice of Gena, - I'm afraid I have nothing to please you - the work has not been done yet.

- Hello Genady, I came on another occasion. I would like to order another dress from this material. ”She put the material on the table in front of Gena.

- Well. What would you like to do?

- I'll tell you while you take your measure.

- But we no longer need to take measurements. I have your data.

Alenino's heart stopped for a moment, she did not expect such a lazy.

“No, no, this is a completely different dress - I have a couple of new ideas about him,” Alena finally found.

- Well, then another thing. Take off your raincoat. - said Gena.

When Alena took off her coat, the tailor could not hide her reaction to the way she looked gorgeous. The cool, air-conditioned room made the Alenin nipples harden and now they were a little visible through the thin fabric of the clothes.

She smiled. Now she felt better looking at the effect she had on the tailor. She smiled triumphantly and stood in the middle of the room, spreading her legs slightly with her left foot slightly ahead. Putting her palms on her belt, a little behind, in the lumbar region, she, as it were, pulled her chest forward a bit, accepting the stand of a self-aware woman.

- So. Where do we start? - asked the tailor and went to Alena with

with a ribbon in hand. - What dress did you come up with for yourself?

“Short and tight,” Alena said in a calm business voice. She sounded quite confident, not like last time.

“It’s probably narrower here,” Gena wrapped the ribbon around Alena’s belt.

- Yes.

- Here too? - He put his hand just below her chest, a little finger pressing on it.

- Yes ... - Alena suddenly felt that she was losing her confidence again. The tailor couldn't help noticing it.

- How are we going to do here? - Gene put both hands on the upper part of her buttocks. She felt the warmth of his hands and it seemed to her that her pussy was again wetted. - By the way, what about the dress?

- My husband makes a presentation of something there ... in short, you need to look your best.

Gene walked behind Alena's back and now his hands were walking freely around her bare back. His rough palms caused a lot of feelings to Alena, his hands were more confident than the last time.

- How are we going to make the neck? - Alena felt the ribbon around her neck ... Read more →

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