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taking off his shoes. Then, turning Vika on her stomach, Victor freed one of her wrists from the cuffs of the handcuffs, took off the overhanging dress, and again locked the bracelet on her arm. Having planted the naked woman on the seat, Victor handed over all the clothes to his partner for inspection. So, Vika was completely naked. Her hands were pulled back and handcuffed. She sat in a company car in a society of two men - representatives of the law, for whom she was only a prisoner, and who could be subjected to any humiliation and violence. The elder carefully felt all the linings of her dress and lingerie. Finding nothing, he turned to Victor. “Search. Last place, he said. Victor nodded his head. Vick understood what place he had in mind. “My God, well, surely you cannot help but humiliate me in this way? Take me to the station, because there, probably, there are women, special equipment! ”She sobbed. In suffering, she was even more beautiful. Her blue eyes were full of tears and sparkled in the dim light of the cabin of the car. Long golden hair, scattered on bare shoulders in some places covered her protruding nipples taut breasts. The snow-white body on the black leather seat of the car seemed slimmer and more attractive. Her shoulders, stretched back from her arms bound behind her back, emphasized the beauty of her long and thin neck. "No, - the answer was voiced, - This case is entrusted to us and we will complete it." Vika, in horror, closed her eyes and a thought flashed vaguely in her hot brain. “It may be worth calling for help. Probably, there will be no worse from this. ” As if she had already gained more air and prepared to scream, when suddenly, as if having guessed her intention, Victor in one second closed her mouth with a special adhesive tape. The last hope for Vika was lost. Following this, Victor again knocked her back and spread her legs. This time Vika fought hard. But what could she do against two strong, specially trained people, besides men? Vicki’s right leg was thrown onto the front head restraint and fastened with another handcuffs. There were no more handcuffs for the left leg. Rummaging in the drawer of the car, the elder took out a piece of rope from there. One end of it was wrapped around the ankle of the free leg Vika and, paying no attention to her resistance, was pulled to the headrest of the second seat. Vika's legs were spread apart and raised high up. Her crotch, buttocks were at the disposal of her tormentors. Victor continued her inspection ... He placed both of his hands on the inner surfaces of her thighs close to the crotch. The index fingers lingered near the entrance to her hole, as if by chance touched nearby places, then slowly began to penetrate inside. Vika moaned, squirmed her whole body, but Victor's hands only pressed her more firmly against the seat, and her fingers penetrated farther and farther. “It seems that she really doesn’t have it - Victor stopped his movement. “Otherwise, she herself would give it to him.” I will look between the buttocks, but it looks like we will not find anything. ”He pulled his fingers out, leaned even closer over the woman’s prostrate body and clasped her buttocks with both his palms and pushed them apart so far that Wick seemed to want to tear it in half. Having slipped with one hand into the area of ​​the rear opening, he felt the entire Vika area between the buttocks with a dense sliding movement with his fingers. His hand progressed from her crotch to the lower back, stumbled upon the fettered hands and repeated the same movement in the opposite direction. A sense of shame, humiliation and helplessness flooded Vicki’s entire face. She couldn’t even imagine what they were doing to her now. “Apparently she managed to hide it before our arrival,” said the elder. Someone warned her.Okay, let's go, take her to the station. There she will tell everything herself. ”The car started off. Victor did not release Wikina’s legs and she had to suffer the heartache all the way from her terrible posture and expectations of even more terrible and not deserved trials. 2. Interrogation.

After some time, the car slowed down near the massive gates. A security guard with a gun, who had come out to check the pass, looked into the car and saw Vicki’s prostrate body and winked meaningfully with her escorts. His interest in the woman was much more significant than in the documents submitted. Finally, the gate opened and the car drove into the courtyard. “Slow down,” Victor said to his partner. The car stopped. “Let them get dressed, they won't understand us if we take her naked through management.” Having resettled in the backseat, he released Vikina’s legs and opened the cuffs on her hands. “Get dressed, quickly!” Ordered Victor. The men got out of the car and lit up. Vika, sobbing and fumbling over the seat, began to dress. Her hands were shaking and she could not button the locks on her stocking belt. When everything was dressed, Victor opened the door and pulled the girl out of the car. “Lie down on the hood, spread your legs, arms behind your back!” He commanded. Vika fulfilled his order and again felt the cold steel of handcuffs on her hands. Taking the girl by the elbows, the men led her into the building. I had to go long enough. They passed through a long corridor, then a large hall with many tables. Everywhere, police officers scurried about, some in uniform, some in civilian suits. Vika felt on herself undressing her views, apparently, she was no longer the first woman who was held here in handcuffs. “Where is such a doll? - asked one of them. “We’ll define alone for a couple of days,” answered Victor. “So you will immediately call her to the lower room, and do not forget to call me” - the first one said with a chuckle, from which Vicki's heart sank. "There and lead." Indeed, Vika was led upstairs, going somewhere down. Near one of the doors Victor lingered. “Wait, take the guys,” he said to his partner, “Face the wall!” - it already addressed Vike. The sergeant rudely leaned Vika against the wall, pressing her with his body. Vika felt the cold of the basement stone with her chest and stomach, and he surrendered to fear through all the fibers of her body and soul. The arms of the guard lay on her buttocks, then climbed under the dress. She tried to pull away, but the guard, having penetrated the knee between her legs, pressed the girl against the wall even more. Soon the door opened and three more men came out with Victor. Accompanied by their Vika entered into the next room. Along the walls stood a few ordinary chairs, there were no windows at all. In the center under a large lamp with a reflector was a bigger chair. Vika had and sat on him. Men settled around her. “You are still confused about your reasons for arrest,” began Victor. No need to pretend. We all know perfectly well that you are guilty. And yet you do not want to make a voluntary confession in your criminal actions. How would you not regret it. If you continue to persist, we will have to resort to more severe measures. No, if you thought about torture, it is not. How can razve subject to torment such a charming girl !. Especially from the men. This is somehow not for gentlemanly. Although on the other hand: we in general would not refuse to have some fun with a pretty girl. As they say, have fun at her discretion. So everything can be very. But what I can promise you 100 percent in the case of your stubbornness, it is a psychological impact, more precisely a psycho-physiological one. You are sitting now, confident of your innocence, I would even say with a certain sense of pride and arrogance. But what will soon be left of these feelings when we take you through certain procedures. You guess what. This is very easy to do because you are a woman and we are men.Now we will remove the handcuffs from you, and then we will remove all the outerwear to begin with and see what you will become in your underwear in our presence. This is a typical method of inquiry. Stripping is done in order to suppress the will and demoralize the person being questioned. You will have some ... Read more →

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