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When Inga felt a slight pain in her stomach again, she finally decided to go to the doctor. She knew that her local policeman, Maria Ivanovna, a good-natured, obese woman, took her after lunch and therefore went to the clinic immediately after the institute. She was in high spirits, because she had just passed her test in economics and quite well. The lecturer was a bore, always nagging at the girls, and to impress him, Inga dressed herself on this day, though modestly but elegantly. She was wearing a red suit. A short straight skirt and high-heeled shoes emphasized the beauty of her legs. A fitted jacket, dressed in a white blouse that appeared, testified to her good taste and manners. There was no queue at the office, but from barely audible conversations she realized that there was a patient in the office. Indeed, a few minutes later the door opened and a young woman came out of it. For some reason, her eyes were wet with tears, on the move she buttoned the upper buttons of her blouse. Knocking on the door, Inga entered the office. In the place of Maria Ivanovna a young man sat in a white robe and wrote something. Apparently, he wanted to glance at the next patient for a fleeting moment and continue his notes, but for some reason his gaze lingered on her more than he should. “Please come in,” he finally said. "Sit down." Inga was confused. “I actually go to the doctor. I need Maria Ivanovna, ”she said. “Maria Ivanovna is ill. I'm replacing it for now. After all, you are at her reception or on a personal basis, ”the new doctor asked. “No, actually ... at the reception,” Inga said. “Well, great. By the way, is there a queue for me yet? However, I will see for myself ”- with these words the doctor got up from the table and opened the door and looked out into the corridor. After making sure that no one was there, he closed the door again and returned to his seat. It seemed to Inge that she heard the door slam on the tongue of the lock this time. “So what brought you to me?” Asked the doctor. Inga gathered with her somewhat confused thoughts: “I am worried about pain in the stomach area - right here” - she threw open the floor of her pizhdaka and showed her hand on the waist area on the right side. Apparently, the doctor understood her completely. “Unfortunately, it’s not for the first time that people turn to me with such symptoms. Therefore, the survey you now just need. However, it may just be neuralgic colic. Have you been to a neurologist for a long time? ”-“ At a neuropathologist? Yes, it seems, for a long time. ”- Inga really did not remember when it was. “Then let's eliminate neuralgia. A few reflexes. First of all, cramming. & qout; Said the doctor. “You have to say the sensations of touch are different or the same. Pull your hands, palms up, please. " Inga obediently stretched out her arms. The doctor took one of them and stroked the palm of his hand with his fingers. Then he repeated the same with her second hand. “What are your feelings - the same on both hands or different?” - Without letting the doctor answer her, he continued: “However, in women these reflexes are not so pronounced. The zones around the trigeminal nerve are more typical for you. ”With these words, the doctor got up, put Inga's head in one direction, freed the ear and neck area from a lock of hair and ran his fingertips along her neck, and then repeated it with the other side of the head. Then he lowered Inga's head to his chin and ran his hand over the occipital region. “You know, I don't like your reflexes. I would like to examine you more carefully. Undress, to the waist. ”Inga looked at him blankly and felt the blush fill her face. "Strip to the waist? Probably, you can still stay in the bra? "- But as if having guessed her thoughts, the doctor added:" Remove the bra too. It will bother me. ”The paint of embarrassment completely flooded Inga’s face. She remembers the case when her doctor was also a man, but then she was about 13 years old.And now she, at 20, was no longer a child and should undress in front of a man! Inga tried in vain to find at least some words in her defense that would allow her not to do so. But nothing came to her mind. “After all, the doctor does not encroach on her honor, and, in the end, she herself came to him with her own problems! And in general, probably, he has dozens of patients who undress in front of him for examination. ”All these thoughts were whirling in her mind. Deciding, she got up and took off her jacket. Then she began to undo the buttons on her blouse. “Can he not even turn away for a while,” she thought, noticing that the doctor was staring at her. At least something began to write something. Unbuttoning her blouse completely, Inga turned her back to the doctor and removed it. Then unbuttoning the bra clasp, too, pulled it from her chest. “Well, that's very good.” She heard the doctor’s voice behind her back. “Turn to me.” Inga, slowly covering her bare breasts, turned her hands. The doctor got up from his seat and approached her. "So, hands, please, behind the head." Inga scared looked at him, trying to understand his intentions. But the doctor's eyes did not reflect anything. She took a deep breath and raised her arms. The man’s eyes were shamelessly chained to the pink nipples of her breasts. Then his hand grasped the right breast and squeezed it lightly. “Oh, why are you doing this?” Inga exclaimed in dismay. The doctor's hand froze. “This question shows that you know nothing about the methods of Chinese massage. Well, well. ”The doctor released Ingin's chest. “Now the coordination exercise. Close your eyes, and try to spread your hands and then hit the index fingers into each other. ” “Inga was relieved, having sighed, that the doctor would no longer deal with her body, in fact, she easily completed his task. “Now, please squat down on your haunches without lifting your heels and do the same thing again,” the doctor asked. Inga was embarrassed. “Some kind of strange test,” she thought in bewilderment, but still slightly lifting the already short skirt so that it would not stretch out, squatted on its haunches facing the doctor. “Alright, stay in that position. Close your eyes and slide your fingers into each other again. "Inge thought that the doctor was staring at the formed triangle between the skirt and her hips. -" Your head is not spinning? Does not pull forward? "The doctor asked again." Get up. "Inga stood up, she pulled her skirt down and took the bra to put it on as quickly as possible. “No, no,” the doctor said, “please, one more. So, please spread your legs wide and try to reach the floor with your fingertips.” Inga imagined the absurdity her poses, but still, not to show her embarrassment, distant she wore her legs. A tight skirt fitted her slender hips. She leaned forward, but could not reach the floor. Ingi. Deciding, she lifted her skirt even higher, to the level of stockings, and again noticed how the doctor's gaze fixed on the edges of the whiteness of her thighs. With her legs even wider, she finally touched the floor with her fingers. “Well, fine. And now you do not pull forward? ”The doctor asked again. “Stay in this position. If I try to shake you easily, will you be able to keep your balance? ”The doctor walked around the bending Inga from behind, lightly took her by the bare waist and began to swing forward and then toward himself, occasionally pressing her buttocks to himself. Inge really wanted to straighten out from this ridiculous posture, which very little resembled what neuropathologists are doing with patients. She already wanted to straighten, but she felt the doctor take her hands and turn them behind her back. Inga started and tried to turn around to see the doctor's face and understand his intentions. "What would you like? What do you need? ”She asked, frightened. “Do not worry, please. You just may have blocks jammed and I’m trying to free them from these exercises.You just need to stretch a little and pull the limbs. ”Saying this, the doctor squeezed Inga’s crossed hands with one hand and began to lift ...

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