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1. Arrest

Vika was very excited about the upcoming meeting with Andrey. It was not their first date, but they hadn’t seen for almost two months, so Vika really wanted to be attractive and sexy. Being veiled nature not cheated her. She was fair-haired, with long curls falling on her shoulders, blue eyes and a well-built figure, she was the subject of admiration and desire of many men. For her 23 years, she already loved to dress well and with taste. She wore stockings on a lace belt, a combination, adored black color of linen. Vika knew that Andrei also loved all this and that is why she put on her best that day. The outfit was crowned with a gorgeous black velvet dress entirely unbuttoned in front. Vika was almost ready, when suddenly the doorbell rang. “It's strange, it's still early, and Andrew is very punctual. Who could it be? Vika went to the door. “Who is there?” “Your name is Vika?” “Yes” “Open, militia”. Vick opened the door. There stood a handsome young man in the form of a police sergeant. “I have reason for your arrest,” he said, passing without an invitation at the door and showing his ID. “Face the wall and place your hands on it.” Vika was momentarily speechless. Panic swept over her and she began to shiver in the beginning. “My God, what have I done?” “Put your hands on the wall,” he repeated. Seeing that Vika continued to stand in confusion, he spun her shoulders, facing the wall, and placed her hands on her. With his foot, he penetrated between her legs and a strong movement made her spread them apart. Vika felt that her posture is very clumsy and humiliating. “Please tell me why you do this to me?” What did I do wrong? ”She tried to ask again. He ignored her questions. “I have to search you. - he said. As I am a man, I will try to do it in the simplest form. ”Vicki’s body involuntarily tensed up as she felt his touch on her chest. The hands of the man quickly felt her, slid down the abdomen to the waist, then to the sides and up to the armpits. Then they fit on the waist again and crawl down. Vicki’s body tightened even more because she felt his touch under her dress. Hands first slid around the left thigh, then right. “Please don't touch me,” she asked, because she felt his hand sliding along her crotch. It seemed to Vika that it was an eternity until he removed his hands from under her dress. She felt some relief. Now, perhaps, she will manage to sort out the situation in which she finds herself and correct this misunderstanding. What she heard the next moment plunged her into confusion. “I have to take you to the office. It is in your interests not to resist when I handcuff you. ” HANDLES! "Oh no, please, not this!" - her voice began to break from shaking to sob. But it was simply impossible to pity him. "Put your left hand behind your back," he commanded. "Oh, please ..." - Vika shouted, obeying his order. Her body tensed again when she felt the cold steel of the handcuff seizing her wrist, There was a click of the locking mechanism. "Please right hand" "No, I beg you ..." that in the constrained state, she will be completely in his power and He will be able to offer at least some resistance to his actions. Without a word, the sergeant grabbed Vika’s free hand and abruptly pulled her back and up. Vicki’s body bent far forward. her second hand. "Oh ..." she moaned as he continued to close the locking mechanism.This whole situation, her ridiculous and humiliating posture, her hands bound behind her back, the feeling that she was abused as if she were a criminal, so oppressed by her, that she could no longer hold back her tears. “Please,” she prayed, “you cannot lead me like this! Just not in handcuffs! I'll go myself! I will not run. I promise! What the neighbors will think! ”“ I am fulfilling the order. You are arrested for suspecting theft and hiding a newest medicine capsule from a testing laboratory, ”was the answer. The sergeant led her to his car. At the same time, he did not let Vicky’s wrists loose from his hands and held them so high along the way, so she had to walk in a half-bent position. Vicki’s long black curls hung down and swayed in time with her movement. It was terribly inconvenient to go, but it was even worse to be aware of one’s humiliation and to feel the looks of one’s neighbors, among whom were many men. The sergeant led Vika to the car, with one hand opened the rear door and pushed her into the salon. Vika rather just fell on the seat than sat down. Hands bound behind his back did not allow her to straighten the dress. It was crushed, exposing slender hips and lace gum stockings. On the driver's seat was another man, apparently the senior in rank. The one who arrested Vika, walked around the car and sat down next to her ... The car started off. “Well, did you find a capsule in her?” Asked the senior. "No" "And how did you search her?" Did you undress her? "" No, I just felt her. "" That's not enough. We had to look better. According to reports, she carries her always with her. ” The car stopped in a back alley. Vicki's heart sank. She realized that everything was just beginning. The man behind the wheel turned back. “Let's look better. Unzip her dress, Victor, ”he said. Victor, (apparently that was the name of the policeman who was arresting Vika), began to slowly unbutton his buttons, starting from the top. Unbuttoning the dress to the waist, Victor abruptly pulled him back from his shoulders. Vika’s breasts, closed in a black lace bra, helplessly and treacherously sticking forward. She moaned softly from her own powerlessness. “Go on,” the senior commanded. Victor, clasping Vika by the shoulders, turned her back to him and pulled the dress down to the waist level. The hands behind his back did not allow him to be removed at all. Vicki's body arched, but Victor, pressing it to the back of the front seat of the car, unbuttoned the bra lock. Then, throwing his captive back onto his back, he lowered him with both hands from Vika’s breasts. The design of the bra was strapless, so Vika was immediately half-naked. She closed her eyes and groaned again. Men did not pay attention to it. Senior felt the bra and threw it next to the seat. “It is empty. Strike her further if you need it all, ”he ordered. After a few seconds, Vicki’s dress was completely unbuttoned and both his hems were folded back on opposite sides of her beautiful body. The gazes of both men felt Vika's body. Either they tried to find that unknown capsule in her few underwear, or they looked at intimate places purely with male interest. Be that as it may, Vika’s position was terrible for her. Whether the police would want to use her as a woman, or undress her, inspect her clothes and her most intimate places in order to find something - for Vika, it was all the same scary. Victor spread his knees in different directions with a sharp movement of his hands and felt the crotch area, starting from the pubis and ending with the beginning of the buttocks. Unlike a search in the house, where the touches were superficial and light, now Victor's hand was heavy and demanding. “C'mon, we won't find anything. Remove everything from her "” the senior ordered again. “Probably you are right. So surely,” Victor agreed. He clasped both Vicki’s legs under her knees and knocked the woman over her back. Both of her legs were in Victor’s knees. Grabbing the lace belt supporting the stockings with both hands, he pulled it off Vika’s hips.Without removing it completely, he did the same with her panties. Then, having missed his left hand under Vicki’s knees, he lifted them and tucked them straight to the tilted woman’s chest. With another free hand, he pulled off all the lowered underwear from her legs, not even ...

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