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them up. Inga's body even more bent and leaned forward. The doctor, without letting go of her hands, walked around her and stood in front of her, so that Inga’s lowered head rested on his lower torso. Egnas thought that the doctor was very excited by what he was doing to her now. She again tried to resist all this, but the doctor’s hands held her tightly. Moreover, by raising her hands higher and higher, the doctor forced her head to tilt lower and lower. "Well, that's great, said the doctor, now a small jerk and some blocks will be released." With these words, the doctor abruptly pulled Inga's hands toward himself. Inga lost her balance and fell to her knees forward. “My God, let me go, please. What are you doing to me? ”She begged. "Nothing special. This is part of my medical duties. After all, you yourself came to me, so trust. ”But Inga seemed that these actions were not dictated by her treatment. He treated her as a woman, not as a patient, and his desire was to produce some kind of violence over her. Inge has not yet understood the meaning of his actions, but a sense of shame and danger has penetrated her soul. Tears appeared in her eyes. She tried to hold back, but could not do it. No one has done such things with her. Most of all she was oppressed by the servile position in which she was placed. Half-naked, on her knees, with hands unnaturally turned behind her back, with her head down so low that the curls of her long hair touched the floor, bulging and pointed buttocks she looked like a slave or concubine prepared for violence and humiliation. Tears and flowed from it, but the doctor did not pay attention to them or pretended not to notice them. “Get up and sit in a chair,” he finally ordered. Igna raised a wet face on him. “I want to leave, let me go, please,” she said. “Get up and sit down,” repeated the doctor. Inga awkwardly rose from her knees, and sat on the edge of the chair. “I will not let you go. I am responsible for your health, since you came to me at the reception. And I do not understand why you were upset? I just need to comprehensively examine you. And you, probably, know nothing about the newest medical methods. It is better to trust me once I came to the reception, lie down and remove the skirt, or just lift it. I need to examine your abdomen, maybe it's just appendicitis. You did not delete it? And please hurry. I still have a queue in the hallway and you are jamming and embarrassed. There is nothing wrong. So everyone does. Or are you an exception? " Ingu was so impressed with this categorical tone, which does not tolerate objections, that she had no choice but to lie on the hospital couch that stood against the wall, and slightly raise her skirt. The thought did not leave her from the absurdity of the situation in which she had fallen. Does the doctor use his position to satisfy his sexual interests? Or is it really a diagnosis? She thought. The doctor approached her. “Come on, raise up,” he said. Grabbing the girl by the waist with one hand, he lifted her, and with the other hand a sharp movement, which he apparently did several times a day, raised the hem of her skirt all the way up. Inga gasped. The doctor did not pay attention to it. With a confident and precise movement, holding the gum of panties, he lowered them. And so low that the pubic hair was exposed. Inga closed her eyes and breathed often-often. “Well, well, relax, no big deal. I will just look at your belly. By the way, maybe this is your female line? You have not seen a gynecologist? Let’s see it. ” Inga frightened and tried to get up, but the doctor with a sharp movement, turning it on its side, put his hand in the area of ​​her buttocks, and lowered her panties with them. What happened next, Inga remembers very vaguely.In her memoirs remained confident energetic movements of the hands of the doctor, removing her panties, stretching and pulling skirt. She remembers that he said something about the benefits of massage, the innocence of this medical procedure, the beauty of her naked body ... She remembers the hands of the doctor tearing at her body, breasts, thighs, buttocks, the hands of men, powerfully turning her from back to stomach , on one side, back, then on the stomach again ... She came to her senses only when she realized that the doctor was already sitting at her desk and writing something. Inga moaned softly. The body was hot, a pleasant ache, bliss and some other strange feeling spread over it. As if in a dream, she heard the words of the doctor: "Get up and get dressed." Get up and get dressed? Inga caught herself thinking that she wants to do it the least in the world. That she again wants to feel the touch of strong male hands on her body. What does she want again, what would the doctor crucify and torment her, take her hips, push them apart and maybe even do something else with her ... “Well, you, stand up. I think your condition has improved. You can go. ”Again she heard the words of the doctor. Inga slowly rose from the couch, dressed in a dream and headed for the door. But at the exit she turned and said softly: “Doctor, I will come to you at the reception again. Probably."

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