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slightly scratching his chin, showing with his whole face Leela that it’s time to move from words to deeds and continue communication in a different way.

Lilya Vasilyevna, after reading Sasha’s thoughts, suggested that we go to another room and watch TV.

Her apartment consisted of two adjacent rooms. The first room where there was a TV, was the living room, the second, apparently, a bedroom.

The hostess and the guests rose from the table and entered the living room.

Vitya sat on the sofa opposite to the TV turned on, and Lily went further into the second room, along with Sasha, who cheekily clasped her from behind and began to kiss her thick, unwieldy neck. After a few moments, Lily, with Sasha hanging on her, disappeared into the darkness of the bedroom.

Vitya remained sitting in the living room and, buried in the TV, did not want to join these "like-minded philosophers."

“Let them make fun,” thought Vitya, when naked Sasha suddenly rushed in, swaying elastically in different directions, like a hose, with a swollen, excited member, at a pace threw his clothes onto the sofa next to Vitka and, looking at him in surprise, said:

- Why are you sitting? Get undressed, come to us, - and at the same moment vividly disappeared into the next room, from where Vitya soon heard some rustling, scuffling, light sighs, and then weak moans.

After waiting a few minutes, Vitya slowly, somehow reluctantly, entered the next room, where the following picture appeared before his eyes: Lily Vasilyevna, being in the knee-elbow position, voluptuously moaned and skillfully, like a walking cat, substituted her insatiable vagina under the shed the blows of a solid member of the Shura, who, like a locomotive, puffed to the beat of his pushes and tried to pierce as deeply and harder as possible with his member Lily, like a spear.

For some reason, this picture of Vitka didn’t stir up a bit, but only made her laugh internally: it was funny to watch a young man in the prime of life fucking a monolithic lady, and, apparently, she received indescribable delight and pleasure from it. And where else would you see this?

Meanwhile, Sasha completed sexual intercourse, splashing out her warm, life-giving sperm that had accumulated over the course of the week into Lily’s inflamed passion, making several deep breaths at the end. After standing in that position for a few more seconds, he undocked Lilechka, taking out his heated “piston” from the working area, and sat down on the bed, relaxing serenely.

Lilia Vasilyevna limped a little, too, but still burning for a while with passion, she lay on her back, looking forward to the continuation of the sexual session.

“Vitya, go to us,” she called, in a slightly choked voice.

- Oh, Vitek! - having seen the friend, Sasha picked up. - You have not undressed? Quickly undress and come here, do not pull the rubber.

Having received such an invitation, Vita had no choice but to submit to the will of the majority. He went into the living room, slowly took off his shirt, then the spout and pants, and, remaining in his shorts, hesitated for a few seconds, and threw them on the sofa next to his clothes.

- Victor, where are you? - with impatience called Lilechka. - What are you so slow?

- Come soon here! Lie down, there is a lot of space here, ”she said.

There was indeed enough space: an extensive bed and was intended, apparently, for this kind of collective entertainment.

Vitya went up to the bed on which Sasha sat and lay the immense lady with incredible, heavy and hanging in different directions "watermelons", all inflamed with passion, ready to know what to create with the new victim of his sexual lust.

“Lie on your back, Vitya,” Sasha said briskly, and Vitya, following a friend’s decree, lay on his back next to Lilechka.He felt somehow uncomfortable with the thought that now he would have to have sexual intercourse with this elderly hulk, which, as you can see, can even fuck for days with a battalion of men.

- Lilya, pose! - Sasha ordered, taking on the role of director of sexual performance.

With this team, Lilechka threw her right leg over Vitya with a waste movement, kneeling over her, spreading her plump thighs to the side, and leaning toward his penis in anticipation of something very, very pleasant. Flabby, but powerful breasts hung over Vitin's knees, lightly touching their nipples.

Carefully taking in his hand a limp member of a young man, actively wagged his ass, showing with all his appearance that she was ready to accept the mischievous womb. Shura, immediately responding, began to take some action with Lily's back, which Vita could only guess at, because because of her vast figure, he could not see what Shura was doing there.

Shura freely inserted his hard worker into Lily's anus and, swaying back and forth, gradually accelerating the pace, he began to make the usual jolts, which he did in his life, probably not less than a million.

Lilechka began to actively massage Vitin's penis with his hand, from which he began to gently swell. The sight of the swelling member made Lily even more excited, and with passionate fury, her lips and tongue began to excite the dashing process, which, from such a pleasant execution, gradually came to an excited state, which Lily so earnestly sought. Now it could be felt more fully. It was not a limp sausage. It was a solid phallus, ready at any second to powerfully shoot sperm into Leela’s mouth.

Meanwhile, Sasha more and more actively pushed, tormenting his developed member Lily's anus, which began to sway more clearly back and forth, which allowed her to swallow Vitin's member deep inside himself to the beat of the Shurin movements so that he reached the larynx , then released him, making the tongue literate tickling-exciting movement of the head of the penis, and again dipped the entire member deeply into yourself. It seemed that she was ready to swallow him, but it was possible to do it, only having bitten off the member from Vitina’s body.

“And if you bite off? - flashed in the head of Viti. - And in fact: what is this mighty elderly hulk with inserted sparkling teeth to reduce the jaws, and ... Surely she will catch this buzz! After all, how many male maniacs kill women during sexual intercourse. Why can it happen to a wife that a woman, wanting to get perverted sensual sensations, does not want to bite off a member during a blowjob? Or maybe she is waiting for the moment when the sperm will rush into her insatiable mouth? ”

With these thoughts, a slight imperceptible shiver ran through Viti's body, and his member, excited by a highly experienced lady, passed in front of her to wilt and deflate.

“Damn it, it is inconvenient somehow: an old woman seems to be trying, and then black thoughts are creeping into her head. We need to get together and throw it with sperm from head to toe. Let then kayfuyut. Otherwise you won’t get out of here, ”Vitya thought, slightly embarrassed by such an unforeseen turn of events.

And Shura, meanwhile, was excitedly, puffing and grunting, continued to rock Lilya more and more, and finally, having distorted several times in a fit of ecstasy, finished his anus in her developed anus, took out his penis and immediately ran off to wash after that exhausting session of sexual disgrace, leaving Vitya alone with her.

Vitya lay motionless and indifferent, with only one desire: he would rather finish the sexual procedure and leave this nasty house.

Liliya Vasilievna continued to excite a member of Vitya, already softened, bending in different directions. Gradually, with incredible efforts, she again managed to bring him upright, and she again began to suck on him passionately, sometimes smacking her lips with pleasure and indulging in her sexual sensations with ecstasy.

Leaving his dick to the mercy of fate in the power of a maniacal lady, Vitya humbly lay and tried to avoid black thoughts, from which with such difficulty the newly excited member could fade again, ... Read more →

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