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what does it look like? I'm curious to know who we are going to fuck.

“Quiet, we are in public transport,” Shura shamed a friend. I told you, a woman is passionate. Get a lot of fun. I fucked - fine. What else do you need? And how old she is, I really do not know. To be interested in the age of a woman is indecent. Leave me alone, do not bother to read. I will miss the plot thread. Take the newspaper better, get distracted, - And, taking the Pravda newspaper out of his pocket, put it on Vitya’s lap.

Vitya took the newspaper, but did not read, but thought to himself:

“What kind of storyline can be in such an empty brochure as“ Religion and atheism ”?! There's also a chop. And is it really interesting for him to read such nonsense? Although he is a philosopher, it may be really interesting. But snatches from the books of all sorts of nonsense and glues women, like sunflower seeds click. They, stupid, love when they hang noodles on their ears, and immediately melt. He hangs up in the street during the day, but continues at night. There they love even more! To them all the nonsense about love but about the feelings wove, especially when you fuck! - again, Victor returned his thoughts to the topic of sex and immediately remembered Lily. - But what is she like? Probably not young, middle-aged. ” Vita, of course, wanted Lilechka to be a slender pretty girl, but he felt that this was too much, and would have been pleased if she were at least no more than forty.

“Shura, but how about her?” At least approximately, - again he gently pushed him into the shoulder of Vitya.

- By the look? Yeah, maybe forty, but I don’t know for sure. Come, see for yourself. What are you worried about? The proven option, nothing is folded ... And very passionate, very ... - having buried in a book and not distracting from his thoughts, reluctantly muttered Sasha.

Such news didn’t make Vitya happy, but it didn’t really upset him: “Indeed: we don’t want to get married. If there are more than forty, it means that it is very experienced, but in such a case it is a huge plus. ”

It was useless to bother Sasha again and ask him questions, and Vitya waited patiently for them to arrive at the desired stop.

The tram rolled forward, swaying from side to side, and after a while turned right.

“Come out,” Sasha said suddenly, fleetingly glancing out the window, “it seems to be here, but you have to go a little more.”

And friends came out of the tram, being almost on the outskirts of the city.

It was getting dark, and Sasha, with some hitch, led a friend to his assigned goal.

“Somewhere here,” he said thoughtfully, approaching nine-storied houses of the same type.

“I don’t remember exactly the address, but the house seems to be the last one,” wondering where Sasha was going to go. - Yes, right there. Here is the swing. This house! - finally he convincingly showed one of the three typical boxes. - Extreme front door, and the apartment on the fifth floor, to the right, - finally deciding where to go, Sasha perked up, and friends, speeding up the step and passing by the swing, entered the right front door, went up to the fifth floor and approached the door to the right of the staircase.

Sasha, without a moment's delay, pressed the bell button.

The door was opened by a huge elderly woman of 60, 65 years old, at the first instant glaring at Vitya with unconcealed interest, she smiled at young people affably.

“Probably, Shura confused the house,” Vitya thought, and he already wanted to apologize and go back, when he suddenly heard a friend’s voice:

- Hello, Lilechka! All good! And here I am with a friend ...

From these words, Vita felt somehow uncomfortable. “Is this really the very praise of Lilechka that Shura so vividly described to him ?! Can not be! Something is not right here, ”Victor thought to himself.

“Come on guys, take off your clothes,” the elderly lady invited.

“Meet me, this is my friend Vitya, and this is Lilia Vasilyevna, also a philosopher by education,” Sasha introduced future partners in the Swedish Troika to each other. - We have common interests with her. True, Lilechka? And not only by philosophy ... - he hinted unambiguously.

“It turns out that he is not the only woman who hangs noodles on her ears!” And how, a scoundrel, painted: and stately, and the figure is nothing ... Immediately, perhaps, could not say that the pensioner? And that: I don’t know, there are forty more ... ”- Vitya thought indignantly, but propriety did not allow him to express all this to Sasha in a minute.

“The weather is ugly,” Sasha began, as it should be, a conversation on an abstract topic.

- Yes, the weather does not indulge, - Liliya Vasilyevna supported the conversation. - And you quickly got! - she continued.

- Hurried, Lilechka, hurry! To see you! - hanging the jacket, said Sasha. “I am always glad to guests,” Lilya Vasilyevna did not yield to him in a polite manner of conducting a conversation. - What are we standing for? Come to the kitchen. Now drink some coffee! Do you want dry wine? I had a bottle lying around.

“She has everything prepared: both dry and bed, probably,” Vitya thought slyly, mechanically removing his jacket.

“We will not refuse,” looking at his friend and blinking at him, Sasha agreed.

“Please, sit down,” and Lilia Vasilyevna, sitting down the guests, put three empty large wine glasses and a bottle of Rkatseteli on the table.

Sasha picked up the bottle, skillfully cut the cork and, freeing the neck of the bottle from an already unnecessary item, poured about half of the contents into wine glasses.

- For the meeting, my friends! - he said and made a few sips from a glass. The others followed suit and also drank to the meeting, having tasted this cool, slightly intoxicating drink.

Sasha, acting as a toastmaster, started a conversation about how good it is to be able to speak French or English, in a word, they say, it is good to know foreign languages ​​and that, for example, we are such ordinary-looking, and currency prostitutes know several languages ​​at once. To this, Lily noticed that without such knowledge they have nothing to do at all, and that they know not only languages, but also something else that men like.

“Not only prostitutes, but also many decent women know about it,” Sasha put in, and the conversation turned to sex on its own.

At this moment, Lilya for some reason came out, perhaps, then, in order to finally prepare a place for the upcoming communication, leaving Sasha with Vitya alone.

- Shura, is it really possible to fuck? - with horror asked Victor. “As you wish, I pass,” he said firmly, raising both palms up.

- Vitya, you do not know what a passionate woman is! This is what gets you wondering, - inspired a friend Sasha. - Yes, let at least a thousand times passionate ... But why did not you immediately say that she is an old woman? - Victor was perplexed.

- I told you that more than forty, more than forty is. And about the old woman in vain. She keeps in shape. Soon you will be convinced of this yourself, - Sasha got out.

“I don’t want to be convinced of anything,” Vitya objected, and in the heat of the moment poured himself another from the bottle.

- Stop breaking. She was ready for everything. It will be ugly if you refuse, - Sasha urged.

At that moment Lilia Vasilyevna entered the kitchen and joined the young people.

Sasha poured the remnants of the contents, emptying the bottle. He offered a toast to women, to which Liliya Vasilievna objected, noticing that she would drink to young men. They decided on that, and everyone drank for what he wanted.

Slightly drunk, Sasha continued the interrupted conversation about sex, saying that such entertainment as group sex is widely practiced abroad. He began to explain that such sex brings the necessary diversity into sex life, relieves nervous tension well and that in general it is a very necessary thing, which for some reason is not widely practiced here.

Having completed the monologue and led the platform to the upcoming action, he ... Read more →

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