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It was their ordinary meeting, the meeting of two friends - Sasha and Viti. They were not only friends, but good acquaintances.

They met not so often, occasionally, on business and simply for the sake of communication, which, as they believed, constantly enriches any person and brings to everyone that primordial joy of life necessary in everyday life.

This meeting was no different from those of the other dozens of previous meetings, when they spent time together, discussed some matters, not very important ones. In the summer they sunbathed on the beach, not missing an opportunity to get acquainted with some charming blonde, in the winter they went to the cinema, discussing after a session on this or that topic. Happened, and not seen for six months or more, and meeting with each other, tried to find and learn from the communication something new, which had not happened before.

These meetings were short: an hour, two, on the strength - three. In this short time, they were in no hurry to solve all their questions, discuss problems, identify new perspectives, and preempt each other. So it was this time.

Friends did not succeed in getting to the cinema for the next session, and they quickly resolved the pressing issue that caused the meeting and wandered slowly along the boulevard, dullly, without much enthusiasm, talking about morality and morality.

The weather is not pleased. It was a cloudy autumn day. It was getting cold. And it would be nice to go to some cafe and enjoy the pleasant aroma of your favorite drink or, at worst, in an ice cream maker with a glass of juice and a portion of ice cream to continue the discussion already begun on the topic of all time: about women, men and love

But there were no cafes or ice cream shops nearby.

- You have not fucked? - suddenly Sasha asked a friend and, without waiting for an answer, said: - There is an option. Very passionate woman. I'll call her now. If she is at home, we are going. Satisfies several men at once. Very, very passionate. She is always a little, and she always wants.

With these words, Sasha went to a pay phone, took a two-piece out of his pocket and picked up the phone.

- Well, are we going? He asked with a grin.

- We're going, - somehow it makes no difference, but at the same time, without hiding interest, Vitya answered, before he had time to fully realize what Sasha was offering him.

Sasha dialed the number.

- Hello, Lilechka! Hello, it's me, Sasha. How are you? - He began the conversation in his pointedly intelligent manner. - And here we are with a friend. You have no one? Good. Then we will get there. Until. - And with the appearance of a person who had agreed on something ordinary, but very important, he hung up the phone.

- Go. Swedish top three do! She loves it. We are there, ”Sasha commanded, and friends briskly rushed to the tram stop, after a while to appear before sex-hungry Lilechka with all the fullness of their manhood.

Dark autumn weather and the mood associated with it, faded into the background. Ahead was the goal, tempting and absorbing everything, especially for Viti.

Of course, he had some experience of sexual life. One day he almost got married, but, after thinking hard, he nevertheless refused such a decisive step. Being by nature a stupid and reasonable man, but a little lazy and inert, he did not want to tie himself with the bonds of a sacred union, considering that he was still young, and that the hassle of family life would not go away from him. After all, he recently knocked only twenty-five.

Sasha is a little older than Viti, a divorced person who has a child but does not have a permanent residence, wandered around in private apartments, rented it for a month, then for two rooms or a bed somewhere in a dormitory and probably dreamed of finally having a constant corner where he could quietly and without hassle indulge in love games and philosophical reflections, taking a break from everyday worldly fuss, that is, just like a human being to live, like thousands and thousands of ordinary people.

Sasha gained a wealth of experience in dealing with women, and was constantly looking for something new in them. And the search for this novelty, the search for perfection inspired him to new acquaintances, to new meetings, to new connections, which, according to Sasha, it was no longer to be considered.If we gathered all the women whom he had bothered to satisfy, he, of course, first of all getting a lot of enthusiasm and pleasure from such contacts, then this would require a whole area like Red in Moscow or Dvortsovaya in Leningrad. And such a statement Sasha could not be considered too exaggerated, because it happened that a week he was replaced by several love partners. And there were periods when he, like the Persian king, moved from one “lover” to another with breaks of two or three hours for the sole purpose: to enjoy the body of another sex game lover, and to re-experience an orgasm that had already become ordinary, but because of that by no means lost its charm and searing sharpness.

It was a kind of Sasha's hobby, and, perhaps, the meaning of life.

For him, there were no new options when he simultaneously satisfied two or three women at once. And, according to him, when you fuck one, two others, while watching sexual intercourse, they instantly stick to each other like nipples, and frantically rub their naked bodies, finding their carnal satisfaction in such a simple way.

Sasha, according to the stories of his acquaintances, could fuck, for example, a 17-year-old girl, and then two hours later, in another place, a 50-year-old lady. He didn’t seem to care who the fuck was, if only there was a vagina, where during intercourse his member never finds a withering, of medium size and always ready to work member. And the longer this shelter lasted, the better it was.

He got acquainted with women easily, in which he was helped by historical and philosophical education. As an educated person, he poured out all his eloquence, all his knowledge when meeting with the fair sex and always appeared before them in this form, carrying, sometimes, such nonsense and appealing to such terms, in which, it seems, he himself did not quite understand but who made such an impression on the interlocutors that many, intoxicated by his intricate philosophy, often on the very first day of their acquaintance with ecstasy were given to him as a man in whom they for a moment found their ideal, that husbands do not always do, but almost every woman who has tasted the charm of a love affair almost always craves. In this case, Sasha was a professional virtuoso.

The desired tram approached relatively quickly, and the friends got on, taking the last two places in the half-empty car.

Sasha took out the pamphlet “Religion and Atheism” from his pocket, found the page he needed and went deep into reading.

Vitya in anticipation of something unusual could not be distracted by extraneous topics. "The Swedish trio, passionate woman, unexplored sensations," - spun in his head. In his imagination appeared a juicy woman of thirty-five, with beautiful voluminous breasts, a stately figure, passionately craving for men.

- Shura, how old is this Leela? - Vitya asked, wanting to learn more about anything about the mysterious Lilia.

- Leave me alone, Vitya, do not interfere with reading. You knock off thoughts, - brushing aside a friend, Sasha muttered, continuing to read.

“In the end, and really, what difference does she have: thirty-five or thirty-eight. Let even forty. If a woman is passionate and keeps herself in the body, then in principle it doesn't matter. Yes, and Shura will not fuck completely nondescript option. And over all it is clear - he repeatedly visited Lily. So it made sense. And yet it is interesting to find out what it is: tall or not, fat or thin, ”Vita thought involuntarily on the way to the stranger.

“Shura,” pushing his comrade to the side, Victor disturbed him again. - Tell me all the same how old she is ...

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