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that I completely surrendered to her power. Freeing me from the shirt, she continued to cover my body with kisses, deprived me of the rest of the clothes ... Her hands wandered over my legs, she slid lips on every centimeter ... I felt the cold of metal on my wrists, she also connected mine hands behind the handcuffs. It was too new for me, but she immediately reassured, whispering something, rubbing her nose on my cheek. My lips and hands again went traveling from top to bottom, and soon I felt on my already petrified wand her soft paw, pulled into tight silk. The touch was so unexpected and desirable that I started and held my breath, began to wait for the continuation ... The heat of her lips replaced the cool fabric and hugged me, filling with delight ... This fire flared up on the tip of my club and went up, filling everything , taking away the last thoughts, giving to the power of pleasure, more and more approaching the magnificent finale ... My breath broke into a moan for the first time, but Anna did not stop, taking a part of me, continuing to caress her hands ... I lay breathing heavily unable to move When the bandage disappeared from my eyes. Anna was lying beside me, stroking me and clinging to me with her whole body. I tried to say something, but she pressed a finger to my lips, seemingly alone with her lips:

- Hush, no words, dear ... - and kissed me with a long, wet kiss.

Rising, she shook her hair and ran her hand over her magical body, stopping for a moment at her chest. The second hand repeated the path and now they were together, as two snakes glided over the skin hidden under the lace ... An invisible button was unbuttoned, and the silk pattern dripped down, exposing the white marble of Her body. Fingers did not stop, climbing into all the cavities, lingering at sharp nipples for a long time, caressing her face and climbing lower and deeper, causing sighs and short winches ... My friend already rebelled with new forces, and now Anna's eyes, burning with excitement, were chained to his trembling top. Without stopping to caress herself, she sat on top of me and, squeezing my hips with her legs, sank to this summit ... My hands were immobilized, her hands pressed me to the bed, not allowing me to approach myself. She moved on me, sometimes stopping, sometimes moving faster. Her eyes closed, a moan escaped her lips, but she did not stop, now pushing herself into the stronghold of my flesh. A moan passed into an almost childlike whimper, she suddenly shrunk inside and froze ... so that in a moment she could fall on my chest, sobbing and gasping ... Her hair hid my face, an explosion of an orgasm hid consciousness, taking me to another world ...

I found the button on the bracelet, and with a click it unzipped. Freed from a piece of iron that did not allow me, I stroked my Queen's hair, kissing her face at the same time. She was still immobile, only the frantic sound of her heart betrayed the presence of life in this beautiful body. I was still in it, and did we need to be separated? Now my fingers caressed her skin. I did not want to interrupt her rest, her charming immobility. She gave me her affection and now rested to have the strength to take my ...

We needed something to drink and I, having removed from myself Anna, who had already begun to come to himself, went to get some drinks. The first thing that came to hand was a cold martini. Spilling it in glasses, I went back to our box. She was already smiling, looking at me with her sparkling eyes. Wine refreshed us, adding strength and quenching thirst. She hugged me, wrapped her own snake-arms, still wrapped in lace. While cooing like pigeons, we did not forget that it was possible to communicate not only with words.Lips, hands, bodies - all this talked among themselves, comprehending the interlocutor, exploring the protected corners and secret corners. Her intimate place was clean-shaven, only a small island of short and soft hair was left, this added charm to the study of her body ..

Anna was already pretty wet when I was ready for battle again. She felt it and said, rather, demanded:

- Take me!

I wanted to repeat her caresses, but she stopped me -

- No, I want you to be rude and strong! Take me faster!

For a moment, lingering at the entrance to its depth, I forcefully drove my cudgel into it. Kneeling beside the bed, I pushed her into Anna with such force that with every blow a short moan escaped from her chest. With a force squeezing her hips, I accelerated the pace, now I myself could not hold back the groans and growls. She wriggled on me, clinging with her sharp claws to my hands, now cries out the room, exuding immensely moisture from her cave ... Everything inside her squeezed, vibrating, but I didn’t slow down or lose my temper. When Anna had finished for the first time, I could not tell, but her cries indicated that orgasms followed one after another, each time loosening the grip of her claws ... I stopped and at that moment reached the peak of pleasure. Having filled Anna with my juice, I myself could not hold back my triumphant cry, greedily breathing in the thick, hot air ...

... Glancing at the hurrying lady under a useless umbrella, I again met my eyes with the wipers who were trying to clear the glass from the floods that filled it. That's my house, now put the car in the garage and covered with a rug, I will enjoy reading and fragrant brandy. Alas, Anna is forever in the past, as a fabulous, magical childhood dream ...

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