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Today it is raining again, it has been raining for the whole week. Wipers slam, sweeping water from the windshield, heavy drops dropping on the roof. Something I like the rain, its mysteriousness, or something. Here is the last turn in front of my house, now I will drive my BMW into the garage and sit down with a book by the fireplace, the most suitable occupation in such weather. A book, a good brandy and a cigar - I was striving for this all day today. Here is a telephone booth, and behind those pines is my home. Towards, under a pouring rain, a woman ran, trying to hide from the shower with a pitiful umbrella. Her look, her wet through dress instantly revived in my memory an event that happened almost a year ago at the same place ...

In a great mood, I was driving home, whistling Madonna’s last hit. This mood could not spoil even an exceptional rainstorm, the second day flooded the streets. And when I saw a lonely and sadly standing figure by the road, I wanted to share my good mood with it. Moreover, it seems that the girl pretty much prodrogla. The house was a minute away, but damn it, what is the extra half hour for a real gentleman?

- Miss, it seems, you risk catching a cold when traveling in this form - I smiled at her with my most stunning smile - get in, I'll drop you where you want - with these words I opened the door, inviting the stranger to the car.

She did not even try to object, just looked into the car and did not notice any dangers, jumped into the front seat. She was soaked "to the skin," and from the cold she was already gently pounding her teeth. Her grateful look was better for me than all sorts of words.

- Where do you want? - I asked her, preparing to deploy the car.

- To ... to the "d-house of the artists" - she barely said this and looked at me. Only now I noticed how beautiful she was ... Huge eyes, the colors of spring foliage, beautiful lips with a bow, chiseled features. There was something elusive in her appearance, either a cold wind, or a hot breath on a bed of love. And the figure ... The wet dress of red silk was like a second skin. Neither sharp little breasts nor the wasp waist of my unexpected companion were hidden from my passing glance.

“Yes, it's better for you to quickly put on a warm one and drink something,” I said, turning the car around and looking around.

The house of the artist we call a multi-storey house, very old. Once a famous artist lived there temporarily, but his name was abandoned long ago and only the definition of his craft remained. Remarkable, he was nothing, except for a large glass jar on the roof.

Empty roads allowed us to get to the House of Artists in about fifteen minutes. I turned on the stove, and my guest warmed up a bit, even though she stopped chattering with her teeth. We barely spoke - I was busy with the car. Having parked the car, I took an umbrella from the backseat and suggested that the girl take her to the entrance. She did not refuse, and we went out under the wet scourge of the autumn rain. She clung to me, whether escaping from the cold, or afraid to get wet again. Her touch excited me, but I decided to remain a gentleman to the end.

Going into the hall, I was going to say goodbye and leave, but she suddenly took me by the elbow:

“Do not leave if it is possible ...” Her eyes deprived me of any opportunity to resist, and I resignedly followed her to the elevator ...

It turns out she lives at the top. Penthouse, it is always interesting. And here it was especially because for a rather large part of the rather big apartment the ceiling was the very glass dome. Yes, and the situation of the apartment itself was also largely glass. It made her look like a crystal palace from a children's fairy tale and quite interesting.A sense of unreality was added by various metal figures, most of which depicted naked bodies of men and women. Looking around all this magnificence, I did not notice how my companion managed to change clothes and dry her hair. Now her fiery whirlwinds were gathered on the back of her head, which made it possible to admire her graceful long neck.

Coming to me, she finally introduced herself:

- Anna - and held out my hand

A waterfall of thoughts and feelings flashed through me as I touched her still-cool hand. In front of me was a woman who knew everything about me and could deliver deadly pain and burning pleasure ...

- jay That is Jason - I probably blushed because she smiled faintly

- Fine, Jay - she did not run away from my hand and showed on the ottoman by the panoramic window - let's sit down, I'll bring a cocktail now. Why do you pour?

- Soda ... - I didn’t immediately find out - because I still have to be driving today.

- Tomorrow! - and again she disarmed me with the green lights of her eyes.

- Then, brandy and ice - my heart jumped and stopped somewhere in the neck.

We sat on a soft velvet and had a leisurely conversation, which could be called a social one, if it were not for the spark of desire, passion, which had every chance of becoming a fire. I admired the perfection of her beauty, trying to unravel the elusive that puzzled me even in the car. She was beautiful and clothes only emphasized the beauty of Anna and her uselessness. Her movements ... Exquisite and light, her voice is gentle and deep ... her words are exciting, her lips ... I leaned towards her and lightly kissed this scarlet flower.

“Not now, later ...” she said it in such a way that I understood that we were waiting for something.

He didn’t ask about it, it became even curious. It was rapidly getting dark outside the window, and at some point Anna rose from the ottoman and went to her room. I was left alone, excited and puzzled at the same time. Although, this had its own charm - too fast sex was good only in his youth. My thoughts on this were interrupted by the lights that went out at once. The dome of light also did not give, and darkness reigned for a minute. But then ...

The corners opposite the window lit up blue bonfires, at the edge of the dome lit up muted scarlet lamps in the form of crystal flowers, all the cubes, pyramids and racks of transparent material lit up from the inside dimly lit. The room became something fantastic, the shadows disappeared and appeared, moving in the corners by ghosts ... Enigma, who was playing on the deck now, only emphasized the whole surrealism of what was happening ...

The appearance of Anna in the room was quiet and unexpected. She suddenly emerged from the void, instantly becoming for me the center of the universe. The way she looked made me hold my breath and stop my heart. She was wearing only red lace bodysuit. It began at the neck and wrapped around her chest, hips, long, slender legs. On his hands were long gloves of the same lace, and red, fiery hair scattered on his bare shoulders ...

I could not utter a word, so she was beautiful. A glass with the remnants of brandy seemed to me salvation, and I mechanically, in one gulp, poured the burning liquid into myself. Anna came close to me and I felt the exciting smell of her perfume, mixed with her smell. I was dizzy and I just watched, unable to tear my eyes away from this Fairy. She, stroking me through her tight short hair, fished out from somewhere a dark silk bandage.

“I want your eyes to be closed for the time being ...” and she hid everything around me with the dark coolness of the bandage.

Her hands caressed me, touching my face, neck, and chest, her palms climbing under the collar of my shirt. Her lips traveled through mine, the tongue climbed into my ears, she kissed my hands. Unbuttoning one button after another, she caressed every inch that was released from clothing. I tried to answer her with affection, but she stopped my every attempt, continuing to caress and kiss me so gently ...

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