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My husband and I often make love in a rather traditional way of saying. We have mastered anal and oral sex for a long time, and more recently public sex has become our favorite way. Of course, we do not do this in the middle of the square on a holiday, but nevertheless it was more or less usual for us to shock the public in the evening park or to entertain the bored bartender with a sex show. I especially remember the case when Vlad and I, being rather excited, ran into a snack bar on the outskirts of the city. We then didn’t care who would be there, and what they would say about us, we just wanted to - and that’s all. Fortunately, no one of the visitors appeared in the hall, and behind the counter with a bland air there was a young man who was missing some magazine. Having settled down more conveniently at a table in the very corner, my husband and I began to caress each other with our hands. I unbuttoned his fly and pulled out a strong member, which every second became harder and harder. Stroking a big pink head, I leaned over and licked its tip. At the touch of my tongue, the penis became straight wooden, and then I captured it completely. It is necessary to say that after we watched the film “Deep Throat”, I literally fell ill with the idea of ​​repeating what I saw. A few days went by in an unsuccessful attempt, but the moitrudes were finally crowned with success. And now I, too, prewetting a member with saliva, threw him into myself for the most eggs. It was impossible to breathe in this position, but I was not in a hurry to pull this miracle out of my mouth. Slowly sliding, I struggled with a tongue against its hot surface, simultaneously massaging my testicles with my hands. When he was all outside of me, I licked him again and again thrust into my bottomless throat. Vlad groaned and all over his body, violently poured directly into me, as his member was deeply me. Pulling it out into the white light, I gently and tenderly licked it, licked the last drop that appeared on the tip. And then we heard a loud moaning from the outside. Looking in the direction of the bar, we saw the bartender, who was completely stunned by our antics, began to masturbate and finished almost at the same time with Vlad. We laughed, but the guy was not embarrassed, but stood and looked at us, clutching a weakened penis in his hand. For some reason, his silly appearance terrified us and Vlad's member, instantly turned into a formidable cudgel, was between my legs. I became so that the bartender could see everything and looked in his direction. He, too, was excited and again started masturbating. He was afraid to approach us, but apparently he could not restrain his arousal. The husband, who had attached himself to the rear, with fury stuck in my shaved little girl, who was coming out with juices, and I was a clitoris of Lascalapalz. Soon everything that happened was drowning in fog, and loudly, I fell down on the table. The last thing that I felt before falling into nirvana was hot streams of her husband's sperm, which I watered my thighs on a generous price ...

When I woke up, I found myself still lying on a table with a skirt tucked up and thighs filled with sperm that no one was going to wipe. My husband sat behind me, and the bartender sat next to him. They sipped cold beers from glasses and loudly discussed my charms, while not forgetting about the “nuances” of just the show that ended. I got up, wiped with my palms the drops of liquid from the feet of the foot so that they could see my completely bald pubis, licked the sperm of the sweetheart. The guys almost choked on their beer, and as I noticed, the bartender got to get up. I grinned and straightened my skirt, sat in a chair, not forgetting to take a glass of beer out of the hands of my stunned husband.But group sex didn’t go into our plans, and therefore the evening ended with an amusing conversation with Sasha (that was the name of the bartender), who turned out to be a rather witty guy with a very good supply of jokes and anecdotes. Leaving his establishment late in the evening, we thanked him for his hospitality, and he, in turn, bowed, thanks to us for a wonderful performance he had never seen before.

Remembering this case, every time I became wet. Well, when it happened at home - there was always a pretty vibrator at hand, when it was not a man, and when Vlad was at home, he could pounce on him, quenching his thirst for lust. And every time this memory visited my heated head, I felt some kind of incomprehensible desire that couldn’t be fully exploited. But once, when I watched porn and caressed myself (a man was on a regular business trip), I saw on the screen how three men were a traumatic miniature girl in all holes at once. This scene terribly excited me and I, having thrust a almost completely huge vibrator in myself, turned it on to full power ... With a terrible force, the orgasm literally threw me out of consciousness, the muscles of my hole pushed the buzzing stick out of the sheet ... I came to myself, clinging fingers whitened to bed ... the world was so tender ...

When I woke up several hours later, the vibrator was already quietly lying between my legs, the batteries were ordered to live long. I got up, and purring a popular song, I went to the bathroom. I already knew what I wanted, but I still had no idea how to do it. My husband would never agree to this experience, and it was dangerous to have fun in our not-so-big city. In short, I decided to wait for a convenient case and soon this opportunity appeared - my husband bought me a ticket to Bulgaria for two whole weeks.

I leaned back in my comfortable chair and closed my eyes. The plane broke away from the earth and rapidly began to gain altitude, taking me towards the new and undoubtedly pleasant adventures.

When the plane was already landing, I decided to look in the mirror. I slept a little and now I wanted to look at myself. Opened the little bag, I saw a note stating that the mirror was in a suitcase. Having got used to my husband's surprises, I was not offended by his “visits” to my purses or other things. Probably he came up with something interesting and I just had to wait for the landing.

The customs officer asked me to show the contents of his suitcase, which had just been pulled off with a tape moving along the ring. Clicking the locks, I lifted the lid ... Among my transparent lace panties and the thinnest stockings, which Jan did not have the habit of hiding on the bottom of the suitcase, there was a large box of consoles. And beside her, my mirror was modestly placed next to me ... I laughed out loud, feeling incredible relief from having indulged in our future sins. Now I don’t have to pretend to be the Virgin Mary home after coming home, hiding my adventures. The customs official who did not understand looked at me as if he was crazy, but then with an expression that did not express anything, he continued to research my suitcase. I waited for him to get to the main surprise, and when his hand came across a strange object, he pulled it out of his clothes. Thick paint flooded it to the very tip of the nose at the sight of the most vibrator with which I once found my dream. Putting it back, he quickly closed the suitcase and, without looking into my eyes, put the visa in the passport. Barely holding back the laughter, I jumped out of the airport, caught a taxi, and only in my hotel let out my emotions.

Undressed naked, I began to explore my apartments. They were not too luxurious, but for half a month they were very good. Especially I liked the bathroom, which turned out to be not only soap, shampoos and soft towels, but also several disposable razors in the package. This was very useful, since I had to shave my pussy, and I didn’t want to go to the market.Having settled down comfortably in a wide bathroom, I set to work, covering the pubis and such plump lips with fragrant foam. The shaving of this place always excited me, and I often ended when the falling stream of water began to wash away the remains of the foam. Often I really wanted to petition my delicious little baby, but the yogi was my teacher.

After finishing the shave, I stood under a cool shower (it was quite hot), I left the bathroom. I did not have the habit of covering myself with a towel, ...

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