- Good evening! Are you Vlad?

- Good evening! Exactly, in person. You are ready? Then let's go, not far from here.

- Well, just let's go straight to "you."

This dialogue took place at the bus stop in the twilight city. I found your ad in which you were looking for a professional photographer for an erotic photofilm. Of course, I have never been a professional, even an amateur was only in my own imagination, but ... This very imagination worked very well for me, so I immediately imagined what the process would be. And could not stop. I borrowed equipment from a friend photographer: a camera, lenses, lamps, filters, reflectors, a tripod, some decorations. In a nutshell, he explained to me how to use it all and told about the principles of artistic photography in general. Armed with all this, I was sure that I would not be mistaken. And today, my apartment is turned into a photo studio, and I meet you here at the bus stop.

We go into the apartment, I help you take off your raincoat and invite you into the room. I come back from the kitchen with tea, and we sit down at a table.

“You know, I have never photographed like that,” you said quietly.

- Nothing, I will explain everything how and what to do. There is nothing complicated and nothing terrible ...

I told the little that I knew about the photo, added my thoughts about the play of light and shadows, frozen moments and living photos ...

Then he decided that it was time to start, got up, took the camera.

- You still sit, I'll take some pictures. You will get used to this situation, and everything will go like clockwork

You were just great. In the camera finder, I unceremoniously looked at your hair falling on your shoulders, your lips, which seemed to beckon me, eyes that were slightly embarrassed, but full of a mischievous glimmer ... My gaze slid down the delicate neck, where it could not hide your gorgeous breasts. My eyes froze on her, then continued my search. Hips, tight fitting dress, legs ... Ah, these legs. How I wanted to touch them right now, kiss them with thirsty lips, caress, enjoy their unearthly beauty ...

- Well. Just wonderful. Such an image can decorate the cover of any magazine! So, a little bit correctable ...

I went to fix your hair. Slowly, my hand approached them, slowly sank into their silky depth, slowly, lightly touching your neck took them back ... It was something! So I wanted, without stopping, to continue this kindness ... But I walked away, corrected the light, took a few more shots.

“Now get up, go to that chair near the screen.” Just do not hurry!

Wow You seem to be completely settled down and entered the role. Your walk, your movements enchanted me. You came up, leaned your arms on the back and slowly arched forward ... Yes, you didn’t need to say anything, you knew everything yourself. I just pressed the button, catching your graceful movements. It was like a dance. Slow, fascinating, magnificent dance that you performed for me. Here you are already sitting on a chair sideways towards me, and your hand slides up the leg, removing the border higher and higher ... This is the moment when the openwork edge of your stockings appeared. You froze, then rose, turned back to me and slightly arched my ass ... Mmm ... I could barely restrain myself, just admired the spectacle through the camera lens and pressed the button ...

I did not look at the frame counter, shot and shot until the motor in the camera turned off. I went to the next room, put in a new film, and when I came back, I already found a new picture. You were sitting on a chair without a dress in a chaste posture: crossed arms covered bare breasts, hips were closed.

09/10/2001 To be continued ...

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