“I will go back to the park,” He said, walking towards the steam room. - Do not want?

In response, she just shook her head, barely smiling. He disappeared behind the door, and there was a hiss of water pouring on the hot stones. She was lying on the sofa, completely without covering her beautiful body and studying the pattern of the tile on the opposite wall. Soon it is time to go home, flop into bed and go to sleep, which has been lacking so much all week ... Tomorrow, finally, Saturday. In the meantime, Friday night continues. For some time now, the usual Friday evening has become ... He ran out of the steam room, his body was red from the heat and the work of the bath besom. Opening the front door, he dived into the darkness, and cold air burst into the devotee from outside. Br-rr ... He always liked the Russian bath, and especially on such frosty evenings. She, too, did not mind, because He knew how to give Her body extraordinary lightness in various ways ... His hands never tired of gliding over her delicate skin, combining subtle touches with intense massaging, He worked perfectly with two brooms in the steam room, dispersing waves of bliss throughout the body, in the end, managed to do a good job with sesko ...

How long are they close? Long time ago ... Close? ... If you can call it that. After all, as a matter of fact, they know about each other and now no more than at the first meeting in a cafe, when He didn’t really know how to start a conversation, and Her head was filled with completely different things than receiving pleasure ... But, it seems, , this state of affairs suits them both. After all, they met not at all to be together all the time. They are still free from each other, and only once every two weeks on Friday they indulge in rest and enjoyment ... In a different way, in principle, they shouldn't be - they are so different ... They never discussed why they met and if this question was raised, they tried to avoid answering. Obviously, each had its own goals, and maybe just wanted something at a particular moment. No, they both know that they can stop these meetings at any time, but why? It seems to them both not bad on these Friday nights ... And the rest of the days they spend in their worlds, absolutely different from each other. And only Friday is the day when their worlds intersect ... And at the junction of these two worlds, sometimes there is peace, sometimes fun, and most often passion ...

And now, after very contrasting procedures, He comes to Her and begins to cover Her body with cooling kisses, which only warm up a new desire in Her ...

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