It was getting dark outside. Passersby, wrapping themselves tightly in their clothes, were returning home. I sat in a cafe by the window and waited for you. To be honest, I already at the very thought of your appearance became tight in the pants ... After all, we told each other a lot of things, which made the blood literally boil and the desire spread throughout the body.

And here you enter. In an elegant business suit - in a black skirt, under which the most solitary hips and an appetizing ass were guessed, and in a white blouse under a jacket, where there were two magnificent hillocks ...

I offered to take a seat at another table, in a secluded corner, where no one would pay attention to him would not interfere with us.

You drink small sips of hot coffee, tiredly talking about the past working day. I myself see that you are tired, so I move up and find myself behind you. My palms gently touch your hair, stroke your head, relieving the tension that has accumulated during the day. My fingers penetrate the very thick of your silky hair, forcing you to close your eyes with pleasure. Your breathing becomes calmer, gradually daytime thoughts of care leave your head, making room for evening fantasies. My fingers gently stroke your ears, sometimes the palms slide down to the neck, sometimes drop below and caress it slowly and gently. You completely relax, fatigue gradually leaves your body. And kisses are added to my hands, almost weightless, lips slightly touching the delicate skin of your neck from behind, from the side and coming forward. Already waves of pleasure and desire gradually seize your body. Your hands slide on the table in time with my movements over your body.

I gently undo the button on your blouse. You do not see my face, but you can believe that I feel real pleasure. My fingers slide down your lush breasts, reaching the edge of her bra. I will not cross this boundary and slide along it. I feel how my caress responds to your body. It becomes hotter and more excited. Then my finger still crosses this lace border and is already on the thin fabric of her bra. Descends below until it feels elastic protrusion. And then I start to drive a finger around him, making it extremely gentle. You are already completely fascinated by this, forgetting that we are in a cafe, and move your body towards my movements. Your mouth is ajar, the tongue sometimes licks the thirsty lips ... Finally, I decide to stop this torture and my hand rests on your chest. You let out a stifled moan. I already caress you with my whole hand, and you are all melting into bliss ...

But the limits of decency do not allow me to go further and I change my place. I sit opposite, right next to you. My hand goes down on your knee. Under your stockings, I feel a fine tremor of voluptuousness that spreads from the lower abdomen all over my body. My palm begins a new slow journey, this time upwards. From my knees I rise higher and higher, approaching the cherished goal. But I do not want to hurry, so my path is very slow and winding. My palm is carefully studying all your beautiful legs, exciting you more and more ... And here it is - the strip behind which the black thin matter ends and the soft, burning skin begins. As if in indecision I freeze and before this transition, circling around, as if trying to find the best way. But ... you do not let me do this by moving your body towards my hand ... My fingers are on the thirsty, burning surface. My member is already very closely ... But he still awaits a reward, but for now I continue my caress. A waiter passes by, looking suspiciously at us, but my fingers almost feel the heat emanating from your womb, so I do not back down. And here I get to another obstacle - the edge of your panties.This time my movements along it cause you to have such emotions that you can no longer hold back with squeezing my hand with your legs. My hand is in a delightful captivity ... Suddenly you loosen your grip, get up and whisper to me that you can no longer tolerate it. I quickly pay the waiter, get into the car and drive to the nearest hotel, where we can quench my passion ...

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