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and happily nodded my head ... I squeezed the clutch, turned on the ignition, turned on the speed and at full throttle jumped out of the yard. The car zapetlyala on the web of Moscow roads in the direction of the Dmitrovskoe highway ... On the way, we otovarilis in the supermarket: we bought to eat and already three bottles of champagne, Natalia, as it turned out, loves him very much. Otovarilis and drove further ... Roll, roll, and Natalia nestles closer to me, climbs right at me. I told her: “Natasha! Well, wait, you sit quietly, I'm driving ... "And she:" I can not! I already know what I want! ”He lifts his skirt, no panties, spreads his legs, takes my hand and puts it on his pussy. And there everything is already, well, so wet, well, as if pissed ... "Gray!" - asks Natashka, - "Well, let's stop somewhere! I can not anymore! Well fuck me! ”

And again, something hysterical in her voice is heard as if drunk. There is nothing to do, I get up on the side of the road, lower the back of her chair, lower my pants and go ahead. Half an hour of her eb, eb-eb eb-eb eb-eb, eb without stopping ... until her cunt ate ... I didn’t finish myself, really like nothing, but still enjoyed it: good when you are so nice to a woman so sweetly you do and she reacts like that. Direct pride for ourselves, for its capabilities appears ... In short, we fucked and went further ... Natasha opened the bottle of champagne herself, began to drink from the throat, she was tormented by thirst. I, too, took a couple of times a sip ... Probably fifteen minutes passed ... I look: I began to heat up again, I rubbed the handle between my legs again ... And she giggles, laughs so fuckingly ... I say: "You all the same first-class ... I have never seen such ... you probably have no place left yet, but you still can’t get enough ... but there was a time everyone was tormented, everything was ashamed that you were cheating on your husband ... "And she: “And now I’m ashamed, I’m still ashamed ... and I love him anyway, so you want to believe, you want not ... I just can’t do anything with myself ... I can’t u and everything is here ... I can’t live with his damm alone anymore ... I don’t have the strength to restrain myself ... to live without your damn ... ”And he climbs his head under the steering column to my fly, runs it , takes out her favorite toy from it, takes it into her mouth ... I pull out, squeeze out all her 150 km / h from the car, and at this time the woman sucks my dick, professionally sucks like the last slut ...

I put it in five seconds and quickly began to lead me to orgasm ... I just managed to slow down sharply and on this hard braking I finished Natah in my mouth. From under the helm came her choking sniffing, smacking, lowing ... and I bent her head more and more towards me with both hands, forcing me to swallow deeper and deeper. When I lifted Natasha by her hair, my sperm ran down her chin, and my eyes almost got out of orbit — I almost choked her. Eyes pointlessly rotated. “Now you ...!” She said, and crashed into her chair, lifting her legs wide apart. I had to climb on it again and shove it again ... And so on to infinity ... With such pit stops, we reached the dacha only by ten o'clock. It was already getting dark ... I imagined what was coming up for me this night: either to die or accomplish the feat, one of the two, the other was not given ... I didn’t feel like dying, it was still early, but there was no strength for the feat ... had a little rest. But, it turned out, Natashka understood this herself. She was not only a great trash, but also an ingenious mistress. Of all the products harvested by us, she cooked up such a dinner, and then I just licked, remembering him ... There was such meat, such potatoes ... and all this under champagne ... In general, all my fatigue passed at once ... We ate, sat down - went for a walk, by a scaffold, in the dark, to the reservoir ... Natashka suggested a swim. Well, undressed on the shore naked, embraced, sucked a little, then holding hands entered the water, swam ...

We are sailing, the moonlit path in front of us is lit ... we are playing ... like a seal with a hippopotamus ... I am Natalya on the sides, stroking, for boobs, legs, between them ... kissing in the water ... Good !!! The water is warm-warm and only the starry sky above us and the moon, and below us ... the abyss ... For a long time we swam like that, and the reservoir is huge, a little bit shorter and lost to the shore far from the place where we entered .. On the sandy coastal shallows, they even smoked a little bit, fumbled, got crumpled up, had fun ... Natasha laughed and her laughter was spread far and wide throughout the district ... I growled from a barely contained desire ... Here it is happiness, something ... naked woman on a moonlit night on the river bank to make love ... to love her, caress her, fuck her ... Natalia on ber crawled out with cancer, framed her ass ... well, I'm here-like-here ... go ahead! for the next assault on her pussy ... although, actually, I didn’t think to resist ... Then we walked for a long time by the shore ... naked, in the dark, like two ghosts ... For a long time, with Natalia, quickly because nothing happens . From time to time she pretended to cry out: “Oh scary !!!” and clung to me. I hugged her and whispered on the lips: “Let's be afraid together!” - “Come on!” And we fell into the night grass and again the melodies and rhythms of sexual intercourse spread around the district ... How many of our wanderings continued, one devil knows. But in the end we stumbled upon our clothes, threw T-shirts, and then it was already fresher, and after a while they went back to the cottage ...

There was still champagne there, we drank it, then warmed ourselves with vodka stored in a storeroom and, with a clear conscience, fell under a blanket on a wide country bed, specially made by me for group sex. The forces left us, or rather they no longer left. We fell asleep, as we died, closely clinging to each other ...


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