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The car was driving on the night road. It was already past three in the morning, and, apart from this old "five", there was no one on the highway. The high beam headlights burned brightly, snatching out of the darkness rare country houses, roadside trees and scaring owls sprawled on the side of the road - at night they liked to lie on the asphalt heated during the day. The driver drove the car with the maximum speed that she was capable of - about a hundred kilometers per hour. He hurried home. His friend was dozing in a nearby seat with an open bottle of beer sandwiched between his legs. Actually, Sanya — that was the name of the driver — did not like it when someone was sleeping in the front seat, but now he decided not to pay attention. They were returning from a small village where Sanina's mother-in-law lived in the summer. More precisely, not only the mother-in-law, but also the test. and his wife, Sanina, who has been with them for two weeks. In fact, her absence was not Sanya, but he, fearing her unexpected arrival home, decided to investigate what was happening. He invited his friend Seregu with him - the two of them are more fun, and the road is not close - almost 200 kilometers, you never know. Met them well - laid the table, vodka and moonshine flowed like a river. In the midst of the feast, Sanya suggested that his wife retire in the attic or in the garden, but received a decisive rebuff — she was reluctant, and if he was so impatient, he had two whole hands. The mood was spoiled, and he soon declared that he had urgent business in Moscow and that they were going home tomorrow. Seryoga did not understand anything - they were going to go for 2-3 days, but did not argue. However, it was not possible to leave in the morning - while they were hung over, while they were sleeping, while that-that ... So they left already after dark, after dinner. Serega, who had time to eat even at dinner, was dozing, and Sanka sadly recalled how two years ago his wife could whisper to him at the height of some party: “Get out half a minute after me and go to the bathroom.” And he found her there leaning his hands on the edge of the bathroom, with jeans down to his knees. A few minutes later they were satisfied, returned to the table. Well, oh well, to hell with it. Tomorrow is a day off, and he will spend it with benefit. The main thing - to decide exactly how, more precisely - who exactly. Olga? She is plump and ugly, and fed up with order. But - not married, there is always time, and trouble-free. A call - and after an hour and a half, she is already in your bunk. Katya? This is better, but because of the husband, it can rarely, you have to negotiate in a week. Remove someone for grandmother? Grandmother enough, but also unknown, what will you run into. It may be great, but maybe later you will be sorry for the money.

“Okay,” Sanya decided. - We'll get to the house, have a drink, sleep off, and we'll see. How the chip will fall. ”

At this moment Serega woke up.

- San, where are we? Is that not yet Volokolamka?

- It is still about thirty kilometers.

- No dick myself!

Serega took a sip of beer and reached into his pocket for cigarettes.

- And why would you rush home rush?

- It would take a long time to explain this.

- Once you say - "long" - it means you do not want.

- Yes, I did not give Tanka yesterday. I freaked out.

- I won over my two months already does not give, I'm not freaking out.

- Everyone has their own cockroaches. Uh, Seryoga, look!

Headlights lit going on the side of the girl. The car went quickly, and soon the lonely figure was left behind. Sanya managed only to notice that she was quite young and dressed in a denim sarafan.

- And is not afraid at this time alone on the road to walk? - Seryoga was surprised, taking a sip of beer. “After all, the night is at least one eye and not a soul around.”

Sanya did not answer. He slowed down before a sharp turn, turned, smoothly slowed down, and, putting out the lights, slid to the side of the road.

- you what? Broke down? - Anxiety sounded in Seryogin's voice.

- No, everything is okay. I have a thought.

- Well?

- And let her?

- What are you, fucked? In the slammer wanted?

- Not. I know how to do. Listen!

- Yes, I do not want to listen to it even!

- Until you listen, I will not go further.

- So it is better to spend the night here in the bushes than because of the pussy for the top ten!

- Well, can you listen? If I have thought up nonsense, you will explain to me and we will go further.

- Well, go ahead. - Seryoga gave up.

- So. To put us, you need three things. 1. To she said. 2. To the cops in this case took. 3. To find us.

- And what's stopping this?

- Seki next. Now we are driving it into a car, driving it to the lake, then turn right and five kilometers along the country road. We undress there, make us suck and leave. The police station in the district center, there are about ten kilometers, and all 15 kilometers from the lake. Until she gets to them, we will be in the bunks at home. Yes, and they will not take from her! You thought - they need expertise for the court, but what about the expertise? Gastric juice? And most importantly - she will not declare!

- Why?

- Here is the province. Tomorrow, the whole district will know that two pedestrians were fucking her in the mouth. Yes, she did not give the passage!

- It's right. How do we make her?

- Let's scare. And what - in the course of the deal. You will be a bad boy, rude, cruel. And I am a good one. I will offer her to suck to save from the horrors that you will describe to her. A knife with you?

- With myself.

Seryoga took out a flick-out knife from a back pocket of jeans, bought in a stall near Paveletsky railway station.

“She'll be fine soon.” Choose a place for an ambush, but for now I’ll cover the numbers.

- What?

- I have a graphite grease.

Everything went according to plan. Half an hour later, the car went forward again. In the backseat, Seryoga squeezed a sobbing girl and tickled her throat with a knife blade.

- What is your name, kitty?

- Ok ok ok ...

- Well, Ksyusha, you will soon realize that it’s bad so late to walk. Hey, Lech, she has such a solid breast. And then, that under the sarafan, eh?

Obviously, the girl tried to resist. Sanya heard a brief fuss, interrupted by the ringing sound of impact.

- If you try to contradict us again, we will leave you a cripple for the rest of your life! - Seregin voice sounded pretty menacing.

- Do not, boys, please let me go, I beg you!

- Let go, just a couple of times we finish - let go. Unless, of course, you will be a good girl.

- No, boys, let go, I can not!

- All possible, and you can not? - Seryoga obviously mocked.

- I ... I am a girl yet. I can not.

- Long time I did not tear girls! Are you going to nuns?

- No, I have a wedding in a year!

- So what? What did he fuck you?

- Not. He told me that he would sleep with me for the first time on the eve of the wedding, and if I wasn’t pussy, he would cancel the wedding! Release, and!

- Yes, you're lying all! Told you, fuck - then let go. May be.

Sanya was slowly driving along a country road and listening to the conversation. If the girl does not lie, then the situation develops successfully - she is afraid of losing virginity and does not want publicity. It's time for the “good boy” to appear on the scene.

“Hey, Semyon,” Sanya called the first name that came to mind. - Wait a tyranny girl. Are you really not lying to us?

- Yes, I swear my life, I swear to God, if you will!

- Yes, she's lying all! A year later she married, and all in the guts!?

- And how old are you?

- 17. I really did not lie a single word!

- Why did she go alone?

- I ...

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