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Sergey had been waiting for this trip for a long time. More precisely, not just this one, but any one and not actually “waited” but simply “wanted”. His position did not require departures from the city, so he could only listen to the stories of colleagues who returned to the editorial office, drink local vodka brought from different cities as a souvenir and envy. There was no money, no time to go somewhere myself - and I wanted to break away, “see the world” and take a break from my family. And then, finally, it happened. Sergey managed to achieve some success - not such, of course, to be promoted or to give a cash bonus, but quite enough to send him on a two-day business trip to the city of N. And even buy him tickets for a sleeping car.

Sergey took the trip very seriously. Two hundred dollars were withdrawn from the stash and exchanged for small bills. “Enough for two days,” reasoned Sergey. “Girls are cheaper in N. than in Moscow.” On the train with him, he bought delicious snacks - mussels in a jar, chocolate, and a bunch of similar nonsense. From drinks - vodka, brandy and champagne. “If you’re not lucky and the train doesn’t have anything interesting, I’ll take you back, and if you’re not lucky, I’ll bring back to Moscow.” However, alcohol on anyone and on a business trip will come in handy, ”he decided.

He was lucky - a woman was a neighbor in the double compartment. She came in after him, when Sergei was already reading the newspaper and drinking expensive beer from a can. Actually, Sergey read the newspaper only for the sake of appearance - all the same, the words did not add up to him. Yes, and beer was bought only for show off. Sergey waited, waited, who would be his companion for that night.

When the door opened, his heart sank. He slowly pulled away from the newspaper and met his eyes. A slender woman of about thirty in jeans and a vest, putting on a decent size chest smiled at him with the tips of her lips and greeted. Sergey answered, politely getting up from the seat. A neighbor put her bag on the shelf and went out into the corridor without closing the door behind her. Sergey forgot about the newspapers and admired her ass-pulled jeans, trying to figure out the shape of the panties through the folds. He himself was surprised at his luck. Of all the possible options fell out the best. Could be a man, could be an elderly aunt or a very young first-year student, who would immediately rush to the conductor with a request to share her in a compartment with a woman: And this: married, or was married, for sure there are children. He knows exactly what he wants and if there is a desire to have some fun on the road, he will not break.

The train started moving. The woman entered, closed the door behind her, and sat down, staring out the window. Sergei decided not to rush things - now the conductor had to go for the tickets. Then it is impossible to delay - the stranger can go to the dining car. Fifteen minutes later a thick conductor collected tickets. Sergey's neighbor ordered coffee and buried herself in a small motley paperback book. Having waited while the conductor brought coffee, Sergey began to pull out delicacies from the bag and place them on the table. Then he spoke carefully.

- Sorry to distract you from reading: So it turned out that you have to celebrate your birthday on the train: Do you not join? Somehow I do not want one. I took something with me here: However, if you like, you can go to a restaurant.

The woman closed the book and sat down. I looked around the table, smiled strangely.

“What will you drink,” continued Sergey. - Cognac, champagne?

The woman laughed.

- As for the birthday, it was you who thought it out well, although it was not new. In other words, the plot is standard: Binge, dinner, gradually turning into sex.The difference is mainly in the final: if you are decisive enough, then you will start to touch me after the third glass, and then, maybe everything will go well - for you, of course, if not - you will climb after four hundred grams and you will not be good for anything not able to. I guess?

When she began to speak, Sergey was terribly embarrassed, but by the end of the monologue he recovered and was even glad. “If the bull takes him by the horns so quickly, then the chance is good,” he thought to himself and decided to play along with her.

- - Yes, the script is not new, but agree (he also decided to switch to “you”), a classic one. And the new one is like? So that I silently, without saying a word, would you have attacked?

- I would get in the face.

- Well, I do not rush, but I suggest to have dinner and drink

- You forgot the word "first"

- In terms of?

- You should have said: “I don’t rush, but I suggest to FIRST to have dinner and drink”. By the way, you didn’t say how you are with determination. Everything is good?

Sergey felt somehow uncomfortable. He fished a bottle of brandy out of his bag and began to open it.

- Well, judging by how you grabbed the alcohol, with determination you are not very.

Sergey dismantled anger.

- Listen. You and I are not fifteen years old. You are a smart girl and quickly saw through my intentions. Once through, then take them or not. We can go to bed right now, we can after dinner. We can not go at all, I will not force you. So there is nothing to pin up on me.

- Ok, sorry, don't start. My tongue is my enemy. Did you decide not to offer brandy on this?

- No, God forbid.

Sergey poured brandy into the second glass, broke the chocolate bar.

- I beg.

Woman soaked up a glass

- Well, for you, like, a birthday man. By the way, when is your birthday?

- In a month

- All the same for you

- No, then for you, if I am so shamefully exposed

- Well, then for us.

They clinked glasses and drank.

- We, by the way, are not familiar yet.

- My name is Ty. Only, for God's sake, do not say that this is a rare name.

- And me - Sergey. Just do not say that this name is too often found.

They both laughed.

- Well, Seryozha, let's get acquainted for one more

- Do you want to sing me?

- Not. Maybe I myself am gaining the courage.

- You do not impress cowardly.

- I'm not a coward. If it was just about sex, I would have already hugged you

- What is it about? What kind of difficult sex?

- So far there is no question. More precisely goes - that it is time to pour

“Surely an alcoholic,” thought Sergey, pouring the third. - Now get drunk. Well, if you disconnect, then even fuck her like a rubber doll. And then something else will start kolobrodit, a snowstorm to drive some. Okay, then I demand that they transfer me to another compartment. He poured on the third. After the third glass, the woman's eyes gleamed, her cheeks flushed. It was evident that she was drunk. Sergey leaned over the table and took her hands in his.

- Well, is it time to show determination?

- To me? Yes, probably.

- Well, let's show it together - Sergey began, but Taya stopped him with a gesture.

“I had the courage to talk to you.” More precisely, to offer you something.

- All the attention.

- You see, sex is, of course, great. But there are things that I love even more.

- For example?

- Risk. Risk and excitement.

- And what do you suggest?

- What I propose: the game. We will play with you. Come on, you know how:. You need to play on something, otherwise it's not interesting, right? If we were younger, we could play strip games: But at our age: It’s not that, you know. Both sides are ready to play there - all the more all the participants know how it will all end ...

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