Heck! No matter how Tanya was in a hurry, the last bus went out from under her nose. She didn’t even believe it until his lights disappeared into the dark. Trying to pull herself together (and after drinking liquor and champagne, it was not easy), she thought. Polozhenitsa was really awful. The time is 23:30. She is 20 km from the house, and the next bus is only at 7:00 am. Husband will return from work at two o'clock in the morning and if she doesn’t find her: Just an hour ago the plan seemed to her ingenious: she doesn’t say anything to her husband - and he hasn’t let her go anywhere alone - to go to Lenka for her birthday, to return before his arrival and fall asleep. Then he will not notice that she drank, and he doesn’t smell it - surely, as always, he will “take it to the chest” with the men after the shift. And what to do now? Back to Lenka? Of course, she will let it go, but she has one room, she left this one her new: They could not wait until Tanya left for the bus. Yes, and the main problem - with her husband - it does not solve.

Need to get home. Need to catch a ride. She was mortally afraid of traveling, since her friend, then a 16-year-old virgin, was dragged into the car by some guys. She returned home only after two days and then spent almost a year in hospitals - first in gynecology, then in psychiatric. And when she left the hospital, she immediately left the village, without saying goodbye to anyone. She was terribly afraid of Tanya, but she had no other way out. However, she noticed a kiosk at the bus stop and a wonderful thought occurred to her. She will hide in the shade of the trees and watch. Sooner or later, some driver will stop to buy, say, cigarettes. She will be able to consider it and estimate whether it is worth the risk. And if you're lucky, it will be a woman. Praising her ingenuity, Tanya waited. Time was slow. At first, two completely drunk hard workers arrived at ZIL - they bought beer and swore for a long time that there was no vodka.

Then the company of some youths. Only the third time she was lucky. From some foreign cars (Tanya did not understand the cars), a well-dressed man of about 35 came out. A denim suit, expensive sneakers, a mobile phone on a belt. “It is immediately obvious that there is no shantrap or a gangster. Probably, I was going to visit and someone, ”Tanya thought, and decided to take a chance. She came out of hiding and became a stranger as if in a queue. He bought a lot - champagne, beer, candy. Tanya really liked that he behaved politely, called the girl saleswoman for “you”, said “be kind” and “thank you very much”. Immediately obvious - an intelligent person. When he took the loaded bag and was going to move away from the stall, she decided: “Sorry, please: I was late for the bus: They were waiting for me at home. Maybe if you are on the way, will you give me a lift to the Chernovilka? ”The man smiled broadly:

- No problem, sit down.

- Now, I'll just buy something.

- Yes, I'll wait, come to the car.

Tanya decided to celebrate her success with a half-liter jar of “gin and tonic” and after 10 minutes she drank it, enjoying the velor interior and quiet music. After a few sips, she fell into sleep and she fell asleep.

Tanya woke up from silence. The car did not go anywhere, but simply stood. The driver quietly smoked, sipping beer. The music was also turned off. Outside the windows - a solid darkness.

- Ah, I woke up. That's good. Get out of the car.

- Where are we?

- In p-de. Get out, I said.

- But: but we did not come? Where are we?

- How should I know? I'm not from here. You fell asleep. I wanted to turn, I turned, drove about twenty kilometers. Now I'm tired of rolling you. So get out.

- And how can I get home?

- It does not bother me. I think peshochkom. By morning you will be. If you do not get lost, of course.

- Why are you so? What have I done to you?

- Nothing. And if you do it in half an hour you will be at home.

- What will I do?

- Minetik, beauty, minetik. You have to pay for everything.

- But we did not agree! - Tanya immediately sobered up.

- And we did not agree. In short, either take it in your mouth or get out.

- Bastard! Tanya jumped out, slamming the door, she was trembling with indignation. Bastard!

The horror of the situation was also in the fact that she did not even kill, she knew in which direction to go. Darkness, even if the eye - on both sides of the road darkened the forest. Tanya began to cry and went on the road at random. Five minutes later, when she had already had time to hurt herself and break the heel, a rumbling of the engine sounded from behind. The stranger caught up with her and drove close.

“Fool,” he began to admonish her through the window. For five minutes, you are at home. And so: You do not even know the road. It's already half past one, at home you will not know when. Yes, and how lucky. There are a lot of military units. There will be guys from AWOL under hmelkom return, never would miss such a chick. So it's better to come with me. Tanya has long since realized in her heart that this is the only way out. Breaking pride, she nodded. The man immediately stopped the car and opened the door in front of her. He turned on the light in the cabin (“I love it to be seen”) and lowered his seat. Overcoming weak resistance, forced Tanya to take off her blouse and bra. Then he took off his pants and lay back. Tanya sucked somehow aloof, hoping that he would finish quickly. But after five minutes, the rapist commanded: “Take off your jeans!” Tanya again tried to resist - she understood what was coming after this, but she also understood that now she is in full power of this person.

Her head ached, she wanted to go home, and she began to pull off her jeans with one desire - let this scumbag fuck her as quickly as possible and take her home. She meekly got out of the car, and, laid down, as he ordered - live on the hood, highly otkrychiv ass. Stand was very uncomfortable. Seeing this, the man turned her face to himself, lifted it and put Tanya on the warm hood. She herself spread her legs. His excited cock was right in front of her vagina. He entered her - Tanya was a little painful, because it was dry there - and began to fuck her slowly, drawing pleasure. After a few minutes, he twitched and finished with a low moan. Tanya had no spirals, she even had a thought to ask the rapist not to cum into her, but she remained silent, realizing that in the best case this would lead to nothing, and at worst - he would decide to cum in her mouth, or, don’t let God, in the ass. “Okay, maybe, it will carry it,” she decided.

Meanwhile, the man pulled away from her and Tanya began to get off the hood. The rapist watched, and when the woman got down, he commanded: "So, and now kneel down - and in the mouth." Tanya limply obeyed - dropped on hard asphalt and began to suck limp cock, smelling her own discharge. After a couple of minutes, the penis began to harden, and after another five minutes (Tanya’s lips were already burning and her knees hurt unbearably) she had to swallow a few drops of sperm.

“Well, that's all, and you are koben,” the man said calmly, pulling on his pants. - Get dressed, let's go.

On the highway, they drove out in about three minutes. “I lied, you bastard,” Tanya thought indifferently. - Lied that twenty kilometers from the highway drove off. Specially scared to fuck me. There are two kilometers, no more. And up to the village on the highway, too, turned out to be three kilometers. Tanya recognized this turn - she and her husband more than once went to mushrooms here. She looked at her watch - fifteen minutes past one. If she had orientated herself and wasn’t confused, she would have calmly reached on foot. Here is a bastard!

They arrived silently. Only near the house a man crookedly grinned and said hello to her husband. Tanya looked after the car leaving, tried to remember the number. Then she thought: “Why?” - and went home. Before the arrival of her husband was still half an hour.

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