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already cynically and rudely used, and maybe subjected to cynical mockery this time.

She came that evening not as late as the previous one. But she was drunk as much. In general, at that time we could talk normally only if one of us was drunk. Otherwise, we did not get anything.

Lida again told me everything, sitting in the kitchen.

No, there was nothing special. Oleg gave her money back. Only offered to drink with him for the success of his business. The photographer was again present at the meeting. This boy looked at Lida without stopping, clinked with her, and, in the end, Oleg noticed this. He looked around the studio, grinned encouragingly and said:

“And what, Kolya, you look at Lidochka so much that you eat right now. So do not be shy. I think Lidochka will not refuse. She is now not the first time. True?"

The words stuck in Lida's throat. This she still did not expect. Give it to the boy photographer. But that is exactly what happened. But she was not told to undress. Only ordered to unbutton the top buttons of the dress. She did it and the photographer put her on the ground on all fours and then took her to the dog. He wrapped the hem of the dress over her head, lowered the panties to the knees, and in that position took her like an animal. And she began to behave like an animal. Lida immediately felt like an animal, miserable, accessible, she looked at everything that was happening from the side, with the eyes of Oleg.

Just two weeks ago, he met her at the house of her friend, and then she was a decent woman, a teacher at the institute, and so on. And several weeks later, like a miserable little bitch in a dress wrapped around her head and knees on the floor, she was standing with cancer and anyone who wants it, this lustful boy, for example ... And she, unable to contain his own feelings, thankfully moves his body towards him all, howls from the sweet passion that has seized her, groans ...

When the photographer finished and let her go, Lida got up, all red, gasping and adjusting her dress. Oleg offered her a drink again and then took advantage of his mouth, this time also greedily opened.

Then he no longer detained her and, having given the money, he let go.

Now she was sitting in front of me again. Not even a week passed, as we understood that it could not continue like this, and we should take some steps towards rapprochement. We decided that now, when everything was over, Oleg had left our city forever, money had been received and even a winter coat had already been bought on them, we should always forget about this story from beginning to end. This was the only correct decision. We both agreed on that. It is impossible to live, knowing that your wife in the shower is a whore, and the husband actually released her so that she could earn money on her coat with her body. What kind of family ... So we agreed.

But life did not want to leave everything as it is, and gave us a new test.

It happened about a month later.

Lida walked into the audience, where she was supposed to conduct an alternate lesson, and felt that something was wrong. An unusual excitement reigned in the audience, everyone gave something to each other, and with her appearance they calmed down and began to look at her in a strange way.

In the hands of an awkward student, Lida saw the bright pages of a sadly familiar erotic magazine. She immediately understood everything. Yes, and it was not necessary to see the magazine itself. It was enough to look at the excited faces of the students, at their arrogant views, at how oil and unkindly they look with their eyes on her - their teacher. Lida was always a very strict and demanding teacher, and it was all the more pleasant for these punkers to enjoy what they had just learned about her.

Having understood everything and assessed the situation, Lida no longer thought about anything.Faster than lightning, she flew out of the auditorium, then ran through the institute corridor, ran into the street and ran to the station. It's not too far.

Our whole town knew that if we were selling some reprehensible editions, then, of course, only on trays near the station. This is the usual place for this kind of publications. That's it to the station and ran Lida.

She found the required publication rather quickly. She walked through the crowd of the onanist railway station — the usual readers of such a reading book — she grabbed a bright journalist, and immediately, on the cover, saw herself ...

Reaching home, Lida fell on the sofa and sobbed. True, the tears rolling from her hail could not stop her from time to time leafing through the magazine, finding in it more and more new photographs. Here she was in her underwear and completely naked, exposing shamelessly, but her genitals. She was captured alone and in company with Renat, who tirelessly had her in all the crown poses ...

Every time she saw a new photo, she shuddered and began to sob even more.

In our town, in general, all the news diverged very quickly, and such ... Never before have erotic publications ever diverged as quickly as this unfortunate magazine. The whole city seemed to be reading it. The whole institute is for sure. Last hopes fell. On the third day I was invited to my old rector. He looked at me for a long time with a sympathetic look, and then confusedly blew his nose into a scarf.

“You know, I really do not know what to tell you. They called me here ... And not one person. Yes, you know ... You give, of course ... Your spouse, yes ... that. Very good, of course, but ... "

In a word, the old rector, in the end, gained courage and said that the new times are new times, and order is order. And that no one wants adventure.

Watching all these days at Lida was scary. She is ho-dila, afraid to lift her eyes off the ground. And rightly so, by the way. Because there were plenty of people willing to look into her eyes and burst out laughing. The same can be said about my stupid position. "The greed of Fraer was killed."

We could no longer remain in our town after all that had happened. The winter coat bought at such a price still had to be sold. We did not have enough money to move to another place. It has always been expensive, and now it is not at all cheap. So we had to drop everything and move to another city where no one knows us.

No, we did not break up with Lida. That would be stupid of her, and of mine too. When she was on the first evening, returning torn from Oleg, she said it was my fault, it was, of course, partly right. Who, if not I, allowed her to become a model. And what did I think about it? Could he really count on something else?

Do I regret what happened? I do not know. In any case, it seems to me that the story that has happened has helped Lida and I to better understand ourselves and each other. And what could be more expensive in family life than mutual understanding of loving spouses?

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