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Renat subjected her. Lida could not resist and put her hand into her vagina. At the same time she felt how hot it was, how wet everything flowed over her hand. It was she who expired from the animal life that had enveloped her. There was no more shame in her, she did not feel awkwardness.

The men looked at her and laughed. She heard it and even heard jokes that they, without hiding, the release on her account. But she didn't care anymore. For a second she even thought it was all pleasant. She was excited by this even more ...

Finally, when she was completely exhausted, she was released. Now she herself did not know if she wanted to. Looking at the men standing over her with a meaningless look, Lida lay in the strange position in which Renat wanted to throw her when he was satisfied and heard the words of the employer that everything had already been shot.

Lida was helped to get up, was given another drink. She asked to fill the glass again. And then another. She wanted to drink a little more, so that for at least a few hours not to think about what was done to her.

Oleg helped her to get dressed, she herself could not do it with shaking hands, and then he kicked her out the door, patting her ass again goodbye. At the same time, he said that now in a week she could come for a fee.

Now Lida was sitting in our kitchen in front of me. She told herself everything that happened to her. I looked at her tired face, at her disheveled hairstyle, and could not fully believe what she had just said to herself. It could not be she. I knew my wife very well. She is not capable of anything. A decent educated woman, a mother and a wife, without any violence, gave herself to two rude and arrogant men in the eyes of a third who did not take her himself only because he probably did not want to ...

How could you believe it? I helped Lida get up from the chair and led her into the bedroom. She undressed and we went to bed. Not knowing what to do, I leaned over to my wife and put my arm around her shoulders. She buried her in my shoulder and burst open. *

Lida’s face was in the pillow next to mine and I could now clearly feel her breath. It was mixed with the smell of cognac, the smell of cigarettes, and something else, so familiar and unusual at the same time ... After a split second, I realized that it was the smell of semen. Of course, I never had to sniff someone else's sperm ... But Lida had to not only sniff today!

For some reason this suddenly made me very excited. I picked up the blanket and threw it away. Having understood my intentions, Lida, always so affectionate and waiting for affection, suddenly recoiled and cringed her whole body into a ball.

“No, I ask you, please, do not need it now. I beg you, I can not, ”muttered Lida, trying to move away to the edge of the bed. She was so pathetic and distraught at that moment. But, as you know, the loss of a woman always serves her a disservice ... The same thing happened this time. I reached out and resolutely took hold of her pubis ...

And here came the moment when I finally believed everything she had just told me. At the same time I regretted that I did not obey her and really did not leave me alone.

Not every husband is ready for such trials. Not every man is prone to such strong feelings. My hand literally plunged into a soft hot mash. There was no familiar body of my wife. What I felt with my own hand could not be called anything but a mash-up. Not a single centimeter of solid, solid, not crumpled, not insured flesh. It really was a hollow, which had just been broken by all the rules ruthlessly. At the edges everything was wet, fluid flowed everywhere, my palm sank ...

“I can't right now, honey, I can't,” Lida moaned, wriggling with her whole body. - I don't feel there is anything. It was as if everything was numb there ... I told you. "

Until now, I can not explain myself his act, not what I did was terrible. Despite the moans and pro-tests of poor Lida, I mastered her. I entered it and, having entered to the very end, to the limit of my possibilities, I felt that I was going deeper to where there was no end. It was a bottomless abyss. She squished under my body, she parted, moved apart, she was ready to devour me entirely ...

I will not describe what happened in our relations later, in the following days. I will not talk about how we tried not to look at each other, tried not to talk to each other. Only the presence of children at times forced us to exchange some empty and silly remarks.

We both felt animals in each other and now we couldn’t come to terms with it so immediately. Of course, we all think that this happens with anyone, but not with us, and that everyone else behaves like animals. But the case fell out, and now we have learned a lot about ourselves and about what dark lustful forces roam in us - before they thought that we perfectly know ourselves and each other. It is not always pleasant to face nose to nose with the truth about yourself and your closest person ...

I looked at Lida, when she was standing in a dressing-gown, bending over the table and helping her eldest daughter to prepare lessons, and thought about it ... I thought that this ass a couple of days ago helpfully stuttered under experienced with sticky hands, that she put herself under other phalluses, and she did it willingly, with a moan of voluptuousness. I looked at Lida's mouth - beautiful, made up, thinly outlined, saying the right words to her daughters now, and thought that this beautiful mouth would take a member of an unfamiliar man, caress it with his tongue, swallow it, and then thankfully allowed to pour into himself. In a word, this adorable mouth of mother and wife is a drainage cesspool for various impudent men. And after all, she herself said that she had finished at the same time more than once ... That was the catch.

A few days later, Oleg called and, politely greeting me, asked me to call Lyda to the phone. I saw how she was tense, going to the office, how she was flooded with paint, she was tensely talking ... Then, hanging up, she, looking away, told me that money had come, her fee, and Oleg invited her tomorrow to come to him to pay.

Of course, it was stupid to object to this.

In the end, after all, we started the whole business, for the money. As if foolishly and unexpectedly, everything would not have turned in the course of this business, now it would be completely foolish to refuse money. And not me, in fact, to go after them. Therefore, I did not say anything.

But the next day I again had to be a witness of how my wife was going to visit Oleg. She did not just go for the money. No, it was a whole ritual again. Chained to the couch with amazement, I watched for an hour how my wife lovingly rubs her body after a shower, how she stifles perfumes all over her body, how her hair looks thoughtfully and dreamily looking in front of her ...

Then she took a long time pulling on the clothes, looking at herself in the mirror each time, then choosing, putting on and pressing off her elegant dress ... She did it all in a de-monstrative way, not at all embarrassed by my presence. On the contrary, I even felt that the fact that I was looking at her and what I saw made Lida want to continue more strongly ... Love agony, passionate languor appeared in her eyes. She understood that she was going to a man who perceives her not only as a whore, a toy of her own fun, and a temporary source of income. He took advantage of her beautiful and cheap body for his own benefit, along the way he still got some physical pleasure, and now he treats her with all the contempt she can count on. Her position was unenviable, but I noticed that, probably, it was she who gave Lida some deep inner dignity, a loving attitude to her abused body ... She was going as if she was going to meet a loved one, and not to a dirty den, where her once ... Read more →

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