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read out Ivan Alexandrovich.

The men took Inna by the arms and legs, lifted and seated in a chair. Hands secured on the armrests with leather straps, spread their legs, slightly lifted them and put them on a stand, as in a gynecological office. But unlike the gynecological chair, the legs were also fixed with large-size belts. The neck was also fixed at the level of the back of the chair. The girl almost couldn't even turn her head.

- What a beautiful picture - sang Kranikov, walked over, bent down and carefully examined the crotch of the unfortunate girl. Through the divorced labia continued to leak secret. The girl tried to say something, but because of the solution she had injected, it turned out indistinctly.

“I wanted to be a gynecologist all my life, since I was at school,” he said, addressing the men who were standing nearby.

“How beautiful and beautiful is the device of the female genital organs,” he added, putting on a rubber glove.

The nearby men came closer, staring at the crotch of the unfortunate victim.

- This is the clitoris, the main female organ of pleasure - spoke Kranik, pushing the labia and pointing at a small process.

“And this is the entrance to the vagina,” he continued, pushing her labia more widely and pushing a finger into the vagina.

- There is still usually a hymen, but this bitch has of course no more.

The answer was the lustful laughter of men.

- But from this hole she pisses - added the failed gynecologist and pointed to her urethra.

Men, wanting to look at this miracle, bent even closer, and then the unexpected happened ... the girl pushed, pulled her pelvis and doused the curious with a stream of urine. The reaction was ambiguous ... someone screamed, someone laughed, someone began to wipe his face with his hands. Ivan Alexandrovich, who got the most, turned red as a cancer and made a terrible grimace.

- What are you doing, huh? - He shouted and with all his strength hit the girl with his fist in the face.

Having received the strongest blow to the face, Inna fainted for a moment, and when she awoke she laughed with an angry, shrill laugh, but the effect of the drug had not yet passed, so the laugh turned out more like a hiss.

“Well, you’ll get it now,” the imaginary gynecologist said and squeezed Inna's throat.

Laughter turned to a choked cough.

- Guys! Untie her, now we will arrange for her.

The men freed her neck and limbs from the bindings and moved back. Unhappy Inna continued to sit with her legs divorced, frantically gasping for breath. There was a huge bruise on her cheek face.

- Get up from the chair - said Ivan Ivanovich.

Exhausted girl barely got out of the chair. From fear, she trembled with all her body, not even trying to cover her nakedness. She stood in front of this crowd of scum, in the center stood this very doctor.

“Such a big girl and you write,” said Ivan Alexandrovich in a false, instructive tone.

- Well, we vyporem of course, a belt for your sweet ass. After all, writing at that age is absolutely unacceptable - he added, glancing cheerfully at his friends.

With these words, he pulled a belt out of his trousers and waved it in the air.

- Get on your knees in front of daddy.

Inna mumbled something plaintively, those present barely dismantled the words "do not" and "please."

- It is necessary, it is not necessary - it is up to me! - concluded the most important scoundrel, - get up to your knees brightly.

The girl threw up her hands, praying for mercy, Ivan Alexandrovich just waved his belt.

Crying, Inna dutifully knelt, hands rested on the floor. The doctor approached her, turned his back and cupped the side of the girl with his knees. I swung and lowered the belt on her buttocks. The girl screamed plaintively and jerked forward.

- Do not rush - the man whispered and hit again.

The belt left a bright pink strip on the white skin of her buttocks, the girl continued to squeal.

- Torturers, torturers! - Inna shouted in a stray tongue.

But it only inflamed this torturer more, the belt rose and immediately fell on her delicate skin. Stripes appeared one by one. The belt did not tear off the skin, but it nonetheless caused excruciating pain. The girl was extremely painful, she tried to escape, but Ivan Alexandrovich actually sat on her, clutching her knees more tightly with her knees. Inna could not bear the load and sank flat on the floor, almost suffocating from her own cry and from the burden of the torturer's body.

- Guys, join us! - making a few more blows, the psychiatrist shouted.

He himself moved away from the girl lying on the floor, but his place was taken by men. They had already pulled out their belts, and waved them triumphantly. The blows fell on Inna one by one, the men surrounded her slim, battered body. They beat on the buttocks, legs, on the back. The girl screamed in pain, hit her on the floor with her hands, trying to get up, but could not do it under a hail of blows. And the executioners have already entered into the taste ... one of them hit her with a belt buckle, drawing a red stripe on the girl's body. Others followed suit and blood appeared. Red stripes flashed here and there ... on the buttocks, on the back, on the shoulder blades. The girl was squirting saliva, screaming obscenities, but this, it seems, only wound up her executioners even more. A few blows followed in the neck area ... the scum continued to strip the insensible body, the unhappy girl lost her senses.

As if delirious, she saw herself in the car, she was covered with some kind of blanket, she was being carried somewhere. I heard some voices, but did not understand the meaning.

She came to her senses in her apartment, lying on the floor in the hallway in a small pool of blood. Her entire back was ripped off with belt buckles; she was nude, except for sneakers, which her tormentors never took off. There was a note on the floor with threatening content ... it said that no one should talk about what happened and in no case turn to the police, otherwise ... there was a further set of threats. Inna crumpled the note, buried her head in the floor and sobbed heart-rending.

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