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The night, outside the window is dark, only moonlight penetrates the window and slightly illuminates the bed. On the bed under the covers is a girl. She sleeps, but sees a terrible dream ... she rushes about in a dream, long blond hair scattered throughout the pillow.

- No no! Do not!! - the room shook shout.

Inna abruptly raised her torso and turned on the light, perspiration on her forehead, heavy breathing. Again this nightmare, he has been following her for a week now. The girl lit a cigarette and looked at the clock - midnight. Corrected nightie - from such a hectic sleep chest climbed out. And what to do with this nightmare? Inna did not know. Finishing a cigarette, she turned off the light and lay down again. I tried to imagine something pleasant and immediately fell asleep, my tired brain required rest, but I did not see a good sleep, but again I found myself in my nightmare ...

“You confess your sins, witch ?!” - booming thunderous bass.

In the dream, Inna sees herself as a simple village girl. She stands in the darkened hall, the torches in the corners disperse the darkness. Judging by the interior - this is the Middle Ages, the period of struggle with imaginary witches. Inna stands barefoot on the cold stone floor, on either side of her guards. The room is cold and smells of fear. Inna is dressed in a spacious peasant shirt and ankle-length skirt. Beautiful blonde hair waves fall on the neck and below, to the middle of the back.

“Do you admit, witch, that it was you who caused the hail that ruined the whole crop?” - Inna hears the same voice.

She looks up and sees in front of her an elderly man in a black robe, a thick white beard contrasts strongly with his clothes. On the chest hangs a large cross.

- No, no, it's not me! - the girl shouts and makes an attempt to escape, but two guards seize her by the shoulders and no longer escape.

A man takes a step towards her, the light of torches reflected in his black eyes.

“You are a witch and will answer for your crimes, you came to our city for good reason last fall, it was after you that drought and crop failure began in our city.” And this hail! He shouts out and hits the girl in the face with his palm.

Her head leans back, blood seeping from her broken chest.

“You will die, like all witches, but first we must receive recognition from you, that’s the law.” And I dare to assure you, we have the means for this. Maybe you confess and thereby ease your guilt?

- I have nothing to confess, it's not me! - with tears in his voice unhappy girl screams, but this plaintive crying does not change anything.

- The last time I ask ... recognize yourself a witch? The man asks sternly.

The girl does not respond, only sobs. In the room silence, you can hear the crackling of torches.

“But you confess, admit everything, the evil is reported by a man and gives a sign to the guards.”

One of them releases the girl and grabs her by the chin. He stares into eyes wet with tears for a long time, a trickle of blood from his broken lip runs down his chin, then with his other hand he abruptly strips off her skirt. The skirt falls to the floor, exposing the thin legs of the girl. The guard lowers his gaze and looks at her crotch ... the girl's crotch is framed by thick black pubic hair, the triangle of pubic hair is clearly visible when the flare is uneven.

“Look, Hans, are all witches so hairy there?” - he addresses to the second guard.

- Probably, when we took the wife of my cousin, she also had.

“To her torture room,” a man with a beard says sharply and moves to the wall. The key opens a massive oak door and offers to follow.

- No, no, don't! - the girl asks hysterically, but the guards seize her hands and drag her to the door. She rests, falls, and the guards dragged her resisting body by dragging on the stone floor. Her shirt bully, exposing her beautiful white breasts with pink nipples, but the guards continue to drag her to the door.The stone floor rips the skin off her backside, and the ominous door is getting closer. The girl continues to resist with all his might.

- Yes, stop you, unclean! - one of the guards shouts in the hearts and hits her on the head with a palm. Inna feels ringing in the ears, the body ceases to obey and now she is already in the dark, no sounds, no lights ...

The girl moans in her sleep. She saw this fragment of sleep several times, but could never wake up. She knows what will happen next, and it makes her heart tremble with fear and no strength to escape from this nightmare ...

The whole body is goose bumps, although it is hot enough. The girl lies on a wooden table, legs divorced and chained to the table with steel rings. Hands also divorced and chained with smaller steel rings. Stripped on the floor ass itches. But the body has the ability to move, and the girl begins to spin actively, inspecting the room. Of all the clothes on the girl remained only a shirt, and she is all smeared and torn. It's light enough, the room is smaller. The light radiates a burning fireplace by the wall opposite, there are two torches on the walls. In the corners there are some boxes, on the wall hang tongs, sticks, whips and some other incomprehensible tools. From all he saw a girl shudders. Suddenly, the same man with a beard and two guards comes out of the semi-darkness. Guards stand on both sides of the table, the man opposite.

“Once again entrusted to me by the church authorities, I once again ask you whether you are ready to confess to heretics,” says the man, his eyes flashing menacingly.

- I have nothing to confess! I'm not guilty of anything! - the girl shouts again, jerking her limbs.

- Well, let's get started - the man concludes and moves to the wall. At the same moment the strong hands of the guard break her shirt, and now she is completely naked, chained to the table. The legs are divorced, and the labia shamefully opened.

- Prepare everything here, I'll be back soon - says the man and hides behind the door. Inna is left alone with two guards.

“Pierre, have you ever had a witch?”

- Never, and really do not want.

- And I, perhaps, will try, I think that the holy father will not mind.

The girl feels the guard's fingers touch her left breast ... so they crush her breast, touch her nipple. His fingers are cold, but, nevertheless, the touch is pleasant. The nipple begins to harden. Meanwhile, the guard's palm drops below ... passes through the stomach, below, on the thigh, even lower, stroking the knee. Then rises, touches the inner thigh. Inna raises her head and watches him. And his hand already caresses her crotch ... fingers very gently feel the labia, then touch the clitoris. The girl groans and tries to move her legs, but her legs are securely fixed. The girl is extremely nice ... her vagina is moistened, a new moan flies out of her chest, breathing becomes quicker.

And then the door opens and the holy father appears in the doorway.

- So what are you doing here, lazy ?! - he says menacingly, entering the room.

- Decided to have some fun? This is then, first work! Prepare the tools!

The guard quickly withdraws his arm and moves to the wall. Inna is no longer pleasant, fear again engulfs her, under shame of a man, shame comes at her for her nakedness. Trying not to look at his holy father, she looks away and sees that the guard takes a whip and an iron bar off the wall. He pokes the end of the rod into the burning embers of the fireplace, and with a whip comes up to the holy father and awaits further instructions.

- It is necessary to turn it over - the holy father commands, and the second guard, who all this time was standing at the side of the table, takes the key from his pocket and undoes the steel ring on the girl's right hand. Then frees her left hand. But the legs remain in fetters. He grabs the girl by the chest and holds ...

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